4,264 research outputs found

    Coordination polymers and isomerism; a study using silver(I) and a ∏-stacked ligand

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    The ligand 2,5-bis(2-pyridylmethylsulfanylmethyl)pyrazine (L) was prepared by the base coupling of 2-(sulfanylmethyl)pyridine and 2,5-bis(chloromethyl)pyrazine. This new ligand was treated with AgClO₄ in a 1 1 metal-to-ligand ratio and with AgNO₃in a 2 1 metal-to-ligand ratio to give coordination polymers. The crystal structures of {[Ag(L)]ClO₄}∞ ( 1) and {[Ag₂(L)](NO₃)₂}∞ ( 2) were determined. The Ag(I) ions in the one-dimensional polymeric chains of 1 adopted square-pyramidal geometries with the pyridine and pyrazine N donors coordinated in an extremely bent fashion. The structure of 2 revealed two isomeric polymer chains in the one crystal forming a single supramolecular array. The isomeric polymers differed in the donor atoms about the Ag(I) ions and in the arrangement of adjacent ligands along the chain. A feature of both structures was that L adopted a three-layer ∏-stacked arrangement

    Empirical relations for the accurate estimation of stellar masses and radii

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    In this work, we have taken advantage of the most recent accurate stellar characterizations carried out using asteroseismology, eclipsing binaries and interferometry to evaluate a comprehensive set of empirical relations for the estimation of stellar masses and radii. We have gathered a total of 934 stars -- of which around two-thirds are on the Main Sequence -- that are characterized with different levels of precision, most of them having estimates of M, R, Teff, L, g, density, and [Fe/H]. We have deliberately used a heterogeneous sample (in terms of characterizing techniques and spectroscopic types) to reduce the influence of possible biases coming from the observation, reduction, and analysis methods used to obtain the stellar parameters. We have studied a total of 576 linear combinations of Teff, L, g, density, and [Fe/H] (and their logarithms) to be used as independent variables to estimate M or R. We have used an error-in-variables linear regression algorithm to extract the relations and to ensure the fair treatment of the uncertainties. We present a total of 38 new or revised relations that have an adj-R2 regression statistic higher than 0.85, and a relative accuracy and precision better than 10% for almost all the cases. The relations cover almost all the possible combinations of observables, ensuring that, whatever list of observables is available, there is at least one relation for estimating the stellar mass and radius.Comment: 49 Pages, 17 figures, 11 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Changing the νmax\nu_{\max} Scaling Relation: The Need For a Mean Molecular Weight Term

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    The scaling relations that relate the average asteroseismic parameters Δν\Delta \nu and νmax\nu_{\max} to the global properties of stars are used quite extensively to determine stellar properties. While the Δν\Delta \nu scaling relation has been examined carefully and the deviations from the relation have been well documented, the νmax\nu_{\max} scaling relation has not been examined as extensively. In this paper we examine the νmax\nu_{\max} scaling relation using a set of stellar models constructed to have a wide range of mass, metallicity, and age. We find that as with Δν\Delta \nu, νmax\nu_{\max} does not follow the simple scaling relation. The most visible deviation is because of a mean molecular weight term and a Γ1\Gamma_1 term that are commonly ignored. The remaining deviation is more difficult to address. We find that the influence of the scaling relation errors on asteroseismically derived values of logg\log g are well within uncertainties. The influence of the errors on mass and radius estimates is small for main sequence and subgiants, but can be quite large for red giants.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    K2P2^2 - A photometry pipeline for the K2 mission

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    With the loss of a second reaction wheel, resulting in the inability to point continuously and stably at the same field of view, the NASA Kepler satellite recently entered a new mode of observation known as the K2 mission. The data from this redesigned mission present a specific challenge; the targets systematically drift in position on a ~6 hour time scale, inducing a significant instrumental signal in the photometric time series --- this greatly impacts the ability to detect planetary signals and perform asteroseismic analysis. Here we detail our version of a reduction pipeline for K2 target pixel data, which automatically: defines masks for all targets in a given frame; extracts the target's flux- and position time series; corrects the time series based on the apparent movement on the CCD (either in 1D or 2D) combined with the correction of instrumental and/or planetary signals via the KASOC filter (Handberg & Lund 2014), thus rendering the time series ready for asteroseismic analysis; computes power spectra for all targets, and identifies potential contaminations between targets. From a test of our pipeline on a sample of targets from the K2 campaign 0, the recovery of data for multiple targets increases the amount of potential light curves by a factor 10{\geq}10. Our pipeline could be applied to the upcoming TESS (Ricker et al. 2014) and PLATO 2.0 (Rauer et al. 2013) missions.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (Apj

    Observations of the Structure and Dynamics of the Inner M87 Jet

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    M87 is the best source in which to study a jet at high resolution in gravitational units because it has a very high mass black hole and is nearby. The angular size of the black hole is second only to Sgr A*, which does not have a strong jet. The jet structure is edge brightened with a wide opening angle base and a weak counterjet. We have roughly annual observations for 17 years plus intensive monitoring at three week intervals for a year and five day intervals for 2.5 months made with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) at 43 GHz. The inner jet shows very complex dynamics, with apparent motions both along and across the jet. Speeds from zero to over 2c are seen, with acceleration observed over the first 3 milli-arcseconds. The counterjet decreases in brightness much more rapidly than the main jet, as is expected from relativistic beaming in an accelerating jet oriented near the line-of-sight. Details of the structure and dynamics are discussed. The roughly annual observations show side-to-side motion of the whole jet with a characteristic time scale of about 9 years.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Published in a special issue of Galaxies which is the proceedings of "Blazars through Sharp Multi-Wavelength Eyes" edited by J. L. Gomez, A. P. Marscher, and S. G. Jorsta

    Spatial incoherence of solar granulation: a global analysis using BiSON 2B data

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    A poor understanding of the impact of convective turbulence in the outer layers of the Sun and Sun-like stars challenges the advance towards an improved understanding of their internal structure and dynamics. Assessing and calibrating these effects is therefore of great importance. Here we study the spatial coherence of granulation noise and oscillation modes in the Sun, with the aim of exploiting any incoherence to beat-down observed granulation noise, hence improving the detection of low-frequency p-modes. Using data from the BiSON 2B instrument, we assess the coherence between different atmospheric heights and between different surface regions. We find that granulation noise from the different atmospheric heights probed is largely incoherent; frequency regions dominated by oscillations are almost fully coherent. We find a randomised phase difference for the granulation noise, and a near zero difference for the evanescent oscillations. A reduction of the incoherent granulation noise is shown by application of the cross-spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS in pres

    A synthetic sample of short-cadence solar-like oscillators for TESS

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    NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has begun a two-year survey of most of the sky, which will include lightcurves for thousands of solar-like oscillators sampled at a cadence of two minutes. To prepare for this steady stream of data, we present a mock catalogue of lightcurves, designed to realistically mimic the properties of the TESS sample. In the process, we also present the first public release of the asteroFLAG Artificial Dataset Generator, which simulates lightcurves of solar-like oscillators based on input mode properties. The targets are drawn from a simulation of the Milky Way's populations and are selected in the same way as TESS's true Asteroseismic Target List. The lightcurves are produced by combining stellar models, pulsation calculations and semi-empirical models of solar-like oscillators. We describe the details of the catalogue and provide several examples. We provide pristine lightcurves to which noise can be added easily. This mock catalogue will be valuable in testing asteroseismology pipelines for TESS and our methods can be applied in preparation and planning for other observatories and observing campaigns.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS. Archives containing the mock catalogue are available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1470155 and the pipeline to produce it at https://github.com/warrickball/s4tess . The first public release of the asteroFLAG Artificial Dataset Generator v3 (AADG3) is described at https://warrickball.github.io/AADG3

    A fatal case of infective endocarditis complicated by acute COVID-19 pneumonia.

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    A 74-year-old man with no co-morbidities presented to hospital with a 3-day history of diarrhoea and vomiting. He met the modified Duke's criteria for definite infective endocarditis and was immediately started on an intravenous antibiotic. Over Days 1-9, he developed renal failure. On Day 10, he was transferred to a tertiary hospital for mitral valve replacement. However, he tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 on arrival at the tertiary hospital, which delayed his surgery. He underwent bi-weekly nasopharyngeal swabs for SARS-CoV-2 with a plan to operate as soon as he tested negative, or as soon as his incubation period for COVID-19 pneumonia had elapsed. Unfortunately, he died on Day 31 from acute respiratory distress syndrome secondary to COVID-19 pneumonia. We describe the challenges in deciding on the optimal timing for valve replacement. We conclude by suggesting that earlier valve replacement may result in better outcomes

    Majority Voting Approach to Ransomware Detection

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    Crypto-ransomware remains a significant threat to governments and companies alike, with high-profile cyber security incidents regularly making headlines. Many different detection systems have been proposed as solutions to the ever-changing dynamic landscape of ransomware detection. In the majority of cases, these described systems propose a method based on the result of a single test performed on either the executable code, the process under investigation, its behaviour, or its output. In a small subset of ransomware detection systems, the concept of a scorecard is employed where multiple tests are performed on various aspects of a process under investigation and their results are then analysed using machine learning. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new majority voting approach to ransomware detection by developing a method that uses a cumulative score derived from discrete tests based on calculations using algorithmic rather than heuristic techniques. The paper describes 23 candidate tests, as well as 9 Windows API tests which are validated to determine both their accuracy and viability for use within a ransomware detection system. Using a cumulative score calculation approach to ransomware detection has several benefits, such as the immunity to the occasional inaccuracy of individual tests when making its final classification. The system can also leverage multiple tests that can be both comprehensive and complimentary in an attempt to achieve a broader, deeper, and more robust analysis of the program under investigation. Additionally, the use of multiple collaborative tests also significantly hinders ransomware from masking or modifying its behaviour in an attempt to bypass detection.Comment: 17 page

    Possible Detection of OVI from the LMC Superbubble N70

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    We present FUSE observations toward four stars in the LMC superbubble N70 and compare these spectra to those of four comparison targets located in nearby field and diffuse regions. The N70 sight lines show OVI 1032 absorption that is consistently stronger than the comparison sight lines by ~60%. We attribute the excess column density (logN_OVI=14.03 cm^-2) to hot gas within N70, potentially the first detection of OVI associated with a superbubble. In a survey of 12 LMC sight lines, Howk et al. (2002a) concluded that there was no correlation between ISM morphology and N_OVI. We present a reanalysis of their measurements combined with our own and find a clear difference between the superbubble and field samples. The five superbubbles probed to date with FUSE show a consistently higher mean N_OVI than the 12 non-superbubble sight lines, though both samples show equivalent scatter from halo variability. Possible ionization mechanisms for N70 are discussed, and we conclude that the observed OVI could be the product of thermal conduction at the interface between the hot, X-ray emitting gas inside the superbubble and the cooler, photoionized material making up the shell seen prominently in Halpha. We calculate the total hydrogen density n_H implied by our OVI measurements and find a value consistent with expectations. Finally, we discuss emission-line observations of OVI from N70.Comment: 9 pages in emulateapj style. Accepted to Ap