27 research outputs found

    Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume

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    The hippocampal formation is a brain structure integrally involved in episodic memory, spatial navigation, cognition and stress responsiveness. Structural abnormalities in hippocampal volume and shape are found in several common neuropsychiatric disorders. To identify the genetic underpinnings of hippocampal structure here we perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 33,536 individuals and discover six independent loci significantly associated with hippocampal volume, four of them novel. Of the novel loci, three lie within genes (ASTN2, DPP4 and MAST4) and one is found 200 kb upstream of SHH. A hippocampal subfield analysis shows that a locus within the MSRB3 gene shows evidence of a localized effect along the dentate gyrus, subiculum, CA1 and fissure. Further, we show that genetic variants associated with decreased hippocampal volume are also associated with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (rg =-0.155). Our findings suggest novel biological pathways through which human genetic variation influences hippocampal volume and risk for neuropsychiatric illness

    Fluxo de biomassa em capim-tanzĂąnia pastejado por ovinos sob trĂȘs perĂ­odos de descanso Biomass flow in tanzaniagrass pasture under three resting periods grazed by sheep

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    Avaliou-se o fluxo de biomassa em Panicum maximum cv. TanzĂąnia pastejado por ovinos com trĂȘs perĂ­odos de descanso (PD), definidos pela expansĂŁo de 1,5; 2,5 e 3,5 novas folhas por perfilho, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com duas repetiçÔes (piquetes). Estimaram-se as taxas de alongamento de lĂąmina foliar total (TAlF), de senescĂȘncia de lĂąminas foliares remanescentes do pastejo anterior (TSFA), de senescĂȘncia das novas folhas formadas no PD (TSFP) e de senescĂȘncia total (TSFT=TSFA+TSFP), a taxa de alongamento das hastes (TAlH), a razĂŁo entre as TAlF das folhas 1 e 2 (razĂŁo TAlF1/TAlF2), a densidade populacional de perfilhos (DPP), o filocrono e as taxas de crescimento (TCC) e de acĂșmulo (TAC) da cultura. A razĂŁo TAlF1/2 nĂŁo foi afetada pelos PD, mas reduziu ao longo dos ciclos na pastagem sob PD 3,5. A TAlF nĂŁo foi afetada pelos PD. A TAlH, a TSFA e a TSFT na pastagem sob PD 1,5 foram menores que nas demais. Houve TSFP somente na pastagem sob PD 3,5. O filocrono da pastagem sob PD 1,5 foi superior ao observado nas demais. A densidade populacional de perfilhos (DPP) da pastagem sob o PD 2,5 foi similar Ă  verificada na pastagem sob PD 1,5 e superior Ă  verificada sob PD 3,5. Houve redução na DPP ao longo dos ciclos na pastagem sob PD 3,5. As taxas de crescimento (TCC) e de acĂșmulo (TAC) foram superiores na pastagem sob PD 2,5. O prolongamento do PD elevou as TAlH e TSFT e reduziu a DPP e a TAC. Portanto, o PD do capim-tanzĂąnia pastejado por ovinos nĂŁo deve exceder o tempo necessĂĄrio Ă  expansĂŁo de 2,5 novas folhas por perfilho.<br>The biomass flow in Panicum maximum cv. TanzĂąnia pasture grazed by sheep under three resting periods (PD), defined by the expansion of 1.5; 2.5 and 3.5 new leaves per tiller (1.5F; 2.5F and 3.5F, respectively) was evaluated in a randomized completely design with two replicates (paddocks). It was determined the leaf elongation rate (TAlF), the residual leaf senescence rate (TSFA), the post-grazing leaf senescence rate (TSFP) and the total leaf senescence rate (TSFT), the stem elongation rate (TAlH), the TAlF of leaves 1 and 2 ratio (TALF1/2), the tiller population density (DPP), the phylochron and the crop growth (TCC) and accumulation (TAC) rates. The TAlF1/2 ratio was not affected by the PD, however, it decreased over the cycles at the 3.5F PD pasture. The TAlF was not affected by the PD. The TAlH was inferior at the 1.5F PD pasture, as well as the TSFA and the TSFT. There was TSFP only at the 3.5F PD pasture. The phylochron of the 1.5F PD pasture was superior to the others. The DPP of the 2.5F PD pasture was similar to that of the 1.5F PD pasture, and it was superior to the 3.5F PD pasture. There was reduction of the DPP following the cycles at the 3.5F PD pasture. The TCC and the TAC of the 2.5F PD pasture were superior than the others. The extension of the PD raised the TAlH and the TSFT and reduced the DPP and the TAC. As a conclusion, the resting period should not exceed the time necessary to the expansion of 2.5 leaves on the tiller for tanzaniagrass pastures grazed by sheep

    CaracterĂ­sticas morfogĂȘnicas de milheto sob lotação rotacionada com diferentes perĂ­odos de descanso Morphogenetic characteristics of pearl millet under rotational grazing with different rest periods

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    O experimento foi realizado para avaliar as caracterĂ­sticas morfogĂȘnicas de milheto (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.) sob lotação rotacionada com trĂȘs perĂ­odos de descanso, correspondentes aos tempo necessĂĄrio para expansĂŁo de 1,5 a 2 folhas; de 2,5 a 3 folhas; e de 3,5 a 4 folhas. As caracterĂ­sticas morfogĂȘnicas avaliadas em quatro repetiçÔes de ĂĄrea (piquetes) foram alongamento de lĂąminas foliares, senescĂȘncia de lĂąminas foliares, alongamento de colmos, aparecimento de folhas, filocrono e duração de vida das folhas. As taxas de alongamento foram de 6,4; 5,8 e 5,3 cm/dia; as taxas de senescĂȘncia de lĂąminas foliares, de 0,71; 0,82 e 1,19 cm/dia; as taxas de alongamento de colmo 0,73; 1,42 e 2,2 cm/dia; as taxas de aparecimento de folhas de 0,158; 0,119 e 0,118; e o filocrono, de 93; 118 e 128 graus-dia para os perĂ­odos de descanso de 1,5 a 2; de 2,5 a 3; e de 3,5 a 4 folhas, respectivamente. A duração de vida das folhas nĂŁo foi afetada pelos perĂ­odos de descanso, entretanto, os valores mĂ©dios foram muito superiores aos obtidos em estudos anteriores, portanto, nĂŁo Ă© um parĂąmetro eficaz para determinação do perĂ­odo de descanso. As taxas acumuladas das variĂĄveis morfogĂȘnicas em estudo para o perĂ­odo de descanso de 1,5 a 2 folhas, somadas ao longo do ciclo de crescimento da cultura, determinam maior investimento da planta em lĂąminas verdes, o que resulta em melhores respostas morfogĂȘnicas do aspecto forrageiro.<br>A field experiment was carried out to evaluate the morphogenetic characteristics of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.), under rotational grazing with the following rest periods between grazings (RP), corresponding to the time required for expansion from: RP 1.5 to 2 leaves, RP 2.5 to 3 leaves and 3.5 to 4 leaves. Morphogenic characteristics were evaluated in four replications of the area (paddocks) and consisted of leaf blade growth, leaf senescence, stem growth, leaf appearance, phillochron and leaf life-span. The leaf blade growth rate was 6.4, 5.8 and 5.3 cm/day, the senescence rate was 0.71, 0.82 and 1.19 cm/day, the stem growth rate was 0.73, 1.42 and 2.2 cm/day, the leaf appearance rate was 0.158, 0.119 and 0.118, the phillochron was 93, 118 and 128 degrees day for the rest periods of 1.5 to 2, 2.5 to 3 and 3.5 to 4 leaves, respectively. The leaf life span was not affected by the rest periods but the meanvalues were much higher than those obtained in previous studies, thus it is not an efficacious parameter to determine rest periods. The accumulated rates of the morphogenic variables for the 1.5 to 2 leaf rest period during the crop cycle determined a higher plant investment in leaves and, consequently, the best morphogenic responses for the forage aspect