1,418 research outputs found

    On the lowest eigenvalue of Laplace operators with mixed boundary conditions

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    In this paper we consider a Robin-type Laplace operator on bounded domains. We study the dependence of its lowest eigenvalue on the boundary conditions and its asymptotic behavior in shrinking and expanding domains. For convex domains we establish two-sided estimates on the lowest eigenvalues in terms of the inradius and of the boundary conditions

    Noise and Measurement Efficiency of a Partially Coherent Mesoscopic Detector

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    We study the noise properties and efficiency of a mesoscopic resonant-level conductor which is used as a quantum detector, in the regime where transport through the level is only partially phase coherent. We contrast models in which detector incoherence arises from escape to a voltage probe, versus those in which it arises from a random time-dependent potential. Particular attention is paid to the back-action charge noise of the system. While the average detector current is similar in all models, we find that its noise properties and measurement efficiency are sensitive both to the degree of coherence and to the nature of the dephasing source. Detector incoherence prevents quantum limited detection, except in the non-generic case where the source of dephasing is not associated with extra unobserved information. This latter case can be realized in a version of the voltage probe model.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; revised dicussion of voltage probe model

    Geometrothermodynamics of five dimensional black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-theory

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    We investigate the thermodynamic properties of 5D static and spherically symmetric black holes in (i) Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory, (ii) Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory with negative cosmological constant, and in (iii) Einstein-Yang-Mills-Gauss-Bonnet theory. To formulate the thermodynamics of these black holes we use the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy relation and, alternatively, a modified entropy formula which follows from the first law of thermodynamics of black holes. The results of both approaches are not equivalent. Using the formalism of geometrothermodynamics, we introduce in the manifold of equilibrium states a Legendre invariant metric for each black hole and for each thermodynamic approach, and show that the thermodynamic curvature diverges at those points where the temperature vanishes and the heat capacity diverges.Comment: New sections added, references adde

    Interbreed variation in craniometrical parameters in sheep.

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    This work is the first investigation to compare craniometrical parameters between different breeds of sheep. Nine breeds or cross-breeds of sheep were studied, with all measurements being carried out on live animals at times of routine animal husbandry. Although a number of the variables were not significantly different between breeds, examples of interbreed differences were found. This was true for both individual measurements of lengths and widths, as well as for indices derived by pair-wise comparisons of individual widths or lengths. In some cases differences indicated that the cross-bred lambs shared a greater similarity to one of the parental breeds relative to the other parental breed; e.g. the width between the ears relative to the length from the nuchal crest to the rostral aspect of the upper lip, where Texel x Wiltshire cross lambs had ratios more similar to the maternal Wiltshire than they had to the paternal Texel line. In other examples the cross-breeds had values which were intermediate between the two parental lines; e.g. the width at the rostral aspect of the diastema relative to the length from the nuchal crest to the rostral aspect of the upper lip, where Texel x Wiltshire cross lambs had ratios intermediate between the maternal Wiltshire and the paternal Texel lines. For one of the ratio values (the length from the nuchal crest to the rostral aspect of the upper lip, relative to the width at the caudal aspect of the diastema) it was particularly interesting to note that this was a trait where the male Suffolk x Brecknock Hill Cheviot cross lambs were more similar to the Suffolks (i.e. the paternal line), but the females cross lambs were more similar to the Brecknock Hill Cheviots (i.e. the maternal line). It is anticipated that this work will provide implications for using craniometrical parameters as a future husbandry tool

    Generalised second law of thermodynamics for interacting dark energy in the DGP brane world

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    In this paper, we investigate the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) in the DGP brane world when universe is filled with interacting two fluid system: one in the form of cold dark matter and other is holographic dark energy. The boundary of the universe is assumed to be enclosed by the dynamical apparent horizon or the event horizon. The universe is chosen to be homogeneous and isotropic FRW model and the validity of the first law has been assumed here

    Scattering of light and atoms in a Fermi-Dirac gas with BCS pairing

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    We theoretically study the optical properties of a Fermi-Dirac gas in the presence of a superfluid state. We calculate the leading quantum-statistical corrections to the standard column density result of the electric susceptibility. We also consider the Bragg diffraction of atoms by means of light-stimulated transitions of photons between two intersecting laser beams. Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer pairing between atoms in different internal levels magnifies incoherent scattering processes. The absorption linewidth of a Fermi-Dirac gas is broadened and shifted. Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer pairing introduces a collisional local-field shift that may dramatically dominate the Lorentz-Lorenz shift. For the case of the Bragg spectroscopy the static structure function may be significantly increased due to superfluidity in the nearforward scattering.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; to appear in PR

    Single photon emitters based on Ni/Si related defects in single crystalline diamond

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    We present investigations on single Ni/Si related color centers produced via ion implantation into single crystalline type IIa CVD diamond. Testing different ion dose combinations we show that there is an upper limit for both the Ni and the Si dose 10^12/cm^2 and 10^10/cm^2 resp.) due to creation of excess fluorescent background. We demonstrate creation of Ni/Si related centers showing emission in the spectral range between 767nm and 775nm and narrow line-widths of 2nm FWHM at room temperature. Measurements of the intensity auto-correlation functions prove single-photon emission. The investigated color centers can be coarsely divided into two groups: Drawing from photon statistics and the degree of polarization in excitation and emission we find that some color centers behave as two-level, single-dipole systems whereas other centers exhibit three levels and contributions from two orthogonal dipoles. In addition, some color centers feature stable and bright emission with saturation count rates up to 78kcounts/s whereas others show fluctuating count rates and three-level blinking.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Applied Physics B, revised versio

    Generation and evolution of vortex-antivortex pairs in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose a method for generating and controlling a spatially separated vortex--antivortex pair in a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a toroidal potential. Our simulations of the time dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation show that in toroidal condensates vortex dynamics are different from the dynamics in the homogeneous case. Our numerical results agree well with analytical calculations using the image method. Our proposal offers an effective example of coherent generation and control of vortex dynamics in atomic condensates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamical modelling of the elliptical galaxy NGC 2974

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    In this paper we analyse the relations between a previously described oblate Jaffe model for an ellipsoidal galaxy and the observed quantities for NGC 2974, and obtain the length and velocity scales for a relevant elliptical galaxy model. We then derive the finite total mass of the model from these scales, and finally find a good fit of an isotropic oblate Jaffe model by using the Gauss-Hermite fit parameters and the observed ellipticity of the galaxy NGC 2974. The model is also used to predict the total luminous mass of NGC 2974, assuming that the influence of dark matter in this galaxy on the image, ellipticity and Gauss-Hermite fit parameters of this galaxy is negligible within the central region, of radius 0.5Re.0.5R_{\rm e}.Comment: 7 figure

    Path Integral Monte Carlo Approach to the U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in (2+1) Dimensions

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    Path Integral Monte Carlo simulations have been performed for U(1) lattice gauge theory in (2+1) dimensions on anisotropic lattices. We extractthe static quark potential, the string tension and the low-lying "glueball" spectrum.The Euclidean string tension and mass gap decrease exponentially at weakcoupling in excellent agreement with the predictions of Polyakov and G{\" o}pfert and Mack, but their magnitudes are five times bigger than predicted. Extrapolations are made to the extreme anisotropic or Hamiltonian limit, and comparisons are made with previous estimates obtained in the Hamiltonian formulation.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure