1 research outputs found

    COVID 19 y Odontolog铆a: Medidas preventivas en el desarrollo de la pr谩ctica odontol贸gica

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    COVID-19 in Dentistry is a public health priority for which a series of drastic preventive measures have been applied to help prevent community contagion of the virus, the objective of this study is to describe preventive measures against Covid-19 in the development of dental practice. That is why the importance of the use of all protection barriers such as the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for dentists, hand washing, screening, triage of patients, cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, preparation of the clinical field, protocol prior to care, provisions for the management of stomatological procedures, use of antiseptic rinses prior to the procedure, placement of a rubber dam, use of high-powered evacuation suctors, disinfection at the end of treatment and dental waste management. It is concluded that it is necessary to use preventive biosafety measures through the correct execution of standards such as hand washing protocol, the use of a disinfectant such as 70% alcohol and the use of a filtering respirator such as N95; in addition to the use of an antiseptic rinse prior to the procedure, the placement of a rubber dam, and the use of a high-powered evacuation suction device.El objetivo del estudio fue describir las medidas de prevenci贸n y control de la COVID-19 en el desarrollo de la pr谩ctica odontol贸gica. El COVID-19 es una enfermedad causada por el virus SARSCoV- 2 que ha afectado a gran parte de la poblaci贸n mundial por su naturaleza altamente infecciosa. La actividad m谩s vulnerable de contaminaci贸n cruzada y difusi贸n de esta enfermedad es la pr谩ctica Odontol贸gica, debido al contacto directo con los aerosoles y la exposici贸n directa a la cavidad oral. Por ello es necesario aplicar una serie de medidas preventivas dr谩sticas que ayuden a prevenir el contagio comunitario del virus. Es por ello que todo paciente que acude a la consulta odontol贸gica debe ser tratado como paciente de riesgo y potencialmente sospechoso para COVID-19, por ello antes, durante y despu茅s de la atenci贸n odontol贸gica se debe aplicar protocolo de atenci贸n con el fin de proteger al paciente y al personal odontol贸gico