13 research outputs found

    Stepping out of the Chinese Room: Word meaning with and without consciousness

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    What is the role of consciousness in language processing? Unconscious priming experiments show that words can prime other words with related meanings (cat \u2013 dog), and these priming effects are assumed to reflect the activation of conceptual knowledge in semantic memory. Alternatively, however, unconscious priming effects could reflect predictive relationships between the words\u2019 forms, since words that are semantically related are also statistically related in language use. Therefore, unconscious \u201csemantic\u201d priming effects could be due to relationships between words\u2019 forms mimicking conceptual relationships, as in Searle\u2019s Chinese Room thought experiment. To distinguish wordform-based and semantics-based accounts of priming we conducted an experiment in which temporal words (e.g., earlier, later) were preceded by spatial words that were processed either consciously or unconsciously. Time is typically conceptualized as a spatial continuum extending along either the sagittal (front-back) or the lateral (left-right) axis, but only the sagittal space-time mapping is encoded in language (e.g. the future is ahead, not to the right). Results showed that temporal words were primed both by sagittal words (back, front) and lateral words (left, right) when primes were perceived consciously, as predicted by both wordformbased and semantics-based accounts. Yet, only sagittal words produced an unconscious priming effect, as predicted by the wordform-based account. Unconscious word processing appears to be limited to relationships between words\u2019 forms, and consciousness may be needed to activate words\u2019 meanings

    Reduced precision floating-point optimization for Deep Neural Network On-Device Learning on microcontrollers

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    Enabling On-Device Learning (ODL) for Ultra-Low-Power Micro-Controller Units (MCUs) is a key step for post-deployment adaptation and fine-tuning of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models in future TinyML applications. This paper tackles this challenge by introducing a novel reduced precision optimization technique for ODL primitives on MCU-class devices, leveraging the State-of-Art advancements in RISC-V RV32 architectures with support for vectorized 16-bit floating-point (FP16) Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) operations. Our approach for the Forward and Backward steps of the Back Propagation training algorithm is composed of specialized shape transform operators and Matrix Multiplication (MM) kernels, accelerated with parallelization and loop unrolling. When evaluated on a single training step of a 2D Convolution layer, the SIMD-optimized FP16 primitives result up to 1.72x faster than the FP32 baseline on a RISC-V-based 8+1-core MCU. An average computing efficiency of 3.11 Multiply and Accumulate operations per clock cycle (MAC/clk) and 0.81 MAC/clk is measured for the end-to-end training tasks of a ResNet8 and a DS-CNN for Image Classification and Keyword Spotting, respectively - requiring 17.1 ms and 6.4 ms on the target platform to compute a training step on a single sample. Overall, our approach results more than two orders of magnitude faster than existing ODL software frameworks for single-core MCUs and outperforms by 1.6x previous FP32 parallel implementations on a Continual Learning setup.& COPY; 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Reduced Precision Floating-Point Optimization for Deep Neural Network On-Device Learning on MicroControllers

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    Enabling On-Device Learning (ODL) for Ultra-Low-Power Micro-Controller Units (MCUs) is a key step for post-deployment adaptation and fine-tuning of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models in future TinyML applications. This paper tackles this challenge by introducing a novel reduced precision optimization technique for ODL primitives on MCU-class devices, leveraging the State-of-Art advancements in RISC-V RV32 architectures with support for vectorized 16-bit floating-point (FP16) Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) operations. Our approach for the Forward and Backward steps of the Back-Propagation training algorithm is composed of specialized shape transform operators and Matrix Multiplication (MM) kernels, accelerated with parallelization and loop unrolling. When evaluated on a single training step of a 2D Convolution layer, the SIMD-optimized FP16 primitives result up to 1.72×\times faster than the FP32 baseline on a RISC-V-based 8+1-core MCU. An average computing efficiency of 3.11 Multiply and Accumulate operations per clock cycle (MAC/clk) and 0.81 MAC/clk is measured for the end-to-end training tasks of a ResNet8 and a DS-CNN for Image Classification and Keyword Spotting, respectively -- requiring 17.1 ms and 6.4 ms on the target platform to compute a training step on a single sample. Overall, our approach results more than two orders of magnitude faster than existing ODL software frameworks for single-core MCUs and outperforms by 1.6 ×\times previous FP32 parallel implementations on a Continual Learning setup.Comment: Pre-print version submitted to Elsevier's Future Generation Computer Systems journal. For the associated open-source release, see https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulp-trainli

    Darkside: A Heterogeneous RISC-V Compute Cluster for Extreme-Edge On-Chip DNN Inference and Training

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    On-chip DNN inference and training at the Extreme-Edge (TinyML) impose strict latency, throughput, accuracy and flexibility requirements. Heterogeneous clusters are promising solutions to meet the challenge, combining the flexibility of DSP-enhanced cores with the performance and energy boost of dedicated accelerators. We present Darkside, a System-on-Chip with a heterogeneous cluster of 8 RISC-V cores enhanced with 2-b to 32-b mixed-precision integer arithmetic. To boost performance and efficiency on key compute-intensive Deep Neural Network (DNN) kernels, the cluster is enriched with three digital accelerators: a specialized engine for low-data-reuse depthwise convolution kernels (up to 30 MAC/cycle); a minimal overhead datamover to marshal 1-b to 32-b data on-the-fly; a 16-b floating point Tensor Product Engine (TPE) for tiled matrix-multiplication acceleration. Darkside is implemented in 65nm CMOS technology. The cluster achieves a peak integer performance of 65 GOPS and a peak efficiency of 835 GOPS/W when working on 2-b integer DNN kernels. When targeting floating-point tensor operations, the TPE provides up to 18.2 GFLOPS of performance or 300 GFLOPS/W of efficiency – enough to enable on-chip floating-point training at competitive speed coupled with ultra-low power quantized inference

