20 research outputs found

    Expanding the role of village malaria workers in Cambodia: Implementation and evaluation of four health education packages

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    Background: Early access to correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment is essential for malaria elimination, and in Cambodia this relies on village malaria workers (VMWs). Decreasing malaria transmission leave VMWs with diminished roles. Activities related to the control of other health conditions could keep these community health workers relevant. Methods: During 2022, 120 VMWs attended training at local health centres on four health education packages: 1. hygiene and sanitation; 2. disease surveillance; 3. management of mild illness; 4. vaccination and antenatal care. All training and evaluation sessions were documented through meeting minutes, and 19 focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted among VMWs and health centre personnel. Audio-records of FGDs were transcribed and translated in English and underwent thematic analysis. Results: VMWs reported strong interest in the training and welcomed the expansion of their roles thus assuring their continued relevance. VMWs prioritized disease surveillance and management of mild illness among the available training packages because these topics were seen as most relevant. While training was considered comprehensible and important, the low literacy among VMWs was an impediment suggesting training materials need to be delivered visually. Since VMWs have limited resources, incentives could ensure that VMWs are motivated to undertake additional roles and responsibilities. Conclusions: The transformation of VMWs into community health workers with roles beyond malaria is a promising approach for sustaining health care provision in remote areas. Training needs to consider the low scientific literacy, time constraints and limited resources of VMWs

    Drama as a community engagement strategy for malaria in rural Cambodia [version 1; referees: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Background: Countries in Southeast Asia are working to eliminate multidrug-resistant falciparum malaria, a major cause of mortality in tropical regions. Malaria is declining but transmission persists in many rural areas and among forest workers and isolated populations. In these remote communities, conventional health services and education are limited. Mobilising and educating these populations require new approaches as many people are illiterate and do not attend village meetings. This article describes a qualitative study to assess the feasibility of a drama project as a community engagement strategy. Methods: A drama project was conducted in twenty villages in Cambodia with three key messages: to use insecticide-treated bednets and repellents, to get early diagnosis and treatment, and to learn about risks of forest-acquired malaria. Qualitative interviews were conducted with the drama team members, village malaria workers, local health staffs and villagers, to explore the feasibility of using drama to engage the community and the associated challenges. Results: 29 people were interviewed, which included 18 semi-structured interviews and one focus group discussion. Analysis of the interviews resulted in development of the following seven themes: i) exposure to malaria and engagement activities, ii) readiness and barriers to participation, iii) understanding and learning about malaria using drama, iv) entertainment value and engagement method preferences, v) challenges to community engagement, vi) future participation and vii) sustainability. The event saw a very positive response, with an encouraging average participation rate of 66%. The project faced several challenges including logistic problems, rescheduling due to raining season, and time- and budget-constraints. Conclusions: Our evaluation demonstrated that the drama project was feasible in promoting awareness and understanding of malaria prevention and control. Audience members perceived drama as entertaining and as the preferred choice of engagement activity. Participatory drama could be considered as part of the community engagement for malaria elimination

    Mass anti-malarial administration in western Cambodia: a qualitative study of factors affecting coverage

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    Abstract Background Mass anti-malarial administration has been proposed as a key component of the Plasmodium falciparum malaria elimination strategy in the Greater Mekong sub-Region. Its effectiveness depends on high levels of coverage in the target population. This article explores the factors that influenced mass anti-malarial administration coverage within a clinical trial in Battambang Province, western Cambodia. Methods Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with villagers, in-depth interviews with study staff, trial drop-outs and refusers, and observations in the communities. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and translated from Khmer to English for qualitative content analysis using QSR NVivo. Results Malaria was an important health concern and villagers reported a demand for malaria treatment. This was in spite of a fall in incidence over the previous decade and a lack of familiarity with asymptomatic malaria. Participants generally understood the overall study aim and were familiar with study activities. Comprehension of the study rationale was however limited. After the first mass anti-malarial administration, seasonal health complaints that participants attributed to the anti-malarial as “side effects” contributed to a decrease of coverage in round two. Staff therefore adapted the community engagement approach, bringing to prominence local leaders in village meetings. This contributed to a subsequent increase in coverage. Conclusion Future mass anti-malarial administration must consider seasonal disease patterns and the importance of local leaders taking prominent roles in community engagement. Further research is needed to investigate coverage in scenarios that more closely resemble implementation i.e. without participation incentives, blood sampling and free healthcare

