21 research outputs found

    Novel charge pump architecture with Fibonacci stage

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    U ovoj je doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljena nova arhitektura nabojske pumpe. U prvom dijelu rada opisan je osnovni princip rada najčešće korištene nabojske pumpe, Dicksonove nabojske pumpe, te razvijen njen novi matematički model. Novi matematički model je primjenjiv na bilo koju dvo faznu nabojsku pumpu i od postojećih se razlikuje po tome što uzima u obzir utjecaj otpora kanala tranzistora i izvora. Na osnovu predstavljenog matematičkog modela, predložena je nova metoda za određivanje parametara nabojske pumpe, koja također uzima u obzir otpor kanala tranzistora i otpor izvora, te je generalizirana tako da odgovara bilo kojoj dvo faznoj nabojskoj pumpi. Nabojske pumpe visokog dobitka, koje su u posljednje vrijeme postale popularne, također se mogu opisati predstavljenim matematičkim modelom i predloženom metodom određivanja parametara, ako koriste dva protufazna signala takta. Nakon teorijskih i matematičkih analiza, koje uključuju i utjecaj efekta podloge na napon praga tranzistora, predložena je nova arhitektura nabojske pumpe s Fibonaccijevim stupnjem. Proces projektiranja integriranog CMOS sklopa u Cadence okruženju je detaljno opisan i prikazani su rezultati simulacije sa i bez ekstrahiranih paratiznih parametara. Korištenjem Fibonaccijevom stupnja dobiveni su viši izlazni naponi od izlaznih napona klasičnih arhitektura nabojskih pumpi, a CVSL sklop je dokazan kao jednostavno i efikasno rješenje za ispravno upravljanje Fibonaccijevim stupnjem. Nova arhitektura nabojske pumpe je procesirana u sklopu testnog integriranog sklopa korištenjem 0,35 μm AMS-ovog C35B4C3 tehnološkog procesa, zajedno s Dicksonovom, CTS i modificiranom CTS nabojskom pumpom koje služe za usporedbu s novom arhitekturom. Rezultati mjerenja su uspoređeni s rezultatima simulacije, a njihova međusobna odstupanja su detaljno objašnjena. Na temelju usporedbe mjernih i simulacijskih rezultata, dokazano je da SPICE model netočno modelira rad tranzistora u području ispon napona praga te time i ponašanje nabojske pumpe za čisto kapacitivna opterećenja. Također, utvrđeno je formiranje niskopropusnog filtra na priključcima signala takta kod testnog integriranog sklopa, te su predložene metode za rješavanje tog problema.In this doctoral thesis a novel charge pump architecture is presented. In the first part of the thesis the basic principles of operation of the most common charge pump, Dickson charge pump, are described and a novel mathematical model is developed and presented. The presented model is appliable to any two-phase charge pump and it takes into account resistance of MOSFET switches and the power supply resistance as well. Based on the presented mathematical model, a new method for charge pump parameter determination is proposed, which also takes into account the switch and the power supply resistance, and it is generalized to correspond to any two-phase charge pump. Recent high gain charge pump designs, as long as they are two-phase designs, can also be descibed with presented mathematical model and proposed method. After theoretical and mathematical analysis, including body effect on the threshold voltage of the NMOS devices, a novel charge pump architecture with Fibonacci stage is presented. Designing process in Cadence environment is explained in detail and simulation results, both with and without exctracted parasitics, are given. The higher output voltages of the novel architecture, compared with common charge pump architectures, due to used Fibonacci stage are observed and the CVSL circuit is proven to be simple and efficient solution for high amplitude clock generator that is needed to drive the Fibonacci stage. The novel charge pump is proccessed in integrated circuit using 0,35 µm AMS C35B4C3 technology process, together with Dickson, CTS and modified CTS charge pump which are used for comparison with new architecture. Measurements of the fabricated charge pumps are compared with simulation results and the discrepancies are explained. Based on the measurement and simulation comparison, the SPICE model behavior in subthreshold region for a charge pump operating under capacitive load is proved to be faulty. Also, the forming of the low-pass filter on the clock signal pins in processed and bonded integrated circuit is determined, and some solutions are proposed

