1,095 research outputs found

    Quantum Vacuum Instability Near Rotating Stars

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    We discuss the Starobinskii-Unruh process for the Kerr black hole. We show how this effect is related to the theory of squeezed states. We then consider a simple model for a highly relativistic rotating star and show that the Starobinskii-Unruh effect is absent.Comment: 17 Pages, (accepted by PRD), (previously incorrect header files have been corrected

    Memory, space and time: Researching children's lives

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    This article discusses the research approach in 'Pathways through Childhood', a small qualitative study drawing on memories of childhood. The research explores how wider social arrangements and social change influence children's everyday lives.The article discusses the way that the concepts of social memory, space and time have been drawn on to access and analyse children's experiences, arguing that attention to the temporal and spatial complexity of childhood reveals less visible yet formative influences and connections. Children's everyday engagements involve connections between past and present time, between children, families, communities and nations, and between different places. Children carve out space and time for themselves from these complex relations. © The Author(s) 2010

    The Future Evolution of White Dwarf Stars Through Baryon Decay and Time Varying Gravitational Constant

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    Motivated by the possibility that the fundamental ``constants'' of nature could vary with time, this paper considers the long term evolution of white dwarf stars under the combined action of proton decay and variations in the gravitational constant. White dwarfs are thus used as a theoretical laboratory to study the effects of possible time variations, especially their implications for the future history of the universe. More specifically, we consider the gravitational constant GG to vary according to the parametric relation G=G0(1+t/t∗)−pG = G_0 (1 + t/t_\ast)^{-p}, where the time scale t∗t_\ast is the same order as the proton lifetime. We then study the long term fate and evolution of white dwarf stars. This treatment begins when proton decay dominates the stellar luminosity, and ends when the star becomes optically thin to its internal radiation.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    A convenient band-gap interpolation technique and an improved band line-up model for InGaAlAs on InP

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    The band-gap energy and the band line-up of InGaAlAs quaternary compound material on InP are essential information for the theoretical study of physical properties and the design of optoelectronics devices operating in the long-wavelength communication window. The band-gap interpolation of In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As on InP is known to be a challenging task due to the observed discrepancy of experimental results arising from the bowing effect. Besides, the band line-up results of In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As on InP based on previously reported models have limited success by far. In this work, we propose an interpolation solution using the single-variable surface bowing estimation interpolation method for the fitting of experimentally measured In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As band-gap data with various degree of bowing using the same set of input parameters. The suggested solution provides an easier and more physically interpretable way to determine not only lattice matched, but also strained band-gap energy of In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As on InP based on the experimental results. Interpolated results from this convenient method show a more favourable match to multiple independent experiment data sets measured under different temperature conditions as compared to those obtained from the commonly used weighted-sum approach. On top of that, extended framework of the model-solid theory for the band line-up of In1-x-y Ga (x) Al (y) As/InP heterostructure is proposed. Our model-solid theory band line-up result using the proposed extended framework has shown an improved accuracy over those without the extension. In contrast to some previously reported works, it is worth noting that the band line-up result based on our proposed extended model-solid theory has also shown to be more accurate than those given by Harrison's mode

    The role of ZntA in Klebsiella pneumoniae zinc homeostasis

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    Klebsiella pneumoniae is an opportunistic Gram-negative pathogen that is a leading cause of healthcare-associated infections, including pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and sepsis. Essential to the colonization and infection by K. pneumoniae is the acquisition of nutrients, such as the transition metal ion zinc. Zinc has crucial structural and catalytic roles in the proteome of all organisms. Nevertheless, in excess, it has the potential to mediate significant toxicity by dysregulating the homeostasis of other transition elements, disrupting enzymatic processes, and perturbing metalloprotein cofactor acquisition. Here, we sought to elucidate the zinc detoxification mechanisms of K. pneumoniae, which remain poorly defined. Using the representative K. pneumoniae AJ218 strain, we showed that the P-type ATPase, ZntA, which is upregulated in response to cellular zinc stress, was the primary zinc efflux pathway. Deletion of zntA rendered K. pneumoniae AJ218 highly susceptible to exogenous zinc stress and manifested as an impaired growth phenotype and increased cellular accumulation of the metal. Loss of zntA also increased sensitivity to cadmium stress, indicating a role for this efflux pathway in cadmium resistance. Disruption of zinc homeostasis in the K. pneumoniae AJ218 ΔzntA strain also impacted manganese and iron homeostasis and was associated with increased production of biofilm. Collectively, this work showed the critical role of ZntA in K. pneumoniae zinc tolerance and provided a foundation for further studies on zinc homeostasis and the future development of novel antimicrobials to target this pathway. IMPORTANCE: Klebsiella pneumoniae is a leading cause of healthcare-associated infections, including pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and sepsis. Treatment of K. pneumoniae infections is becoming increasingly challenging due to high levels of antibiotic resistance and the rising prevalence of carbapenem-resistant, extended-spectrum ÎČ-lactamases producing strains. Zinc is essential to the colonization and infection by many bacterial pathogens but toxic in excess. This work described the first dissection of the pathways associated with resisting extracellular zinc stress in K. pneumoniae. This study revealed that the P-type ATPase ZntA was highly upregulated in response to exogenous zinc stress and played a major role in maintaining bacterial metal homeostasis. Knowledge of how this major bacterial pathogen resists zinc stress provided a foundation for antimicrobial development studies to target and abrogate their essential function.Eve A. Maunders, Katherine Ganio, Andrew J. Hayes, Stephanie L. Neville, Mark R. Davies, Richard A. Strugnell, Christopher A. McDevitt, Aimee Ta

