17,727 research outputs found

    Broken Bonds: Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Children With Incarcerated Parents

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    Describes the shared characteristics of children with parents in prison, reviews current research on the emotional and behavioral challenges they face, and discusses what charities, practitioners, and policy makers can do to address those challenges

    Release Planning for Successful Reentry: A Guide for Corrections, Service Providers, and Community Groups

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    Outlines the concept of release planning, identifies the fundamental needs released prisoners face in reentering society, and recommends ways for corrections agencies and community organizations to help meet those needs through improved release planning

    Understanding the Experiences and Needs of Children of Incarcerated Parents: Views From Mentors

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    Provides qualitative insights from mentors on how parental incarceration affects children emotionally, behaviorally, and developmentally, as well as their relationships with their parents, and how their needs differ from those of other at-risk children

    Cultural Immersion Experience in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    This past summer, the University of Dayton offered its first study abroad course for graduate students in the Department of Counselor Education and Human Services (EDC). Eight school psychology graduate students, three students from other EDC programs, and two faculty members spent two weeks in Buenos Aires, Argentina learning about their educational system and experiencing firsthand what it feels like to be immersed in another culture

    Second-harmonic generation in vortex-induced waveguides

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    We study the second-harmonic generation and localization of light in a reconfigurable waveguide induced by an optical vortex soliton in a defocusing Kerr medium. We show that the vortex-induced waveguide greatly improves conversion efficiency from the fundamental to the second harmonic field.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Optics Letter

    Nonlinear theory of soliton-induced waveguides

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    We develop a nonlinear theory of soliton-induced waveguides that describes a finite-amplitude probe beam guided by a spatial dark soliton in a saturable nonlinear medium. We suggest an effective way to control the interaction of these soliton-induced waveguides and also show that, in sharp contrast with scalar dark solitons, the dark-soliton waveguides can attract each other and even form stationary bound states.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence of a distinct stellar population in the counter-rotating core of NGC 1700

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    We find a distinct stellar population in the counter-rotating and kinematically decoupled core of the isolated massive elliptical galaxy NGC 1700. Coinciding with the edge of this core we find a significant change in the slope of the gradient of various representative absorption line indices. Our age estimate for this core is markedly younger than the main body of the galaxy. We find lower values for the age, metallicity and Mg/Fe abundance ratio in the center of this galaxy when we compare them with other isolated elliptical galaxies with similar velocity dispersion. We discuss the different possible scenarios that might have lead to the formation of this younger kinematically decoupled structure and conclude that, in light of our findings, the ingestion of a small stellar companion on a retrograde orbit is the most favoured.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Suzaku X-ray Spectra and Pulse Profile Variations during the Superorbital Cycle of LMC X-4

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    We present results from spectral and temporal analyses of Suzaku and RXTE observations of the high mass X-ray binary LMC X-4. Using the full 13 years of available RXTE/ASM data, we apply the ANOVA and Lomb normalized Periodogram methods to obtain an improved superorbital period measurement of 30.32 +/- 0.04 days. The phase-averaged X-ray spectra from Suzaku observations during the high state of the superorbital period can be modeled in the 0.6--50 keV band as the combination of a power-law with Gamma ~ 0.6 and a high-energy cutoff at ~ 25 keV, a blackbody with kT_BB ~ 0.18 keV, and emission lines from Fe K_alpha, O VIII, and Ne IX (X Lyalpha). Assuming a distance of 50 kpc, The source has luminosity L_X ~ 3 x 10^38 ergs s^-1 in the 2--50 keV band, and the luminosity of the soft (blackbody) component is L_BB ~ 1.5 x 10^37 ergs s^-1. The energy resolved pulse profiles show single-peaked soft (0.5-1 keV) and hard (6-10 keV) pulses but a more complex pattern of medium (2-10 keV) pulses; cross-correlation of the hard with the soft pulses shows a phase shift that varies between observations. We interpret these results in terms of a picture in which a precessing disk reprocesses the hard X-rays and produces the observed soft spectral component, as has been suggested for the similar sources Her X-1 and SMC X-1.Comment: 13 emulateapj pages, 11 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in Ap