14,197 research outputs found

    Phenomenological Consequences of Soft Leptogenesis

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    Soft supersymmetry breaking terms involving heavy singlet sneutrinos can be the dominant source of leptogenesis. The relevant range of parameters is different from standard leptogenesis: a lighter Majorana mass, M < 10^9 GeV (allowing a solution of the gravitino problem), and smaller Yukawa couplings, Y_N < 10^{-4}. We investigate whether the various couplings of the singlet sneutrinos, which are constrained by the requirement of successful `soft leptogenesis', can have observable phenomenological consequences. Specifically, we calculate the contributions of the relevant soft supersymmetric breaking terms to the electric dipole moments of the charged leptons and to lepton flavor violating decays. Our result is that these contributions are small.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; v2: an additional contribution is considered (modifying: fig. 1, eq. 10-13, 22) and a reference added. Conclusions unchange

    Hollowgraphy Driven Holography: Black Hole with Vanishing Volume Interior

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    Hawking-Bekenstein entropy formula seems to tell us that no quantum degrees of freedom can reside in the interior of a black hole. We suggest that this is a consequence of the fact that the volume of any interior sphere of finite surface area simply vanishes. Obviously, this is not the case in general relativity. However, we show that such a phenomenon does occur in various gravitational theories which admit a spontaneously induced general relativity. In such theories, due to a phase transition (one parameter family degenerates) which takes place precisely at the would have been horizon, the recovered exterior Schwarzschild solution connects, by means of a self-similar transition profile, with a novel 'hollow' interior exhibiting a vanishing spatial volume and a locally varying Newton constant. This constitutes the so-called 'hollowgraphy' driven holography.Comment: Honorable Mention Essay - Gravity Research Foundation (2010

    Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Light Storage in an Atomic Mott Insulator

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    We experimentally demonstrate electromagnetically induced transparency and light storage with ultracold 87Rb atoms in a Mott insulating state in a three dimensional optical lattice. We have observed light storage times of about 240 ms, to our knowledge the longest ever achieved in ultracold atomic samples. Using the differential light shift caused by a spatially inhomogeneous far detuned light field we imprint a "phase gradient" across the atomic sample, resulting in controlled angular redirection of the retrieved light pulse.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Vibrational Tamm states at the edges of graphene nanoribbons

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    We study vibrational states localized at the edges of graphene nanoribbons. Such surface oscillations can be considered as a phonon analog of Tamm states well known in the electronic theory. We consider both armchair and zigzag graphene stripes and demonstrate that surface modes correspond to phonons localized at the edges of the graphene nanoribbon, and they can be classified as in-plane and out-of-plane modes. In addition, in armchair nanoribbons anharmonic edge modes can experience longitudinal localization in the form of self-localized nonlinear modes, or surface breather solitons.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Nonlinear Electron Oscillations in a Viscous and Resistive Plasma

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    New non-linear, spatially periodic, long wavelength electrostatic modes of an electron fluid oscillating against a motionless ion fluid (Langmuir waves) are given, with viscous and resistive effects included. The cold plasma approximation is adopted, which requires the wavelength to be sufficiently large. The pertinent requirement valid for large amplitude waves is determined. The general non-linear solution of the continuity and momentum transfer equations for the electron fluid along with Poisson's equation is obtained in simple parametric form. It is shown that in all typical hydrogen plasmas, the influence of plasma resistivity on the modes in question is negligible. Within the limitations of the solution found, the non-linear time evolution of any (periodic) initial electron number density profile n_e(x, t=0) can be determined (examples). For the modes in question, an idealized model of a strictly cold and collisionless plasma is shown to be applicable to any real plasma, provided that the wavelength lambda >> lambda_{min}(n_0,T_e), where n_0 = const and T_e are the equilibrium values of the electron number density and electron temperature. Within this idealized model, the minimum of the initial electron density n_e(x_{min}, t=0) must be larger than half its equilibrium value, n_0/2. Otherwise, the corresponding maximum n_e(x_{max},t=tau_p/2), obtained after half a period of the plasma oscillation blows up. Relaxation of this restriction on n_e(x, t=0) as one decreases lambda, due to the increase of the electron viscosity effects, is examined in detail. Strong plasma viscosity is shown to change considerably the density profile during the time evolution, e.g., by splitting the largest maximum in two.Comment: 16 one column pages, 11 figures, Abstract and Sec. I, extended, Sec. VIII modified, Phys. Rev. E in pres

    Efficient computation of matched solutions of the Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij envelope equations for periodic focusing lattices

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    A new iterative method is developed to numerically calculate the periodic, matched beam envelope solution of the coupled Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij (KV) equations describing the transverse evolution of a beam in a periodic, linear focusing lattice of arbitrary complexity. Implementation of the method is straightforward. It is highly convergent and can be applied to all usual parameterizations of the matched envelope solutions. The method is applicable to all classes of linear focusing lattices without skew couplings, and also applies to all physically achievable system parameters -- including where the matched beam envelope is strongly unstable. Example applications are presented for periodic solenoidal and quadrupole focusing lattices. Convergence properties are summarized over a wide range of system parameters.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, Mathematica source code provide

    Custodial SO(4) symmetry and CP violation in N-Higgs-doublet potentials

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    We study the implementation of global SO(4)SU(2)LSU(2)RSO(4)\sim SU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R symmetry in general potentials with N-Higgs-doublets in order to obtain models with custodial SO(3)CSO(3)_C symmetry. We conclude that any implementation of the custodial SO(4) symmetry is equivalent, by a basis transformation, to a canonical one if SU(2)LSU(2)_L is the gauge factor, U(1)YU(1)_Y is embedded in SU(2)RSU(2)_R and we require NN copies of the doublet representation of SU(2)RSU(2)_R. The invariance by SO(4) automatically leads to a CP invariant potential and the basis of the canonical implementation of SO(4) is aligned to a basis where CP-symmetry acts in the standard fashion. We show different but equivalent implementations for the 2HDM, including an implementation not previously considered.Comment: 22pp, REVTeX4. Published versio

    Reconstructing Seesaws

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    We explore some aspects of "reconstructing" the heavy singlet sector of supersymmetric type I seesaw models, for two, three or four singlets. We work in the limit where one light neutrino is massless. In an ideal world, where selected coefficients of the TeV-scale effective Lagrangian could be measured with arbitrary accuracy, the two-singlet case can be reconstructed, two three or more singlets can be differentiated, and an inverse seesaw with four singlets can be reconstructed. In a more realistic world, we estimate \ell_\a \to \ell_\b \gamma expectations with a "Minimal-Flavour-Violation-like" ansatz, which gives a relation between ratios of the three branching ratios. The two singlet model predicts a discrete set of ratios.Comment: 14 page

    Optically-Induced Polarons in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Monitoring Composite Quasiparticle Decay

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    Nonresonant light-scattering off atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) is predicted to give rise to hitherto unexplored composite quasiparticles: unstable polarons, i.e., local ``impurities'' dressed by virtual phonons. Optical monitoring of their spontaneous decay can display either Zeno or anti-Zeno deviations from the Golden Rule, and thereby probe the temporal correlations of elementary excitations in BECs.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure