5,580 research outputs found

    Ectopic Gestation: A Rejoinder

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    Discerning the Servant’s Path: Applying Pre-Committal Questioning to Greenleaf’s Servant Leadership

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    Robert K. Greenleaf’s servant leadership has become an attractive approach for morally-motivated leaders. However, paradoxes found in servant leadership have the potential to create confusion among those individuals interested in its practice. To assist prospective leaders in deciding upon whether to follow the concepts of servant leadership, an exhaustive literature review was conducted by the researcher to find and code definitions from servant leadership-related writings. The results from the initial coding phase were the following themes: Personal Growth, Development, and Empowerment of Employees; Spiritual, Affirmational, and Ethically-Minded Approach toward Employees; Steward Dedicated to Service of Community and Placing Others First; and Traits-Based Leadership. The second round of selective coding yielded Repetitively Embracing Personal Sacrifice as its core theme. Three questions that arose from this specified theme were, “Am I willing to embrace personal sacrifice on a continual basis to practice servant leadership? If so, how do I stay motivated to sustain the concept of putting others first? If not, is there a way to negotiate an understanding where employees are supported in the leadership approach/style I feel most comfortable using?” These self-assessing questions were recommended for connecting Greenleaf’s (1977) questions-based logic on the practice of servant leadership between his call to service and the final decision of becoming a servant leader

    Comment on the Paper on the Medico-Moral Problem Regarding Hydramnios

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    Ablation of Martian glaciers

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    Glacier like landforms are observed in the fretted terrain of Mars in the latitude belts near + or - 42 deg. It was suggested that sublimation or accumulation-ablation rates could be estimated for these glaciers if their shapes were known. To this end, photoclinometric profiles were obtained of a number of these landforms. On the basis of analyses of these profiles, it was concluded that ice is chiefly ablating from these landforms that either are inactive rock-glaciers or have materials within them that are moving exceedingly slowly at this time. These conclusions are consistent with other geologic information. The analyses were performed using a two-dimensional model of an isothermal glacier

    Love, Charity, & Pope Leo XIII: A Leadership Paradigm for Catholic Education

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    The treatment of workers is an ongoing social issue affecting society. No organization is immune to questionable employee practices, including Catholic educational institutions. For Catholic leadership to fully embody its intended justice-based role, it must first be aware of the social teachings put forth by the Roman Catholic Church. In this study, the researcher suggests Pope Leo XIII’s social writings as a guiding presence for beginning this formation, starting with the concepts of love and charity within labor. The analysis of Leo’s work shows love and charity as interchangeable virtues that enhance our God-given dignity by acknowledging other people’s inherent worth. In turn, educational leaders are called to make decisions centered on love and charitable acts that actively pursue their employees’ best interests without irreversibly depleting institutional resources needed for overall survival. Amour, charité et le Pape Léon XIII : un paradigme sur le leadership pour l\u27enseignement catholique La manière de traiter les ouvriers est un problème social permanent. Aucune organisation n\u27est à l\u27abri de pratiques discutables envers leurs employés, y compris les institutions d\u27enseignement catholique. Pour incarner pleinement le rôle basé sur la justice qui est le leur, les dirigeants catholiques doivent d\u27abord connaître les enseignements sociaux énoncés par l\u27Église catholique romaine. Dans cette étude, le chercheur postule que les écrits sociaux de Léon XIII ont servi à guider le début de cette formation, à commencer par le concept d\u27amour et de charité envers la main d\u27oeuvre. L\u27analyse des œuvres de Léon XIII montre que l\u27amour et la charité sont des vertus interchangeables qui accentuent la dignité que Dieu nous a donnée en reconnaissant la valeur inhérente des autres personnes. En retour, les responsables de l\u27enseignement ont vocation à prendre des décisions centrées sur l\u27amour et des actes de charité qui servent effectivement les intérêts de leurs employés sans pour autant épuiser irrémédiablement les ressources institutionnelles nécessaires à la survie de tous. Mots-clés: Enseignement catholique, dirigeants, main d\u27œuvre, équité, Léon XIII, 19e siècle, écrits sociaux, enseignements sociaux catholiques, amour, charité, solidarité, prise de décisions déontologiques, analyse historique Amor, caridad y el Papa León XIII: un paradigma de liderazgo para la educación católica El trato a los trabajadores es un problema social vigente. Ninguna organización es inmune a las prácticas laborales cuestionables, incluidas las instituciones educativas católicas. Para encarnar plenamente su tarea destinada y basada en la justicia, los líderes católicos primero deben conocer las enseñanzas sociales puestas en marcha por la Iglesia católica romana. En este estudio, el investigador supone los escritos sociales del Papa León XIII como una presencia que guía el inicio de esta formación, empezando con los conceptos del amor y la caridad en el trabajo. El análisis de los escritos del Papa León revelan que el amor y la caridad son virtudes intercambiables que potencian nuestra dignidad otorgada por Dios al reconocer el valor inherente de los demás. A cambio, se llama a los líderes educativos a que tomen decisiones centradas en los actos de amor y caridad, que busquen activamente el mejor interés para sus empleados sin agotar irreversiblemente los recursos institucionales que se necesiten para la subsistencia general. Palabras clave: Educación católica, liderazgo, trabajo, equidad, León XIII, siglo XIX, escritos sociales, enseñanzas sociales católicas, amor, caridad, solidaridad, toma de decisiones éticas, análisis históric

