2,386 research outputs found

    Using A Postcolonial Theoretical Frame To Teach African Literature In High School

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    The paper explores techniques and important concepts related to the teaching of African literature through a postcolonial lens. The author uses active implementation of activities in a high school classroom as a base of research to support pedagogical theories and approaches that best adhere to the needs of Western students. The postcolonial education concepts included are compositional application, gender dynamics, language exploration, geocriticism, and cultural diversity. The purpose of this research is to aid other teachers in integrating this information into their classrooms

    Something Old In Something New: Construction of European Identity In The New World Via Conceptions of Pain And The Biocolonial Tendencies Of The Materia Medica Used In Fray Agustin Farfan's Tratado Breve De Medicina, Y De Todas Las Enfermedades

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    This thesis seeks to address an important problem in the historiography of early Mexican medicine. The problem being that evidence from Agustín Farfán’s Tratado' Breve'de'Medicina suggests that medicine in the New World was decidedly European, and not nearly as porous as some historians have suggested previously. Farfán used some of the New World therapeutics available to him, but he was sure to back up any recommendations of them—evidence that his readership (which was most likely European) had particular concerns about using New World therapeutics over familiar Old World elements—with assurances that he had used each before with great therapeutic success. There are hints, too, of a divide between practitioners—between those “with science” and those without—which had equally important implications for establishing practitioner hegemony. In the representations of and discourse around pain in his work, Farfán painted an intriguing portrait of sixteenthQcentury Europeans’ conceptions of pain. As opposed to our own modern conception of it, in its humoral pathology, pain was a byQproduct of bodily imbalance. As a result, bleedings and purgings—uncomfortable, and even painful, procedures themselves—were needed to help restore balance to the body. In this way, it meant that a practitioner had to hurt the patient in some way to set them along the path back to good health. Lastly, Farfán showed the effects of biocolonialism on the sixteenthQcentury therapeutic landscape. Europeans sought to create a new Europe in the New World, and from some of the earliest voyages colonists brought with them the plants to make that possible. From Columbus to Cortés and beyond, colonists introduced a bounty o

    Effect Of Apple Peel Extract Supplementation In Skeletal Muscle Of Aged Mice

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    Apple peels contain naturally occurring bioactive compounds called triterpenoids that process properties that can enhance muscle mass and function. Triterpenoids exhibit a wide range of biological functions including antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and other anticancer activities. Triterpenoids also possess anabolic properties without androgenic side effects, therefore they might be a viable treatment for promoting muscle maintenance and growth. The expanded literature review, focused on the effects of apple peel extract on muscle health, replaced my research project. The molecular pathways were examined to understand how atrophy and hypertrophy occur in skeletal muscle. Several studies discussed the effects triterpenoids paired with resistance exercise, with a high fat diet, or alone can cause skeletal muscle to increase in mass, strength by increasing IGF-1, and the PKI3/Akt/mTORC signaling pathway

    Media Exposure and Body Dissatisfaction: The Roles of Thin-Ideal Internalization and Social Comparison

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    Media exposure is considered to have a prominent influence on body dissatisfaction. Researchers tend to measure thin-ideal media exposure when examining the relationship with body dissatisfaction yet often generalize their conclusions to media as a whole. The goal of the present study was to examine the relationship between thin-ideal media and general media and body dissatisfaction while accounting for relationships with thin-ideal internalization and social comparison. A sample of 216 undergraduate female students completed a set of online self-report surveys. It was hypothesized that thin-ideal media exposure would directly relate to body dissatisfaction, and this relationship would be mediated by thin-ideal internalization and social comparison. General media exposure was not hypothesized to contribute significantly to the model. Consistent with the hypothesis, thin-ideal media exposure predicted body dissatisfaction, and the relationship was mediated by thin-ideal internalization and social comparison; however, this was not the case after controlling for BMI. BMI and thin-ideal internalization were the only significant predictors of body dissatisfaction after the inclusion of all other assessed variables. General media exposure did not significantly correlate with or predict body dissatisfaction. These findings suggest that other risk factors should be investigated to understand their influence on body dissatisfaction better

