46,211 research outputs found

    FliPer: Checking the reliability of global seismic parameters from automatic pipelines

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    Our understanding of stars through asteroseismic data analysis is limited by our ability to take advantage of the huge amount of observed stars provided by space missions such as CoRoT, Kepler, K2, and soon TESS and PLATO. Global seismic pipelines provide global stellar parameters such as mass and radius using the mean seismic parameters, as well as the effective temperature. These pipelines are commonly used automatically on thousands of stars observed by K2 for 3 months (and soon TESS for at least around 1 month). However, pipelines are not immune from misidentifying noise peaks and stellar oscillations. Therefore, new validation techniques are required to assess the quality of these results. We present a new metric called FliPer (Flicker in Power), which takes into account the average variability at all measured time scales. The proper calibration of FliPer enables us to obtain good estimations of global stellar parameters such as surface gravity that are robust against the influence of noise peaks and hence are an excellent way to find faults in asteroseismic pipelines.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings for SF2A 2017 (Paris

    BiSON data preparation: A correction for differential extinction and the weighted averaging of contemporaneous data

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    The Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) has provided high-quality high-cadence observations from as far back in time as 1978. These data must be calibrated from the raw observations into radial velocity and the quality of the calibration has a large impact on the signal-to-noise ratio of the final time series. The aim of this work is to maximise the potential science that can be performed with the BiSON data set by optimising the calibration procedure. To achieve better levels of signal-to-noise ratio we perform two key steps in the calibration process: we attempt a correction for terrestrial atmospheric differential extinction; and the resulting improvement in the calibration allows us to perform weighted averaging of contemporaneous data from different BiSON stations. The improvements listed produce significant improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio of the BiSON frequency-power spectrum across all frequency ranges. The reduction of noise in the power spectrum will allow future work to provide greater constraint on changes in the oscillation spectrum with solar activity. In addition, the analysis of the low-frequency region suggests we have achieved a noise level that may allow us to improve estimates of the upper limit of g-mode amplitudes.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 10 pages, 7 figure

    New Cosmological Structures on Medium Angular Scales Detected with the Tenerife Experiments

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    We present observations at 10 and 15 GHz taken with the Tenerife experiments in a band of the sky at Dec.=+35 degrees. These experiments are sensitive to multipoles in the range l=10-30. The sensitivity per beam is 56 and 20 microK for the 10 and the 15 GHz data, respectively. After subtraction of the prediction of known radio-sources, the analysis of the data at 15 GHz at high Galactic latitude shows the presence of a signal with amplitude Delta Trms ~ 32 microK. In the case of a Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum for the primordial fluctuations, a likelihood analysis shows that this signal corresponds to a quadrupole amplitude Q_rms-ps=20.1+7.1-5.4 microK, in agreement with our previous results at Dec.+=40 degrees and with the results of the COBE DMR. There is clear evidence for the presence of individual features in the RA range 190 degrees to 250 degrees with a peak to peak amplitude of ~110 microK. A preliminary comparison between our results and COBE DMR predictions for the Tenerife experiments clearly indicates the presence of individual features common to both. The constancy in amplitude over such a large range in frequency (10-90 GHz) is strongly indicative of an intrinsic cosmological origin for these structures.Comment: ApJ Letters accepted, 13 pages Latex (uses AASTEX) and 4 encapsulated postscript figures

    Performance of the Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON)

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    The Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON) has been operating with a full complement of six stations since 1992. Over 20 years later, we look back on the network history. The meta-data from the sites have been analysed to assess performance in terms of site insolation, with a brief look at the challenges that have been encountered over the years. We explain how the international community can gain easy access to the ever-growing dataset produced by the network, and finally look to the future of the network and the potential impact of nearly 25 years of technology miniaturisation.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figures. Accepted by Solar Physics: 2015 October 20. First online: 2015 December 7. Open Acces

    Changes in the sensitivity of solar p-mode frequency shifts to activity over three solar cycles