    Alien Registration- Davis, Henry J. (Wade, Aroostook County)

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    Applying Rerum Novarum towards the Academic Service-Learning (ASL) Reflection Process for Promoting Ethical Leadership in Post-Secondary Students

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    Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Rerum Novarum is considered one of the first major works to introduce Catholic social thought on a global level. A key message undergirding Rerum is the concept of supporting the needs of others, leading to empowerment and self-sufficiency. The purpose of this study was to create a list of reflection prompts informed by Rerum for post-secondary students to consider and apply towards their academic service-learning experiences. Through qualitative analysis, three main themes related to Rerum’s key message were identified: (a) opportunity to obtain resources; (b) intrinsic right to continual resources; and, (c) communal support of families and dependents. These themes were then used to develop eight distinct reflection prompts for each stage of the service-learning experience; here, the goal is to provide post-secondary students with a foundation for processing their thoughts and developing their leadership styles in an ethically-informed manner, grounded in Catholic social thought

    The Outer Limits of Galaxy Clusters: Observations to the Virial Radius with Suzaku, XMM, and Chandra

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    The outskirts of galaxy clusters, near the virial radius, remain relatively unexplored territory and yet are vital to our understanding of cluster growth, structure, and mass. In this presentation, we show the first results from a program to constrain the state of the outer intracluster medium (ICM) in a large sample of galaxy clusters, exploiting the strengths of three complementary X-ray observatories: Suzaku (low, stable background), XMM-Newton (high sensitivity), and Chandra (good spatial resolution). By carefully combining observations from the cluster core to beyond r_200, we are able to identify and reduce systematic uncertainties that would impede our spatial and spectral analysis using a single telescope. Our sample comprises nine clusters at z ~ 0.1-0.2 fully covered in azimuth to beyond r_200, and our analysis indicates that the ICM is not in hydrostatic equilibrium in the cluster outskirts, where we see clear azimuthal variations in temperature and surface brightness. In one of the clusters, we are able to measure the diffuse X-ray emission well beyond r_200, and we find that the entropy profile and the gas fraction are consistent with expectations from theory and numerical simulations. These results stand in contrast to recent studies which point to gas clumping in the outskirts; the extent to which differences of cluster environment or instrumental effects factor in this difference remains unclear. From a broader perspective, this project will produce a sizeable fiducial data set for detailed comparison with high-resolution numerical simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the Suzaku 2011 Conference, "Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond.

    Southward expansion: The myth of the West in the promotion of Florida, 1876–1900

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    This article examines the ways in which promoters and developers of Florida, in the decades after Reconstruction, engaged with a popular myth of the West as a means of recasting and selling their state to prospective settlers in the North and Midwest. The myth envisaged a cherished region to the west where worthy Americans could migrate and achieve social and economic independence away from the crowded confines of the East, or Europe. According to state immigration agents, land-promoters and other booster writers, Florida, although a Southern ex-Confederate state, offered precisely these 'western' opportunities for those hard-working Northerners seeking land and an opening for agrarian prosperity. However, the myth, which posited that, in the west, an individual's labour and thrift were rewarded with social and economic improvement, meshed awkwardly with the contemporary emergence of Florida as a popular winter destination for wealthy tourists and invalids seeking leisure and healthfulness away from the North. Yet it also reflected and reinforced promotional notions of racial improvement which would occur with an influx of enterprising Anglo-Americans, who would effectively displace the state's large African American population. In Florida, the myth of the West supported the linked post-Reconstruction processes of state development and racial subjugation