    Impact of industry structure on success of mergers and acquisitions

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    Spajanja i preuzimanja poduzeća predstavljaju prominentan fenomen razvijenoga kapitalističkog svijeta. Rast poduzeća putem spajanja i preuzimanja pruža pristup novim tržištima i resursima, a uspjeh ili neuspjeh od velike je važnosti ne samo za poduzeća koja sudjeluju u tim transakcijama nego i za sve sudionike kao i za cjelokupno gospodarstvo. S obzirom na to da rezultati velikog broja istraživanja sugeriraju kako je stopa neuspjeha spajanja i preuzimanja jako velika, glavni cilj ovog rada je analizirati utjecaj industrijske strukture na uspjeh spajanja i preuzimanja poduzeća. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku hrvatskih poduzeća iz nefinancijskog sektora koja su preuzeta u razdoblju od 1998. do 2006. Testirana je i potvrđena sljedeća hipoteza: što je manja koncentracija industrije u kojoj poduzeće-meta posluje, uspješnije je poslovanje poduzeća-mete nakon preuzimanja.Mergers and acquisitions represent a prominent phenomenon of the developed capitalist world. Growth of the company through mergers and acquisitions provides access to new markets and resources, and the success or failure is of great importance not only for the companies involved in these transactions, but also for all subjects as well as for the overall economy. Given the fact that the results of a large number of studies suggest that the failure rate of mergers and acquisitions is high, the main objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of industry structure on the success of mergers and acquisitions. The empirical research was conducted on the sample of Croatian companies from non-financial sector that were taken over in the period from 1998 to 2006. The following hypothesis was tested and confirmed: the lower the concentration ratio of the target company\u27s industry, the more successful is the target company\u27s performance after the takeover

    Organizing for Emergencies - Issues in Wildfire Fighting in Croatia

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    Croatia’s accession to the European Union implies inevitable changes in the national emergency management system. New requirements for adjustment in accordance with the EU standards and practices also apply to the fire-services organization. Harmonious functioning of a large number of relatively autonomous organizations related to the National Protection and Rescue Directorate necessitates clear decision-making authority and coordination mechanisms as well as a high level of interoperability and core competencies development. This paper gives an overview of the Croatian fire protection organization along with its accompanying legislation, followed by an analysis of identified problems, especially those concerning fighting of wildfire. In our research a survey questionnaire comprised of Likert-scale items was used to assess the attitudes and experiences of trained fire department members. The respondents reported a relatively low evaluation of effectiveness and appropriateness of the following key fire service attributes: organizational structure, legislation and firefighting logistics support. From the obtained results guidelines can be drawn for possible redesign of the emergency management organization, especially those concerning the fire protection service

    Pouzdanost sustava za praćenje parametara zavarivanja

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    This paper presents application of self developed On-line monitoring system for main welding parameters acquisition and data processing at arc welding and resistant welding process. Recorded data by On-line monitoring system is compared with data measured by oscilloscope. Based on comparation of both methods, it is possible to conclude that there are no significant differences between recorded data. Presented On- line monitoring system is appropriate and accurate enough for welding parameters monitoring and control.U radu se predstavljaju primjene vlastitog razvijenog On-line monitoring sustava za prikupljanje i obradu glavnih parametara zavarivanja kod elektrolučnog i elektrootpornog zavarivanja. Snimljeni podaci pomoću On-line monitoring sustava su uspoređeni s podacima izmjerenim pomoću osciloskopa. Temeljem usporedbe obiju navedenih metoda, može se zaključiti da nema značajnih razlika između registriranih podataka. Predstavljeni On-line monitoring sustav je prikladan i dovoljno precizan za monitoring i kontrolu parametara zavarivanja

    Utjecaj međunarodnog okruženja na izvoznu konkurentnost Hrvatske

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    Osnovni je cilj ovoga rada provedba analize utjecaja međunarodnog okruženja na izvoznu konkurentnost Republike Hrvatske, posebno u razdoblju nakon izbijanja globalne ekonomske krize 2007. Promjene koje se događaju u međunarodnom okruženju i koje imaju implikacije na izvoznu konkurentnost Hrvatske u velikoj su mjeri bile determinirane učinkom djelovanja globalne krize, krize Eurozone, ali i promjenama vanjskotrgovinskih tokova i uvjeta razmjene nakon ulaska Republike Hrvatske u punopravno članstvo EU sredinom 2013. S obzirom na to da je hrvatski izvoz po izbijanju globalne ekonomske krize i krize Eurozone stagnirao (zbog oslabljene potražnje od strane naših glavnih vanjskotrgovinskih partnera), Hrvatska je dobila novu šansu za izvoznu ekspanziju po pristupanju u EU, kada su hrvatski izvoznici dobili dodatni poticaj u obliku otvaranja velikog zajedničkog tržišta i tu priliku ne smiju propustiti

