1 research outputs found

    Profiles of involvement of consumers of sports equipment in the city of Santiago de Cali

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    Existe poca evidencia emp铆rica sobre la relaci贸n entre el involucramiento del producto desde el abordaje del consumidor, en especial, cuando se habla del sector de la venta minorista de implementos deportivos. Esta investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo determinar el grado de involucramiento de los consumidores en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, lo que permitir谩 a las empresas del sector en el pa铆s ofrecer nuevas l铆neas de productos de acuerdo con caracter铆sticas dise帽adas para su satisfacci贸n. La metodolog铆a utilizada se basa en un enfoque cuantitativo y como instrumento de recolecci贸n de informaci贸n se utiliz贸 la encuesta, basada en el instrumento IP6. Como principal resultado, se encontr贸 que la dimensi贸n que m谩s pesa en el momento de la compra es el placer percibido, aunque no existen diferencias significativas entre cada dimensi贸n.There is little empirical evidence on the relationship between the involvement of the product from the consumer approach; especially when it comes to the sporting goods retail sector. This research aims to determine the degree of consumer involvement in the city of Santiago de Cali, which will allow companies in the sector in the country to offer new lines of products according to characteristics designed for their satisfaction. The methodology used in the present is based on a study in a quantitative approach and as an instrument for collecting information, the survey was used, based on the IP6 instrument. As the main result, it was found that the dimension that weighs the most at the time of purchase is perceived pleasure, although there are no significant differences between each dimensio