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    The limits of unconscious semantic processing

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    Do supraliminal and subliminal priming capture different facets of words’ semantic representations? We used metaphorical priming between space and time as a test bed for this question. While people conceptualize time along the lateral and sagittal axes, only the latter mapping comes up in language (the future is in front of you, not to your right). We assessed facilitation on temporal target words by lateral (left, right) and sagittal (back, front) primes, in masked and overt conditions. Supraliminally, we observe similar sagittal and lateral priming, while the masked effect is stronger on the sagittal axis, and weak to non–existent on the lateral one. These results are observed in an original and a replication studies; and are strongly confirmed by a Bayesian meta–analysis of the two. We conclude that unconscious word processing is limited to linguistically–encoded information, while consciousness may be needed to fully activate semantic representations

    Local associations and semantic ties in overt and masked semantic priming

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    Distributional semantic models (DSM) are widely used in psycholinguistic research to automatically assess the degree of semantic relatedness between words. Model estimates strongly correlate with human similarity judgements and offer a tool to successfully predict a wide range of language-related phenomena. In the present study, we compare the state-of-art model with pointwise mutual information (PMI), a measure of local association between words based on their surface cooccurrence. In particular, we test how the two indexes perform on a dataset of sematic priming data, showing how PMI outperforms DSM in the fit to the behavioral data. According to our result, what has been traditionally thought of as semantic effects may mostly rely on local associations based on word co-occurrence

    Finger Movements and Eye Movements During Adults’ Silent and Oral Reading

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    Using a common tablet and a web application, we can record the finger movements of a reader that is concurrently reading and finger-pointing a text displayed on the tablet touchscreen. In a preliminary analysis of “finger-tracking” data of early-graders we showed that finger movements can replicate established reading effects observed in more controlled settings. Here, we analyse and discuss reading evidence collected by (i) tracking the finger movements of adults reading a short essay displayed on a tablet touchscreen, and (ii) tracking the eye movements of adults reading a comparable text displayed on the screen of a computer. Texts in the two conditions were controlled for linguistic complexity and page layout. In addition, we tested adults’ comprehension in both silent and oral reading, by asking them multiple-choice questions after reading each text. We show and discuss the reading evidence that the two (optical and tactile) protocols provide, and to what extent they show comparable effects. We conclude with some remarks on the importance of ecology and portability of protocols for large-scale collection of naturalistic reading data

    PULP-TrainLib: Enabling On-Device Training for RISC-V Multi-core MCUs Through Performance-Driven Autotuning

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    An open challenge in making Internet-of-Things sensor nodes "smart'' and self-adaptive is to enable on-chip Deep Neural Network (DNN) training on Ultra-Low-Power (ULP) microcontroller units (MCUs). To this aim, we present a framework, based on PULP-TrainLib, to deploy DNN training tasks on RISC-V-based Parallel-ULP (PULP) MCUs. PULP-TrainLib is a library of parallel software DNN primitives enabling the execution of forward and backward steps on PULP MCUs. To optimize PULP-TrainLib's kernels, we propose a strategy to automatically select and configure (autotune) the fastest among a set of tiling options and optimized floating-point matrix multiplication kernels, according to the tensor shapes of every DNN layer. Results on an 8-core RISC-V MCU show that our auto-tuned primitives improve MAC/clk by up to 2.4x compared to "one-size-fits-all'' matrix multiplication, achieving up to 4.39 MAC/clk - 36.6x better than a commercial STM32L4 MCU executing the same DNN layer training workload. Furthermore, our strategy proves to be 30.7x faster than AIfES, a state-of-the-art training library for MCUs, while training a complete TinyML model

    A 3 TOPS/W RISC-V Parallel Cluster for Inference of Fine-Grain Mixed-Precision Quantized Neural Networks

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    The emerging trend of deploying complex algorithms, such as Deep Neural networks (DNNs), increasingly poses strict memory and energy efficiency requirements on Internet-of-Things (IoT) end-nodes. Mixed-precision quantization has been proposed as a technique to minimize a DNN’s memory footprint and maximize its execution efficiency, with negligible end-to-end precision degradation. In this work, we present a novel hardware and software stack for energy-efficient inference of mixed-precision Quantized Neural Networks (QNNs). We introduce Flex-V, a processor based on the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) that features fused Mac&Load mixed-precision dot product instructions; to avoid the exponential growth of the encoding space due to mixed-precision variants, we encode formats into the Control-Status Registers (CSRs). Flex-V core is integrated into a tightly-coupled cluster of eight processors; in addition, we provide a full framework for the end-to-end deployment of DNNs including a compiler, optimized libraries, and a memory-aware deployment flow. Our results show up to 91.5 MAC/cycle and 3.26 TOPS/W on the cluster, implemented in a commercial 22nm FDX technology, with up to 8.5× speed-up, and an area overhead of only 5.6% with respect to the baseline. To demonstrate the capabilities of the architecture, we benchmark it with end-to-end real-life QNNs, improving performance by 2 × −2.5× with respect to existing solutions using fully flexible programmable processors