    Quantum Communication in Rindler Spacetime

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    A state that an inertial observer in Minkowski space perceives to be the vacuum will appear to an accelerating observer to be a thermal bath of radiation. We study the impact of this Davies-Fulling-Unruh noise on communication, particularly quantum communication from an inertial sender to an accelerating observer and private communication between two inertial observers in the presence of an accelerating eavesdropper. In both cases, we establish compact, tractable formulas for the associated communication capacities assuming encodings that allow a single excitation in one of a fixed number of modes per use of the communications channel. Our contributions include a rigorous presentation of the general theory of the private quantum capacity as well as a detailed analysis of the structure of these channels, including their group-theoretic properties and a proof that they are conjugate degradable. Connections between the Unruh channel and optical amplifiers are also discussed.Comment: v3: 44 pages, accepted in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Time-of-arrival distributions from position-momentum and energy-time joint measurements

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    The position-momentum quasi-distribution obtained from an Arthurs and Kelly joint measurement model is used to obtain indirectly an ``operational'' time-of-arrival (TOA) distribution following a quantization procedure proposed by Kocha\'nski and W\'odkiewicz [Phys. Rev. A 60, 2689 (1999)]. This TOA distribution is not time covariant. The procedure is generalized by using other phase-space quasi-distributions, and sufficient conditions are provided for time covariance that limit the possible phase-space quasi-distributions essentially to the Wigner function, which, however, provides a non-positive TOA quasi-distribution. These problems are remedied with a different quantization procedure which, on the other hand, does not guarantee normalization. Finally an Arthurs and Kelly measurement model for TOA and energy (valid also for arbitrary conjugate variables when one of the variables is bounded from below) is worked out. The marginal TOA distribution so obtained, a distorted version of Kijowski's distribution, is time covariant, positive, and normalized

    Post-Newtonian SPH calculations of binary neutron star coalescence. I. Method and first results

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    We present the first results from our Post-Newtonian (PN) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code, which has been used to study the coalescence of binary neutron star (NS) systems. The Lagrangian particle-based code incorporates consistently all lowest-order (1PN) relativistic effects, as well as gravitational radiation reaction, the lowest-order dissipative term in general relativity. We test our code on sequences of single NS models of varying compactness, and we discuss ways to make PN simulations more relevant to realistic NS models. We also present a PN SPH relaxation procedure for constructing equilibrium models of synchronized binaries, and we use these equilibrium models as initial conditions for our dynamical calculations of binary coalescence. Though unphysical, since tidal synchronization is not expected in NS binaries, these initial conditions allow us to compare our PN work with previous Newtonian results. We compare calculations with and without 1PN effects, for NS with stiff equations of state, modeled as polytropes with Γ=3\Gamma=3. We find that 1PN effects can play a major role in the coalescence, accelerating the final inspiral and causing a significant misalignment in the binary just prior to final merging. In addition, the character of the gravitational wave signal is altered dramatically, showing strong modulation of the exponentially decaying waveform near the end of the merger. We also discuss briefly the implications of our results for models of gamma-ray bursts at cosmological distances.Comment: RevTeX, 37 pages, 17 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D, minor corrections onl

    The 3D Structure of N132D in the LMC: A Late-Stage Young Supernova Remnant

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    We have used the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) on the 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory to map the [O III] 5007{\AA} dynamics of the young oxygen-rich supernova remnant N132D in the Large Magellanic Cloud. From the resultant data cube, we have been able to reconstruct the full 3D structure of the system of [O III] filaments. The majority of the ejecta form a ring of ~12pc in diameter inclined at an angle of 25 degrees to the line of sight. We conclude that SNR N132D is approaching the end of the reverse shock phase before entering the fully thermalized Sedov phase of evolution. We speculate that the ring of oxygen-rich material comes from ejecta in the equatorial plane of a bipolar explosion, and that the overall shape of the SNR is strongly influenced by the pre-supernova mass loss from the progenitor star. We find tantalizing evidence of a polar jet associated with a very fast oxygen-rich knot, and clear evidence that the central star has interacted with one or more dense clouds in the surrounding ISM.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Astrophysics & Space Science, 18pp, 8 figure
