6 research outputs found

    Augmented Finder: Esplora risorse remote in Hololens 2

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    In questa tesi parleremo di come Hololens 2 può essere utilizzato nella vita lavorativa quotidiana. Verrà illustrato lo stato attuale dello sviluppo e una loro applicazione nel mondo reale, per poi concludere con l'implementazione di una Libreria remota

    Primary Dermal Melanoma: A Rare Clinicopathological Variant Mimicking Metastatic Melanoma

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    none6Primary dermal melanoma (PDM) is a rare distinct variant of cutaneous melanoma, predominantly occurring on the extremities of young or middle-aged adults. In comparison to conventional melanoma, PDM is characterized by unexpectedly prolonged survival and long-term survival. Thus, correct identification of this variant is crucial to avoid potential misdiagnosis and establish correct treatment and follow-up. In addition, no consensus and specific guidelines exist on the management of this peculiar subtype of cutaneous melanoma.noneSimonetti, Oriana; Molinelli, Elisa; Brisigotti, Valerio; Brancorsini, Donatella; Talevi, Davide; Offidani, AnnamariaSimonetti, Oriana; Molinelli, Elisa; Brisigotti, Valerio; Brancorsini, Donatella; Talevi, Davide; Offidani, Annamari

    Glitching. Processi dinamici e azioni evolutive per la rigenerazione urbana

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    L'area di Santa Giulia a Milano è caratterizzata da molteplici relazioni a livello territoriale e urbano. Questo complesso quadro relazionale richiede una riflessione sulle dinamiche di evoluzione ambientale, economica e sociale che potrebbero verificarsi a breve e lungo termine, con implicazioni significative sui futuri processi di rigenerazione urbana. L'imprevedibilità dei cambiamenti negli utenti, nelle funzioni, negli scenari climatici, nelle attività socioeconomiche e nel mercato immobiliare non richiede un progetto statico e immutabile, ma un sistema di interventi in grado di adattarsi ed evolvere rispetto ad alcune relazioni emergenti, aperte e in costante cambiamento. La proposta di progetto per l'insediamento di via Medici del Vascello mira a un modello che rompe gli schemi di pianificazione utilizzati finora, generando un "errore nel sistema urbano": un "glitch". L'idea del glitch è di creare un disturbo per alterare l'equilibrio, interrompere una logica di insediamento dedicata alla completezza funzionale e formale, iper-efficiente ma incapace di relazionarsi con l'ambiente circostante, finalizzato alla chiusura, destinato all'isolamento e all'autoesclusione. La proposta di progetto del team Coast2Coast mira a invertire l'approccio alla base della pratica di pianificazione degli ultimi decenni, proponendo non un distretto autosufficiente ma concependo la possibilità di riattivare e ricollegare diverse parti della città attraverso processi dinamici e azioni evolutive di rigenerazione urbana.Santa Giulia area in Milan is characterized by multiple territorial and urban level relationships. This complex relational framework requires a reflection on the dynamics of environmental, economic and social evolution that could occur from the short to the long term, with significant implications on forthcoming urban regeneration processes. The unpredictability of changes in users, functions, climate scenarios, socio-economic assets and real estate market requires not a static and immutable project, but a system of interventions capable of adaptation and evolution with respect to some emerging, open and constantly changing relationships. The project proposal for via Medici del Vascello settlement aims at a model that breaks the planning schemes perpetuated so far, generating a “mistake in the urban system”: a “glitch”. The idea of the glitch is to create a disturbance to alter the balance, to disrupt a settlement logic devoted to functional and formal completeness, hyper-efficient but unable to relate with the surroundings, aimed at closure, fated to isolation and self-exclusion. Coast2Coast team’s project proposal aims to invert the approach behind the planning practice of the last decades, no longer proposing a self-sufficient district but rather conceiving the chance to reactivate and reconnect different parts of the city through dynamic processes and evolutionary actions of urban regeneration

    Glitching. Processi dinamici e azioni evolutive per la rigenerazione urbana.

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    Santa Giulia area in Milan is characterized by multiple territorial and urban level relationships. This complex relational framework requires a reflection on the dynamics of environmental, economic and social evolution that could occur from the short to the long term, with significant implications on forthcoming urban regeneration processes. The unpredictability of changes in users, functions, climate scenarios, socio-economic assets and real estate market requires not a static and immutable project, but a system of interventions, capable of adaptation and evolution with respect to some emerging, open and constantly changing relationships. The project proposal for via Medici del Vascello settlement aims at a model that breaks the planning schemes perpetuated so far, generating a “mistake in the urban system”: a “glitch”. The idea of the glitch is to create a disturbance to alter the balance, to disrupt a settlement logic devoted to functional and formal completeness, hyper-efficient but unable to relate with the surroundings, aimed at closure, fated to isolation and self-exclusion. Coast2Coast team’s project proposal aims to invert the approach behind the planning practice of the last decades, no longer proposing a self-sufficient district but rather conceiving the chance to reactivate and reconnect different parts of the city through dynamic processes and evolutionary actions of urban regeneration

    Inhibition of HIV-1 Tat activity correlates with down-regulation of bcl-2 and results in reduction of angiogenesis and oncogenicity

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    The Tat protein of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 promotes survival and growth and inhibits apoptosis of different cell types. These effects of Tat are attributed to the induction of bcl-2 gene expression. In this study we show that the blocking of both intracellular and extracellular Tat correlates with a decrease of bcl-2 transcripts, leading in vitro to a lower growth rate and attenuation of the transformed phenotype and in vivo to a reduced angiogenic and oncogenic activity of Tat-expressing cells. These results support the notion that bcl-2 is an effector of Tat-induced angiogenesis and oncogenesis and indicate that the blocking of Tat functions by immunoprophylactic, pharmacological, and gene therapy approaches may help to control oncogenesis during AIDS

    Factors Associated With Real-Life Functioning in Persons With Schizophrenia in a 4-Year Follow-up Study of the Italian Network for Research on Psychoses

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