29 research outputs found

    Prevalence of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis in patients suspected of chest malignancy

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    Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA) is a potentially life-threatening fungal lung infection, and recent research suggests CPA to be more common than previously considered. Although CPA mimics other lung diseases including pulmonary cancer, awareness of this disease entity is still sparse. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of CPA in a population of patients under suspicion of having lung cancer. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 1200 patients and manually collected individual health record data from previous cancer examinations, with retrospective CPA status assessment using international criteria. Among 992 included patients, 16 (1.6%) fulfilled diagnostic criteria for CPA retrospectively, of whom 15 were undiscovered at initial lung cancer examination. The prevalence of CPA in this study population was 50 times higher than the reported prevalence of the overall European population. Our findings indicate that CPA is often missed in patients suspected of malignancy in the chest. Therefore, CPA should be kept in mind as a significant differential diagnosis

    Drug related admissions to medical wards: A population based survey

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    1 In total 1999 consecutive admissions to six medical wards were subjected to a prospective high-intensity drug event monitoring scheme to assess the extent and pattern of admissions caused by adverse drug reactions (ADRs) or dose related therapeutic failures (TF), in a population-based design. The wards were sub-specialised in general medicine, geriatrics, endocrinology, cardiology, respiratory medicine and gastroenterology. 2 Considering definite, probable and possible drug events, the prevalence of drug related hospital admissions was 11.4% of which 8.4% were caused by ADRs and 3.0% by TFs. There were large inter-department differences. 3 The six classes of drugs most frequently involved in admissions caused by ADRs were anti-rheumatics and analgesics (27%), cardiovascular drugs (23%), psychotropic drugs (14%), anti-diabetics (12%), antibiotics (7%), and corticosteroids (5%). Non-compliance accounted for 66% of the TFs with diuretics and anti-asthmatics most frequently involved. 4 The pattern of drugs involved in ADRs was compared with the regional drug sales statistics. Drugs with a particularly high rate of ADR related admissions per unit dispensed were nitrofurantoin and insulin (617 and 182 admissions per 1,000,000 defined daily doses), while low rates were seen for diuretics and benzodiazepines (10 and 7 admissions per 1,000,000 defined daily doses). Confidence intervals were wide. 5 Patients who had their therapy prescribed by a hospital doctor had a slightly higher prevalence of drug events than those who were treated by a general practitioner (12.6% vs 11.8%). The reverse applied for drug events assessed as avoidable (3.3% vs 4.6%). Although these differences were not statistically significant, it may suggest general practitioners as the appropriate target for interventive measures. 6 Only one ADR was reported to The Danish Committee on Adverse Drug Reactions, indicating a severe under-reporting and a potential for gross selectivity. The data collection system used here is expensive, but may be modified to provide reliably representative data on serious ADRs in a more cost-effective fashion