2,536 research outputs found

    Cubic spline prewavelets on the four-directional mesh

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    In this paper, we design differentiable, two dimensional, piecewise polynomial cubic prewavelets of particularly small compact support. They are given in closed form, and provide stable, orthogonal decompositions of L^2(\RR^2). In particular, the splines we use in our prewavelet constructions give rise to stable bases of spline spaces that contain all cubic polynomials, whereas the more familiar box spline constructions cannot reproduce all cubic polynomials, unless resorting to a box spline of higher polynomial degree

    Floristic diversity of steppe territories near Poltava town (Ukraine)

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    Current progress in botany requires new claims for floristic research. Now the latter is not a simple species inventory of a separate local or regional flora but it needs coordination with recent results of critical taxonomic, nomenclatural and molecular phylogenetic investigations. Based on the fact that detailed research on steppes as a zonal type of vegetation in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine is very important for preservation of current steppe territories, the authors studied several territories with steppe vegetation near Poltava town (Poltava region, Ukraine). The key steppe territories found are situated near Abazivka, Rozhayivka, Kostochky, Buhayivka, Machukhy, Ivonchentsi and Zhuky villages. Data about steppe flora from only the first territory located between Abazivka and Rozhayivka villages including “Rozhayivskyi” local botanical reserve were early reported in literature sources while data about steppe vegetation of the other areas has never been published in detail. The full list of 401 vascular plant species found on these steppe territories with the frequency of distribution, major synonym names and references to current taxonomic papers for separate species are proposed. One of these species (Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L.) is a new alien for Poltava region. Taxonomy for all species was critically revised, nomenclature of several taxa (Dichoropetalum carvifolia (Vill.) Pimenov & Kljuykov, Erophila verna (L.) DC., Campanula canescens (Waldst. & Kit.) Roth) is discussed in detail. The name “Dichoropetalum carvifolium-chabraei (Crantz) Soldano et al.” is an invalid designation based on trinominal and must be rejected. The names Selinum chabraei Jacq. ex Murray, Peucedanum euphimiae Kotov and Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus var. fulva L. were lectotypified. The studied steppe territories have the great significance in the sozological aspect, they include 32 rare steppe plant species (seven from the Red Data Book of Ukraine and 25 from the list of locally rare plants within Poltava region) so the primary task for further research is to organize their protection as the most valuable steppe areas and the monitoring of their condition in the future

    Theory of a Narrow roton Absorption Line in the Spectrum of a Disk-Shaped SHF Resonator

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    We calculate the probability of the birth of a circular phonon (c-phonon) in He II by a c-photon of the resonator. It is shown that this probability has sharp maxima at frequencies, where the effective group velocity of the c-phonon is equal to zero; the density of states of c-phonons strongly grows at such frequencies. For He II, these frequencies correspond to a roton and a maxon. From the probability of the c-roton birth, we calculate the roto line width which is found to approximately agree with the experimental one. We conclude that the roton line observed in the super-high-frequency (SHF) absorption spectrum of helium is related to the birth of c-rotons. A possible interpretation of the Stark effect observed for the roton line is also proposed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, v2: journal variant, several minor correction

    Microscopic derivation of Frenkel excitons in second quantization

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    Starting from the microscopic hamiltonian describing free electrons in a periodic lattice, we derive the hamiltonian appropriate to Frenkel excitons. This is done through a grouping of terms different from the one leading to Wannier excitons. This grouping makes appearing the atomic states as a relevant basis to describe Frenkel excitons in the second quantization. Using them, we derive the Frenkel exciton creation operators as well as the commutators which rule these operators and which make the Frenkel excitons differing from elementary bosons. The main goal of the present paper is to provide the necessary grounds for future works on Frenkel exciton many-body effects, with the composite nature of these particles treated exactly through a procedure similar to the one we have recently developed for Wannier excitons.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Cylindrically symmetric solitons in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    Recently new Einstein-Yang-Mills (EYM) soliton solutions were presented which describe superconducting strings with Kasner asymptotic (hep-th/0610183). Here we study the static cylindrically symmetric SU(2) EYM system in more detail. The ansatz for the gauge field corresponds to superposition of the azimuthal BϕB_\phi and the longitudinal BzB_z components of the color magnetic field. We derive sum rules relating data on the symmetry axis to asymptotic data and show that generic asymptotic structure of regular solutions is Kasner. Solutions starting with vacuum data on the axis generically are divergent. Regular solutions correspond to some bifurcation manifold in the space of parameters which has the low-energy limiting point corresponding to string solutions in flat space (with the divergent total energy) and the high-curvature point where gravity is crucial. Some analytical results are presented for the low energy limit, and numerical bifurcation curves are constructed in the gravitating case. Depending on the parameters, the solution looks like a straight string or a pair of straight and circular strings. The existence of such non-linear superposition of two strings becomes possible due to self-interaction terms in the Yang-Mills action which suppress contribution of the circular string near the polar axis.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Level-rank duality via tensor categories

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    We give a new way to derive branching rules for the conformal embedding (\asl_n)_m\oplus(\asl_m)_n\subset(\asl_{nm})_1. In addition, we show that the category \Cc(\asl_n)_m^0 of degree zero integrable highest weight (\asl_n)_m-representations is braided equivalent to \Cc(\asl_m)_n^0 with the reversed braiding.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics. Version 2 changes: Proof of main theorem made explicit, example 4.11 removed, references update

    Quantum coherence and carriers mobility in organic semiconductors

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    We present a model of charge transport in organic molecular semiconductors based on the effects of lattice fluctuations on the quantum coherence of the electronic state of the charge carrier. Thermal intermolecular phonons and librations tend to localize pure coherent states and to assist the motion of less coherent ones. Decoherence is thus the primary mechanism by which conduction occurs. It is driven by the coupling of the carrier to the molecular lattice through polarization and transfer integral fluctuations as described by the hamiltonian of Gosar and Choi. Localization effects in the quantum coherent regime are modeled via the Anderson hamiltonian with correlated diagonal and non-diagonal disorder leading to the determination of the carrier localization length. This length defines the coherent extension of the ground state and determines, in turn, the diffusion range in the incoherent regime and thus the mobility. The transfer integral disorder of Troisi and Orlandi can also be incorporated. This model, based on the idea of decoherence, allowed us to predict the value and temperature dependence of the carrier mobility in prototypical organic semiconductors that are in qualitative accord with experiments

    Bivariate spline interpolation with optimal approximation order

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    Let be a triangulation of some polygonal domain f c R2 and let S9 (A) denote the space of all bivariate polynomial splines of smoothness r and degree q with respect to A. We develop the first Hermite-type interpolation scheme for S9 (A), q >_ 3r + 2, whose approximation error is bounded above by Kh4+i, where h is the maximal diameter of the triangles in A, and the constant K only depends on the smallest angle of the triangulation and is independent of near-degenerate edges and nearsingular vertices. Moreover, the fundamental functions of our scheme are minimally supported and form a locally linearly independent basis for a superspline subspace of Sr, (A). This shows that the optimal approximation order can be achieved by using minimally supported splines. Our method of proof is completely different from the quasi-interpolation techniques for the study of the approximation power of bivariate splines developed in [71 and [181
