15 research outputs found

    Nongeometric background arising in the solution of Neumann boundary conditions

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    We investigate the open string propagation in the weakly curved background with the Kalb-Ramond field containing an infinitesimal part, linear in coordinate. Solving the Neumann boundary conditions, we find the expression for the space-time coordinates in terms of the effective ones. So, the initial theory reduces to the effective one. This effective theory is defined on the nongeometric doubled space (qμ,q~μ)(q^\mu,\tilde{q}_\mu), where qμq^\mu is the effective coordinate and q~μ\tilde{q}_\mu is its T-dual. The effective metric depends on the coordinate qμq^\mu and there exists non-trivial effective Kalb-Ramond field which depends on the T-dual coordinate q~μ\tilde{q}_\mu. The fact that q~μ\tilde{q}_\mu is Ω\Omega-odd leads to the nonvanishing effective Kalb-Ramond field

    Leukocitarni profil u krmača tokom laktacionog perioda

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    During prepartum and postpartum period, there occurs in sows a significant change in the values of haematologic and biochemical parameters. The objective of this research paper was to examine the change in the count of the cells of white blood line in the course of lactation period. The trial was conducted on ten Swedish Landrace breed sows, having the blood taken on the first day postpartum (1-6h), and in the third and fourth week of lactation. The results obtained for haemotologic analyses have suggested the increase in total number of leukocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes, and the decrease in the number of lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils on the first day postpartum. In the third and fourth week of lactation a statistically significant fall in the number of leukocytes and granulocytes in relation to the first day was observed, along with a significant increase in limphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. In examined time intervals the number of basophils did not change significantly. The neutrophil-limphocyte index was highest on the first day postpartum, while in the third and fourth week it was significantly lower.Za vreme prepartalnog i postpartalnog perioda, kod krmača dolazi do značajnih promena vrednosti hematoloških i biohemijskih parametara. Cilj ovoga rada je bio da se ispitaju promene broja ćelija bele krvne loze u toku laktacionog perioda. Ogled je izveden na deset krmača rase Švedski Landras, od kojih je uzimana krv, prvog dana po partusu (1-6 h), treće i četvrte nedelje laktacije. Dobijeni rezultati hematoloških analiza ukazali su na povećanje ukupnog broja leukocita i neutrofilnih granulocita, a smanjenje broja limfocita, monocita i eozinofila prvog dana po partusu. Treće i četvrte nedelje laktacije, doslo je do statistički značajnog pada broja leukocita i granulocita u odnosu na prvi dan, a značajnog porasta limfocita, monocita i eozinofila. U ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima broj bazofila se nije značajno menjao. Neutrofilno-limfocitni indeks je bio najviši prvog dana po partusu, a treće i četvrte nedelje značajno niži

    Courant bracket found out to be T-dual to Roytenberg bracket

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    Bosonic string moving in coordinate dependent background fields is considered. We calculate the generalized currents Poisson bracket algebra and find that it gives rise to the Courant bracket, twisted by a 2-form 2Bμν2B_{\mu \nu }. Furthermore, we consider the T-dual generalized currents and obtain their Poisson bracket algebra. It gives rise to the Roytenberg bracket, equivalent to the Courant bracket twisted by a bi-vector Πμν\Pi ^{\mu \nu }, in case of Πμν=2Bμν=κθμν\Pi ^{\mu \nu } = 2 {^\star B}^{\mu \nu } = \kappa \theta ^{\mu \nu }. We conclude that the twisted Courant and Roytenberg brackets are T-dual, when the quantities used for their deformations are mutually T-dual

    Publisher: Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun UDC 636.4 DOI:10.2298/BAH1004239J LEUKOCYTE PROFILE IN SOWS DURING LACTATION PERIOD

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    Original scientific paper Abstract: During prepartum and postpartum period, there occurs in sows a significant change in the values of haematologic and biochemical parameters. The objective of this research paper was to examine the change in the count of the cells of white blood line in the course of lactation period. The trial was conducted on ten Swedish Landrace breed sows, having the blood taken on the first day postpartum (1-6h), and in the third and fourth week of lactation. The results obtained for haemotologic analyses have suggested the increase in total number of leukocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes, and the decrease in the number of lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils on the first day postpartum. In the third and fourth week of lactation a statistically significant fall in the number of leukocytes and granulocytes in relation to the first day was observed, along with a significant increase in limphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. In examined time intervals the number of basophils did not change significantly. The neutrophil-limphocyte index was highest on the first day postpartum, while in the third and fourth week it was significantly lower. Key words: sows, cells of white blood lin