55 research outputs found


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    Arguments, justifying the necessity of detailed research of surrogate motherhood, as a phenomenon actively developing, but without uniform approaches of legal and statistical assessment, have been presented. The historical reference characterizing the object of the study has been given, modern interpretation of the concept of “surrogate motherhood” has been presented. The social roles of surrogate motherhood have been outlined. The issues that characterize surrogate motherhood as an object of applied research have been considered and systematized The positive and negative aspects of surrogate motherhood have been assessed, number of problems arising in key social and psychological planes has been designated. The existing approaches and indicators for displaying the situation in the field of surrogate motherhood have been analysed. An original approach to quantifying the prevalence of surrogate motherhood has been proposed

    Current issues of anorexia statistics

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    Anorexia as a new phenomenon for society is seen from both positive and negative sides. The article reveals the aspects each of them. Arguments are presented to support the position that anorexia in 20th century acts as a social problem, a disease, an inhumane attitude to oneself. The relevance of a comprehensive study and prevention of anorexia among young people is presented based on available statistical data. An approach to the concept of anorexia as an object of applied statistical research is justified. The enlarged groups of factors affecting the scale of its spread and the intensity of its development are determined. The authors proposed and justified an original system of indicators of anorexia statistics, revealing the essence of the studied social phenomenon according to the logic of “distribution – structure-consequences”


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    Presently, the noticeable growth of number of the persons of old age suffering from the most various diseases has been turned into a serious problem, both for separate families, and for the state in general, seeking to provide sustainable social and economic development at the federal and regional levels. In this regard the great scientific and practical value acquires patronage as the modern instrument of support and providing aged. Improvement of methodology of a comprehensive statistical investigation of scales, prevalence and results of activity of patronage service plays an important role for its development, especially in the context of development of the system of indicators for complex assessment of so specific public phenomenon

    Freegans: features and possibilities of research

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    The article presents a historical background to the formation of such a social phenomenon as freeganism, its ideology and positioning of the freegans themselves relative to the consumer society. The authors have studied and systematized the worldviews of freegans about what the refusal of their own purchases of certain goods is related to, whether it is a desire to overcome total overconsumption and move to rational spending of available resources, and whether it is possible to develop freeganism into a broad and full-fledged ecological movement. As a result of generalization of opinions and approaches in the characterization of freeganism as a social phenomenon as an object of observation and research, various positions have been identified. Its essence is reduced to the interpretation of freeganism as a subculture, as an alternative, as a current, and as a movement. At the same time, it becomes clear that there are no full-fledged observations and developments of the subject and no approaches and methods systematized. Moreover, the fact that there are no observations characterizing the number, prevalence and consequences of freeganism is one of the key problems

    Topical issues of an applied vaping research

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    The authors study the history and origins of vaping as a mass social phenomenon. Currently, users of electronic cigarettes and similar devices are divided into two segments: traditional smokers who switched to electronic cigarettes or combining them and new smokers who chose electronic cigarettes because of fashion, communication, entertainment, etc. It turns out that vaping is a social phenomenon that follows not only from one the desire to find an alternative to smoking. A large-scale discussion regarding vaping has unfolded in special scientific publications and in the media. It can be considered not only as a youth culture direction or trend, but also as a new unfavorable factor that strikes at the health of younger generations. All the existing deep and large-scale discrepancies in the content, place and role of vaping in modern society are certainly theoretical, and partly rhetorical. Without reinforcement by quantitative characteristics of its most diverse aspects, it is impossible to give a practical assessment of such a specific phenomenon. Applied vaping research is based on a set of exact indicators combined into a single and logically sound system that allows you to get a comprehensive idea of the object of cognition. The article presents the content of three existing independent sections of the system of vaping statistics indicators. The authors propose indicators that reveal the section of indicators of the effects of vaping. The possibilities of applied analysis of the consequences of the spread of electronic cigarettes in modern society are assessed


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    The subject of the study is major repairs of an apartment building. The authors analyse the concepts of “capital repairs of an apartment building” and “energy efficient repair”, explore the normative and methodical base. Based on the presented statistical data on the state of the apartment buildings, the paper proposes an original system of indicators for evaluating energy-efficient capital repairs. The assessment of the population by the degree of satisfaction with housing conditions is characterized by the data of a sample survey. The article uses data on the results of the implementation of regional programs of energy-efficient capital repairs in pilot regions, compares approaches to energy-efficient repairs, identifies similar parameters and regional features