    A Study Of The Applied Psychology Classes For Sophomores And Juniors At Appalachian State Teachers College

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    The purpose of this study was to (1) determine in a systematic way the opinions of the students in the Sophomore and Junior sections of Applied Psychology in the following areas: (a) purposes of the classes, (b) weaknesses in the classes, (c) suggestions for improvement, and (d) benefits; (2) to determine the feelings of the teachers of the classes in the following areas: (a) purposes of the classes, (b) what the Administration expected of the teachers of the classes, (c) personal feelings about the classes, (d) helpfulness to the students of the classes, and (e) suggestions for improvement; (3) to draw conclusions based on the feelings of the students and teachers of the classes which might be of value to the administration as it considers strengthening Applied Psychology on the Sophomore and Junior levels

    Microwave-assisted synthesis of europium-doped calcium fluoride nanoparticles for potential biomedical applications

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    Europium (E+ ) metal-based nanomaterials have potential applications in optical and electro-luminescent devices, bio-analytical sensors, and biomedical assay technologies. E+ metal ions are of particular interest in biological assays due to their long luminescent lifetimes and nearly monochromatic emission at 614 nm. E+ ions require sensitization by a suitable chromophore since 4f-4f electronic transitions are forbidden by the Laporte selection rule. Relative to well-researched lanthanide-doped matrices such as NaYand LaF3 , lanthanide-doped Cananoparticles have been shown to have promise as an imaging agent due to greater luminescent yields and high biocompatibility. In this work, we report the progress towards the optimization of anaqueous microwave synthetic method for the production of nanosized lanthanide-doped Ca particles, the surface-functionalization of E+ -doped Caparticles with a suitable chromophore, and luminescent quantum yield studies of these particles. Synthesis of lanthanide-doped Cananoparticles and the coating of them with a chromophore ligand to increase their luminescent quantum yield was successful. High-quality product may be obtained with low size dispersion anywhere in the range of 30-1000 nm. Characterization of coated nanoparticle product including the morphology, composition, and quantum yield studies were successful. The highest quantum yield reported was 1.53 +/- 0.41 %. Future work includes the optimization of the coating procedure to maximize luminescent quantum yield and in vitro imaging studies using epifluorescence microscopy

    Exploring how sex and love are defined in adulthood : conversations with women about romantic relationships

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    Sexuality research covers a wide range of topics, from the formation of attitudes to more indepthsexual experiences throughout life. A large body of research exists focusing specifically onthe adolescent and emerging adult populations. However, sexual attitudes and experiences acrossthe lifespan--especially adulthood and beyond--have recently become the focus of this researcharea. The current study aimed to further explore sexual attitudes among adult women, while alsofocusing on in-depth qualitative interviews related to the experiences and values that haveshaped these attitudes. Nine participants completed the Brief Sexual Attitudes Scale (Hendrick &Hendrick, 2006) and clustered groups emerged, with participants generally responding in a more“Open” or “Conservative” manner regarding the expression of their sexuality. From thesequestionnaire responses, two sets of follow-up interview questions were crafted for the separategroups. Three interviews were conducted with women from the “Open” group and threeinterviews were conducted with women from the “Conservative” group. From these interviews,the technique of concept mapping (Wheeldon & Faubert, 2009) was utilized to explore thethemes of birth control and STDs, promiscuous behaviors, importance and enjoyment of sexualactivity, and advice that older women would give to younger generations