    Radiation Pattern of Waveguide Antenna Arrays on Spherical Surface - Experimental Results

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    In this paper, the radiation pattern of two experimental models of circular waveguide antenna arrays on spherical surface is obtained experimentally and compared with theoretical patterns. We have omitted the phase delay of feed system signals because we have only compared measured and theoretical results in order to verify theoretical results, without trying to improve the best radiation characteristics of developed experimental models. Analysis was made with a developed moment method (MoM) program. The spectral-domain approach to the analysis of the spherical antenna arrays is briefly presented in the paper. Measurements were not performed in a well-defined anechoic environment

    Operator’s whole body vibrations dependent of agrotechnical surface, speed of movement and seat upholstery

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    The paper presents the recorded vibrations that affect the operator’s body when an agricultural tractor moves along three types of agrotechnical surfaces, i.e. asphalt, an alfalfa field, and a field path, and when seven different tractor seat upholsteries are used. The research was performed in accordance with the HRN ISO 2631-1 and HRN ISO 2631-4 standards. The tractor used in the research was an IMT 560 and the duration of the measurement was 30 minutes, which was repeated three times for every tractor seat upholstery type. The research was exploitative. The measurements were performed using an MMF VM30 meter. The paper reveals a different level of vibrations in dependence with different surfaces and seat upholsteries. The fewest vibrations were produced by asphalt, and the best upholsteries are memory foam and sponge


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    U radu je prikazan utjecaj dvaju različitih sustava raspršivanja (klasičnoga i senzorskog) pomoću raspršivača Tifone Vento 1500, s različito podešenim tehničkim čimbenicima raspršivanja, na zemljišno i zračno zanošenje tekućine te depozit u krošnji. Istraživanje je obavljeno prema ISO normi 22866:2005 u nasadu višnje. Analizom varijance ispitan je utjecaj norme raspršivanja kao čimbenik A (A1 - 250 l ha-1; A2 - 200 l ha-1), tip mlaznica kao čimbenik B (B1 - Lechler TR 8002C; B2 - Lechler ITR 8002C) i brzina zračne struje ventilatora kao čimbenik C (C1 - 18 m s-1; C2 - 12 m s-1). Raspršivanje je obavljeno sa 4-postotnom otopinom organske boje Tartrazine, a filter-papirićima je prikupljena zanesena tekućina. Optimalizacijom tehničkih čimbenika raspršivanja ostvaruje se maksimalno smanjenje od 36,59% za zemljišno zanošenje te 75,05% za zračno zanošenje na 5 m udaljenosti od tretiranoga reda. Eksploatacijom ultrazvučnoga senzorskog sustava za selektivnu aplikaciju zemljišno zanošenje smanjuje se za 43,35%. U ovome slučaju zračno zanošenje na 5 m udaljenosti od tretiranoga reda smanjuje se za 66,57% te 79,61% na udaljenosti od 10 m. Maksimalno reduciranje zračnoga zanošenja na 10 m ostvareno je uporabom ITR mlaznica analizirajući oba sustava raspršivanja. Eksploatacija ultrazvučnoga senzorskog sustava nije negativno utjecala na depozit u krošnji jer iz dobivenih rezultata nije zabilježena značajna razlika između dvaju sustava raspršivanja (0,5%). Opremanje konvencionalnih raspršivača naprednim sustavima za selektivnu aplikaciju značajno doprinosi preciznosti nanošenja sredstva za zaštitu bilja, a time i smanjenju negativnoga utjecaja na okoliš.In this research, the impact of two different spraying systems (classic and sensor with Tifone Vento 1500 air assisted sprayer) is shown on two types of drift (ground and air) and liquid deposit in the treetop. Technical spraying factors were set differently through the research according to treatments. The research was conducted according to ISO norm 22866 in a cherry orchard. With variance analysis, impact of spraying norm as factor A (A1 - 250 l ha-1; A2 - 200 l ha-1); nozzle type as factor B (B1 - Lechler TR 8002C; B2 - Lechler ITR 8002C) and air flow rate as factor C (C1 - 18 m s-1; C2 - 12 m s-1) was examined. Spraying was conducted with 4% dilution of tartazine organic dye, and drifted liquid was collected with filter papers. By optimizing the technical spraying factors, a maximum reduction of 36.59% for ground drift is achieved, as well as 75.05% for air drift at 5 m distance from the treated row. By exploiting the ultrasonic sensory system for selective application, ground drift was reduced by 43.35%. In this case the air drift at 5 m distance from the treated row was decreased by 66.57%, and 79.61% at a distance of 10 m. Maximum air drift reduction at 10 m was achieved by using an ITR nozzle for both spraying systems. The exploitation of ultrasonic sensory system did not have a negative effect on the deposit in the treetop, because no significant difference was found between these two spraying systems (0.5%). Equipping conventional sprayers with advanced systems for selective application greatly contributes to higher precision of pesticides application and with thereby reducing the negative impact on the environment

    Izražajnost ciklina D1, RET i p27 u papilarnom mikrokarcinomu štitne žlijezde

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    The aim of the study was to determine the influence of RET, p27 and cyclin D1 on regional lymph node metastases in papillary microcarcinoma. The analysis included 70 patients with papillary thyroid microcarcinoma that underwent surgery at Split University Hospital Center between 1999 and 2001. Immunohistochemistry was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffi n-embedded tissue by the RET, p27 and cyclin D1 antibodies. Quantification was based on the intensity and distribution of nuclear staining, dividing tumors into those that showed expression (expressors) and those that showed no expression (non-expressors). Univariate analysis using χ²-test and Fisher exact test was performed with the level of statistical significance set at p<0.05. Th ere was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of metastases according to the expression or non-expression of RET mutation (χ²-test: p=0.459; Fisher exact test: p=0.672). Among 25 cases with cyclin D1 expression, 6 had metastases, whereas only 2 of 45 cases with no cyclin D expression had metastases (χ²-test: p=0.014; Fisher exact test: p=0.021), indicating that the expression of cyclin D1 is not crucial for the development of metastases in lymph nodes. In contrast,analysis of p27 expression showed it to be significantly associated with lymph node metastasis because 3 of 45 patients with p27 expression had metastases, indicating a statistically significant correlation between p27 expression and lymph node metastases (χ²-test: p=0.093; Fisher exact test: p=0.124). This study confirmed the importance of the evaluation of RET, p27 and cyclin D1 expression and demonstrated the validity of their application in the assessment of microcarcinoma behavior.Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti utjecaj izražajnosti RET, p27 i ciklina D1 na pojavu metastaza u regionalnim limfnim čvorovima kod papilarnog mikrokarcinoma štitnjače. U analizu su uključeni histološki uzorci 70 bolesnika podvrgnutih operativnom zahvatu zbog papilarnog mikrokarcinoma štitnjače u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split od 1999. do 2001. godine. Histološki uzorci papilarnog mikrokarcinoma pohranjeni u parafinu i fiksirani formalinom imunohistokemijski su obojani pomoću tri monoklonska protutijela: RET, protein p27 i ciklin D1. Izražajnost je opisana prema intenzitetu i raspodjeli stanične obojenosti, dijeleći tumore na one koji imaju izražajnost (ekspresori) i one koji ne pokazuju izražajnost (ne-ekspresori). Statistička obrada podataka učinjena je pomoću χ²-testa i Fisherova egzaktnog testa, uz razinu statističke značajnosti od p<0,05. Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika u učestalosti metastaza u odnosu na izražajnost RET mutacije (χ²-test: p=0,459; Fisherov egzaktni test: p=0,672). U 25 uzoraka bila je prisutna izražajnost ciklina D1, od kojih su metastaze bile prisutne u 6 slučajeva, a od 45 uzoraka bez izražajnosti ciklina D1 metastaze su bile prisutne u samo 2 uzorka (χ²-test: p=0,014; Fisherov egzaktni test: p=0,021), iz čega proizlazi da ekspresija ciklina D1 nije presudna za razvoj metastaza u limfne čvorove. Nasuprot tome, ekspresija p27 značajno je povezana s metastaziranjem, jer su metastaze bile prisutne u 3 od 45 ispitanika koji su imali povećanu izraažajnost p27 (χ²-test: p=0,093; Fisherov egzaktni test: p=0,124). Ovim istraživanjem potvrdili smo važnost evaluacije izražajnosti p27, ciklina D1 i RET kao i vrijednost njihove primjene u procjeni ponašanja mikrokarcinoma