    The feasibility and acceptability of mass drug administration for malaria in Cambodia: A mixed-methods study

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    Background: Mass drug administrations (MDAs) are part of the World Health Organization's Plasmodium falciparum elimination strategy for the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). In Cambodia, a 2015-2017 clinical trial evaluated the effectiveness of MDA. This article explores factors that influence the feasibility and acceptability of MDA, including seasonal timing, financial incentives and the delivery model. Methods: Quantitative data were collected through structured questionnaires from the heads of 163 households. Qualitative data were collected through 25 semi-structured interviews and 5 focus group discussions with villagers and local health staff. Calendars of village activities were created and meteorological and malaria treatment records were collected. Results: MDA delivered house-To-house or at a central point, with or without compensation, were equally acceptable and did not affect coverage. People who knew about the rationale for the MDA, asymptomatic infections and transmission were more likely to participate. In western Cambodia, MDA delivered house-Tohouse by volunteers at the end of the dry season may be most practicable but requires the subsequent treatment of in-migrants to prevent reintroduction of infections. Conclusions: For MDA targeted at individual villages or village clusters it is important to understand local preferences for community mobilisation, delivery and timing, as several models of MDA are feasible

    Art and theatre for health in rural Cambodia

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    This article describes our experience using art and theatre to engage rural communities in western Cambodia to understand malaria and support malaria control and elimination. The project was a pilot science–arts initiative to supplement existing engagement activities conducted by local authorities. In 2016, the project was conducted in 20 villages, involved 300 community members and was attended by more than 8000 people. Key health messages were to use insecticide-treated bed-nets and repellents, febrile people should attend village malaria workers, and to raise awareness about the risk of forest-acquired malaria. Building on the experience and lessons learnt in the year prior, the 2017 project which was conducted in 15 villages involved 600 community members and attracted more than 12,000 people. In addition to the malaria theme, upon discussion with local health authorities, secondary theme (infant vaccination) was added to the 2017 project. We learnt the following lessons from our experience in Cambodia: involving local people including children from the beginning of the project and throughout the process is important; messages should be kept simple; it is necessary to take into consideration practical issues such as location and timing of the activities; and that the project should offer something unique to communities

    Community participation during two mass anti-malarial administrations in Cambodia: lessons from a joint workshop

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    Two mass drug administrations (MDA) against falciparum malaria were conducted in 2015-16, one as operational research in northern Cambodia, and the other as a clinical trial in western Cambodia. During an April 2017 workshop in Phnom Penh the field teams from Medecins Sans Frontieres and the Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit discussed lessons for future MDA

    Tools to accelerate falciparum malaria elimination in Cambodia: A meeting report

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    Cambodia targets malaria elimination by 2025. Rapid elimination will depend on successfully identifying and clearing malaria foci linked to forests. Expanding and maintaining universal access to early diagnosis and effective treatment remains the key to malaria control and ultimately malaria elimination in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) in the foreseeable future. Mass Drug Administration (MDA) holds some promise in the rapid reduction of Plasmodium falciparum infections, but requires considerable investment of resources and time to mobilize the target communities. Furthermore, the most practical drug regimen for MDA in the GMS-three rounds of DHA/piperaquine-has lost some of its efficacy. Mass screening and treatment benefits asymptomatic P. falciparum carriers by clearing chronic infections, but in its current form holds little promise for malaria elimination. Hopes that "highly sensitive" diagnostic tests would provide substantial advances in screen and treat programmes have been shown to be misplaced. To reduce the burden on P. falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections in people working in forested areas novel approaches to the use of malaria prophylaxis in forest workers should be explored. During an October 2019 workshop in Phnom Penh researchers and policymakers reviewed evidence of acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of interventions to target malaria foci and interrupt P. falciparum transmission and discussed operational requirements and conditions for programmatic implementation