    Relationship Protection Against Attractive Alternatives

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    The current study investigated whether a strategy shown to enhance closeness between close others – capitalization of positive events – might reduce the influence of attractive alternative partners on perceptions of commitment and willingness to accommodate a romantic partner’s faults. Participants were college-students who were given the opportunity to describe positive events surrounding a romantic partner or a close other and then exposed to either attractive or unattractive alternative partners (threat to a relationship) via an online survey. Participants then completed measures of commitment and accommodation. Inconsistent with previous research, no difference across the two threat conditions or capitalization conditions emerged for reported commitment or constructive accommodation strategies. Participants accommodated constructively across all conditions.Males, however, were more constructively accommodative partners when presented with low threat alternatives and given the opportunity to capitalize about their romantic partner. Females did not show this tendency

    Adsorption of aqueous copper on peanut hulls

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    A method was established for measuring the adsorption of Cu(II) from aqueous solution to unmodified and modified peanut hulls at constant temperature and pH. Modification of the hulls was performed by oxidation with alkaline hydrogen peroxide. During the modification process, the hydrogen peroxide solubilizes the lignin component, making the surface more porous which increases the availability of binding sites, while simultaneously oxidizing the cellulose. The oxidation of alcohol groups creates more binding sites by creating functional groups such as COO-, which increases chelation to metal ions. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirms delignification of the peanut hulls by the disappearance of carboxyl peaks of the modified hulls, which were originally produced from the lignin content. Although, oxidation is not fully confirmed, it is not ruled out because the expected carboxylate peak (1680 cm-1) maybe overshadowed by a broad peak due to OH bending of water adsorbed to the hulls. Hulls adsorbed copper from solutions in the concentration range of 50-1000 ppm of CuCl2. Concentrations of pre- and post-adsorption solutions were determined using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. The adsorption isotherms were fit to known two and three-parameter models, evaluated and the binding mechanism was inferred. Maximum surface coverage was 3.5 ± 0.6 mg Cu2+/g hull for unmodified hulls and 11 ± 1 mg Cu2+/g hull for modified hulls. The adsorption for the hulls is best described by the Langmuir model, suggesting monolayer, homogeneous adsorption. With a free energy of adsorption of 10.5 ± 0.9 kJ/mol for unmodified hulls and 14.5 ±0.4 kJ/mol for modified hulls, the process is categorized as chemisorption for both types of hulls. The adsorption for both hulls is also described by the Redlich-Peterson model, giving ß nearer to 1 than 0, which further suggests homogeneous adsorption described by the Langmuir model. After rinsing the hulls, scanning electron microscopy images coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed that the percentage of copper on the modified hulls (2.5 %) was greater than on the unmodified hulls (1.6 %). This study concluded that the adsorption of copper using peanut hulls is a potential method for wastewater treatment and delignification and oxidation of the hulls increases the adsorption capacity approximately three-fold

    From Harry to Sir Henry : social mobility in the 17th century Caribbean

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    During the 17th Century, the Caribbean saw an explosion in seaborne raiding. The mostcommon targets of these raids were Spanish ships and coastal towns. Some of the men who wenton these raids experienced degrees of social and economic mobility that would not have beenpossible in continental Europe. This was because the 17th Century Caribbean created anenvironment where such mobility was possible. Among these was a Welshman was known to hiscompatriots as Harry Morgan. By the end of his life, Morgan would become one of the mostfamous buccaneers in history, a wealthy sugar planter, the Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, anda knight.No one is exactly sure of Morgan’s social status before he entered the Caribbean.Historians largely agree that he was born to a freeholding family in Wales, although somedissenters contend that Morgan entered the Caribbean as an indentured servant. From eitherposition, he experienced a high degree of social and economic mobility through his raids againstthe Spanish Empire and the conventional businesses that those raids funded. His life does not represent the way that social or economic mobility worked for a typical buccaneer. What it doesrepresent is the best case scenario for an individual who came to the Caribbean and engaged inbuccaneering. Morgan utilized his raiding as a means to fund more conventional businessinterests such as sugar planting. This paper argues that the Caribbean provided a unique political,economic, and military atmosphere for an individual to climb the social and economic ladderfrom Harry Morgan, a common buccaneer, to Sir Henry Morgan, Lieutenant Governor ofJamaica and Admiral of Buccaneers
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