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    Low-degree solar p-mode observations from the long-lived Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) stretch back further than any other single helioseismic data set. Results from BiSON have suggested that the response of the mode frequency to solar activity levels may be different in different cycles. In order to check whether such changes can also be seen at higher degrees, we compare the response of medium-degree solar p-modes to activity levels across three solar cycles using data from Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO), Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG), Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI), by examining the shifts in the mode frequencies and their sensitivity to solar activity levels. We compare these shifts and sensitivities with those from radial modes from BiSON. We find that the medium-degree data show small but significant systematic differences between the cycles, with solar cycle 24 showing a frequency shift about 10 per cent larger than cycle 23 for the same change in activity as determined by the 10.7 cm radio flux. This may support the idea that there have been changes in the magnetic properties of the shallow subsurface layers of the Sun that have the strongest influence on the frequency shifts.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS 3rd July 201

    Parametrizing the time-variation of the "surface term" of stellar p-mode frequencies: application to helioseismic data

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    The solar-cyle variation of acoustic mode frequencies has a frequency dependence related to the inverse mode inertia. The discrepancy between model predictions and measured oscillation frequencies for solar and solar-type stellar acoustic modes includes a significant frequency-dependent term known as the surface term that is also related to the inverse mode inertia. We parametrize both the surface term and the frequency variations for low-degree solar data from Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON) and medium-degree data from the Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG) using the mode inertia together with cubic and inverse frequency terms. We find that for the central frequency of rotationally split multiplets the cubic term dominates both the average surface term and the temporal variation, but for the medium-degree case the inverse term improves the fit to the temporal variation. We also examine the variation of the even-order splitting coefficients for the medium-degree data and find that, as for the central frequency, the latitude-dependent frequency variation, which reflects the changing latitudinal distribution of magnetic activity over the solar cycle, can be described by the combination of a cubic and an inverse function of frequency scaled by inverse mode inertia. The results suggest that this simple parametrization could be used to assess the activity-related frequency variation in solar-like asteroseismic targets.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. Accepted by MNRAS 13 October 201

    The Tenerife Cosmic Microwave Background Maps: Observations and First Analysis

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    The results of the Tenerife Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments are presented. These observations cover 5000 and 6500 square degrees on the sky at 10 and 15 GHz respectively centred around Dec.~ +35 degrees. The experiments are sensitive to multipoles l=10-30 which corresponds to the Sachs-Wolfe plateau of the CMB power spectra. The sensitivity of the results are ~31 and \~12 microK at 10 and 15 GHz respectively in a beam-size region (5 degrees FWHM). The data at 15 GHz show clear detection of structure at high Galactic latitude; the results at 10 GHz are compatible with these, but at lower significance. A likelihood analysis of the 10 and 15 GHz data at high Galactic latitude, assuming a flat CMB band power spectra gives a signal Delta T_l=30+10-8 microK (68 % C.L.). Including the possible contaminating effect due to the diffuse Galactic component, the CMB signal is Delta T_l=30+15-11 microK. These values are highly stable against the Galactic cut chosen. Assuming a Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum for the primordial fluctuations, the above values imply an expected quadrupole Q_RMS-PS=20+10-7 microK which confirms previous results from these experiments, and which are compatible with the COBE DMR.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Ap

    The Low Surface Brightness Extent of the Fornax Cluster

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    We have used a large format CCD camera to survey the nearby Fornax cluster and its immediate environment for low luminosity low surface brightness galaxies. Recent observations indicate that these are the most dark matter dominated galaxies known and so they are likely to be a good tracer of the dark matter in clusters. We have identified large numbers of these galaxies consistent with a steep faint end slope of the luminosity function (alpha~ -2) down to MB ~ -12. These galaxies contribute almost the same amount to the total cluster light as the brighter galaxies and they have a spatial extent that is some four times larger. They satisfy two of the important predictions of N-body hierarchical simulations of structure formation using dark halos. The luminosity (mass ?) function is steep and the mass distribution is more extended than that defined by the brighter galaxies. We also find a large concentration of low surface brightness galaxies around the nearby galaxy NGC1291.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure