1,114 research outputs found

    The Influence of Online Word of Mouth on Product Sales in Retail E-commerce: An Empirical Investigation

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    The ability to exchange opinions and experiences online is known as online word of mouth (WOM). Due to the high acceptance of consumers and their apparent reliance on online WOM it is important for organizations to understand how it works and what kind of impact it has on product sales. Using the well-established notions of volume and valence to describe online WOM, we empirically evaluate the hypothesized relationship between online WOM in a retail e-commerce site and actual product sales. Our analysis of the data shows that there is a significant change in the number of products sold following the addition of online WOM to a retail e-commerce site’s product pages. Additionally, only the volume dimension of online WOM, measured by the number of customer review comments, is shown to have an influence on product sales

    Mutual Knowledge and its Impact on Virtual Team Performance

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    This paper describes the notion of mutual knowledge and its potential impact on virtual team performance. Based on a review of the literature, including proponents and opponents for the concept of mutual knowledge in group interaction, we suggest that there is a gap in our understanding of what is known about mutual knowledge as it impacts team dynamics and ultimately virtual team performance. We conclude the paper by discussing the importance of mutual knowledge for virtual team performance and the research issues that need to be addressed in this domain

    An Empirical Study of Online Word of Mouth as a Predictor for Multi-product Category e-Commerce Sales

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    The ability to exchange opinions and experiences online is known as online word of mouth (WOM) and has been shown in the literature to have the potential to impact e-commerce sales. The purpose of this paper is to expand previous findings by empirically evaluating the impact of online WOM attributes and other related factors (e.g. product views, promotion, and category) on e-commerce sales using real data from a multi-product retail e-commerce firm. Research has previously shown that the introduction of online WOM on a retail e-commerce site can positively impact product sales. We propose and validate a conceptual model of online WOM and its impact on product sales and the impact of moderator variables such as promotion, product category and product views. It is our conclusion that previous research on online WOM has been limited as our research empirically demonstrates the conclusion that it is the interaction of product category, volume and product views, and the interaction of product views and product category which are statistically significant in explaining changes in unit product sales. Pure increase in volume or number of reviewer comments has no significant effect on sales. These conclusions have critical implications for the practical use of online WOM in e-commerce and for internet marketing

    Does Mutual Knowledge Affect Virtual Team Performance? Theoretical Analysis and Anecdotal Evidence

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    This paper describes the concept of mutual knowledge and its potential impact on virtual team performance. Based on an analysis of extant literature, we argue that there is a gap in our understanding of what is known about mutual knowledge as it impacts team dynamics and virtual team performance. Supporting literature, anecdotes, and case studies are used to discuss the importance of mutual knowledge for virtual team performance and the research issues that need to be addressed in the future

    An Empirical Investigation of Virtual World Projects and Metaverse Technology Capabilities

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    Metaverses are immersive three-dimensional virtual worlds (VWs) where people interact with each other and their environment, using the metaphor of the real world but without its physical limitations. Unique technology capabilities of metaverses have the potential to enhance the conduct of virtual projects, but little is known about virtual worlds in this context. Virtual project teams struggle in meeting stated project outcomes due to challenges related to communication, shared understanding, and coordination. One way to address these challenges is to consider the use of emerging technologies, such as metaverses, to minimize the impact on virtual project teams. Applying a theoretical foundation for virtual teams in metaverses that includes both technology capabilities and the social interaction that takes place in the metaverse environment, we conducted an empirical investigation of project teams in a virtual world setting. The study examined the interplay of communication, representation, interaction, and team process tools with behaviors that led to role clarity, shared understanding, and coordination. While each individual technology capability contributed to project execution and outcomes, much of the power of the environment emerged through the interplay of social behaviors and technology capabilities. The results have intriguing implications for how metaverse technology capabilities might provide new ways to address gaps in the current research and practice of virtual project management and virtual teams

    Avatars, People, and Virtual Worlds: Foundations for Research in Metaverses

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    Metaverses are immersive three-dimensional virtual worlds in which people interact as avatars with each other and with software agents, using the metaphor of the real world but without its physical limitations. The ubiquitous availability of high speed Internet access has spurred enormous interest in virtual worlds like Second Life and World of Warcraft, both in terms of user gaming and as a new technological platform for global virtual collaboration. These environments have potential for richer, more engaging collaboration, but their capabilities have yet to be examined in depth. Of particular interest in this paper is the use of metaverses for virtual team collaboration. We develop a conceptual model for research in metaverses that is based on five key constructs: (1) the metaverse itself, (2) people/avatars, (3) metaverse technology capabilities, (4) behaviors, and (5) outcomes. We present an in-depth characterization of metaverse technology capabilities from a socio-technical view that recognizes the potential for variation in emergent interaction and in outcomes. Example propositions and a discussion of key issues and challenges show how the model can be used to further research and practice in virtual teams in the context of these new environments

    Moving First Life into SecondLife: Real World Opportunities for Virtual Teams and Virtual World Project Management

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    Consider a world where you can: conduct training sessions and bring together experts from around the globe in a single, common environment where learning is possible; hold effective meetings in a shared space where distant resources and people can come together to communicate, laugh, and create artifacts quickly and easily; and, coordinate a project with ease and overcome cultural barriers to team effectiveness. These scenarios can be realized with virtual world (VW) technology


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    The field of Information Systems and Technology is relatively young and dynamic. We are all challenged to stay at the leading edge of education in this field while simultaneously providing foundational concepts. The panel is designed to engage the question of whether we need to transform education in Information Systems and Technology. Stakeholders from different domains will provide their points of view and engage the audience in debate