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    The article considers the issues of statistical accounting of of persons of child age who have fallen into difficult life situation. The paper сarries out a comparison of the conceptual apparatus, revealing such a public category as “children” and gradation parameters of specified population groups from the point of view of revealing the object of study. The authors justify the need to characterize the subject of the study – a difficult life situation in which both an adult and a child can get, highlight particularly the age group “teenagers”. The study presents features of difficult life situations in which children and adolescents can get. The article lists the areas of occurrence of complex circumstances in which difficult life situations are formed and developed. Based on the analysis, the authors propose and substantiate an original system of indicators for assessing persons of child age who have fallen into a difficult life situation

    Статистика как инструмент идейного противоборства

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    The relevance of the study lies in the fact that only with a competent comprehensive assessment of quantitative parameters, their qualitative interpretation is possible. Statistics acts as such a tool.The purpose of the study. The purpose of this paper is to study opinions and approaches in the use of statistics as a tool for assessing phenomena and processes.Materials and methods. In the course of the study, the main directions of statistics as a tool for working with data were studied. The most common and practically justified is the use of statistics as a tool of cognition, management, propaganda and control. The result of the interpretation of statistical data primarily depends on the degree of objectivity and the level of literacy of those who work with the data: both at the initial stage of the formation of the initial data set, and at the stage of explaining the resulting values.Results. It is revealed that the same parameters (proportions) can be interpreted in completely different ways. Such differences are formed both from the subjectivity of the perception of these data, and from the degree of study of the material. As a result, there is a field for discrepancies and discussion.Conclusion. In order to obtain a qualitative analysis and interpretation of phenomena and processes, serious knowledge is needed, backed up by a substantial study of the subject area – only in this case statistical data can become a “mirror” reflecting the realities.Актуальность проведенного исследования заключается в том, что только при грамотной всесторонней оценке количественных параметров возможна их качественная интерпретация. Статистика выступает в качестве такого инструмента.Цель исследования. Целью данной работы является изучение мнений и подходов в использовании статистики как инструмента оценки явлений и процессов.Материалы и методы. В ходе исследования изучены основные направления статистики как инструмента работы с данными. Наиболее распространенными и практически обосновываемыми является использование статистики как инструмента познания, управления, пропаганды и контроля. Результат интерпретации статистических данных первую очередь зависит от степени объективности и уровня грамотности тех, кто работает с данными: как на начальном этапе формирования исходного массива данных, так и на этапе объяснения получившихся значений.  Результаты. Выявлено что одни и те же параметры (пропорции) могут быть интерпретированы совершенно по-разному. Подобные различия складываются как из субъективизма восприятия этих данных, так и из степени проработки материала. Как результат возникает поле для разночтений и дискуссии.Заключение. Для получения качественного анализа и интерпретаций явлений и процессов необходимы серьезные знания, подкрепленные существенной проработкой предметной области – только в таком случае статистические данные смогут стать «зеркалом», отражающим реалии

    Precision of surfaces machined on a lathe with geometric errors

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    © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc.The precision attained in the shape and mutual position of cylindrical surfaces after machining may be assessed by means of a mathematical model. The effectiveness of the model is confirmed in practice

    Characteristics of bivalve mollusk <i>Serripes groenlandicus </i>in connection with its rational use

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    Greenland cockle Serripes groenlandicus is a burrow bivalve mollusk that forms dense aggregations on silty-sandy and muddy grounds at the depth 50-60 m. Its total stock in Peter the Great Bay is estimated as 8,700 t. The species is not used yet as a raw material for food industry that is a reason to investigate its safety, chemical composition and technological characteristics. There is noted that the aggregations of S. groenlandicus in Peter the Great Bay are formed mostly by large-sized individuals (> 80 %), so they have high commercial value. Its soft tissue (on average 25.8 % of total weigh) contents 11.9 % of protein, < 1.0 % of fat, and 5.4 % of carbohydrate, its energy value is 70 kcal, so it is a promising raw material for low-calorie dietary products. Technological losses in mass of the clam meat in the process of broth extraction under hydrothermal treatment are rather high: 45-47 %. To prevent the mass losses, the species is recommended to use as the raw material for canned products with its natural meat