    Novel charge pump architecture with Fibonacci stage

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    U ovoj je doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljena nova arhitektura nabojske pumpe. U prvom dijelu rada opisan je osnovni princip rada najčešće korištene nabojske pumpe, Dicksonove nabojske pumpe, te razvijen njen novi matematički model. Novi matematički model je primjenjiv na bilo koju dvo faznu nabojsku pumpu i od postojećih se razlikuje po tome što uzima u obzir utjecaj otpora kanala tranzistora i izvora. Na osnovu predstavljenog matematičkog modela, predložena je nova metoda za određivanje parametara nabojske pumpe, koja također uzima u obzir otpor kanala tranzistora i otpor izvora, te je generalizirana tako da odgovara bilo kojoj dvo faznoj nabojskoj pumpi. Nabojske pumpe visokog dobitka, koje su u posljednje vrijeme postale popularne, također se mogu opisati predstavljenim matematičkim modelom i predloženom metodom određivanja parametara, ako koriste dva protufazna signala takta. Nakon teorijskih i matematičkih analiza, koje uključuju i utjecaj efekta podloge na napon praga tranzistora, predložena je nova arhitektura nabojske pumpe s Fibonaccijevim stupnjem. Proces projektiranja integriranog CMOS sklopa u Cadence okruženju je detaljno opisan i prikazani su rezultati simulacije sa i bez ekstrahiranih paratiznih parametara. Korištenjem Fibonaccijevom stupnja dobiveni su viši izlazni naponi od izlaznih napona klasičnih arhitektura nabojskih pumpi, a CVSL sklop je dokazan kao jednostavno i efikasno rješenje za ispravno upravljanje Fibonaccijevim stupnjem. Nova arhitektura nabojske pumpe je procesirana u sklopu testnog integriranog sklopa korištenjem 0,35 μm AMS-ovog C35B4C3 tehnološkog procesa, zajedno s Dicksonovom, CTS i modificiranom CTS nabojskom pumpom koje služe za usporedbu s novom arhitekturom. Rezultati mjerenja su uspoređeni s rezultatima simulacije, a njihova međusobna odstupanja su detaljno objašnjena. Na temelju usporedbe mjernih i simulacijskih rezultata, dokazano je da SPICE model netočno modelira rad tranzistora u području ispon napona praga te time i ponašanje nabojske pumpe za čisto kapacitivna opterećenja. Također, utvrđeno je formiranje niskopropusnog filtra na priključcima signala takta kod testnog integriranog sklopa, te su predložene metode za rješavanje tog problema.In this doctoral thesis a novel charge pump architecture is presented. In the first part of the thesis the basic principles of operation of the most common charge pump, Dickson charge pump, are described and a novel mathematical model is developed and presented. The presented model is appliable to any two-phase charge pump and it takes into account resistance of MOSFET switches and the power supply resistance as well. Based on the presented mathematical model, a new method for charge pump parameter determination is proposed, which also takes into account the switch and the power supply resistance, and it is generalized to correspond to any two-phase charge pump. Recent high gain charge pump designs, as long as they are two-phase designs, can also be descibed with presented mathematical model and proposed method. After theoretical and mathematical analysis, including body effect on the threshold voltage of the NMOS devices, a novel charge pump architecture with Fibonacci stage is presented. Designing process in Cadence environment is explained in detail and simulation results, both with and without exctracted parasitics, are given. The higher output voltages of the novel architecture, compared with common charge pump architectures, due to used Fibonacci stage are observed and the CVSL circuit is proven to be simple and efficient solution for high amplitude clock generator that is needed to drive the Fibonacci stage. The novel charge pump is proccessed in integrated circuit using 0,35 µm AMS C35B4C3 technology process, together with Dickson, CTS and modified CTS charge pump which are used for comparison with new architecture. Measurements of the fabricated charge pumps are compared with simulation results and the discrepancies are explained. Based on the measurement and simulation comparison, the SPICE model behavior in subthreshold region for a charge pump operating under capacitive load is proved to be faulty. Also, the forming of the low-pass filter on the clock signal pins in processed and bonded integrated circuit is determined, and some solutions are proposed