157 research outputs found

    Efficiently processing spatial and keyword queries in indoor venues

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    Unlocking Insights: Analysing COVID-19 Lockdown Policies and Mobility Data in Victoria, Australia, through a Data-Driven Machine Learning Approach

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    The state of Victoria, Australia, implemented one of the world’s most prolonged cumulative lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. Although lockdowns have proven effective in managing COVID-19 worldwide, this approach faced challenges in containing the rising infection in Victoria. This study evaluates the effects of short-term (less than 60 days) and long-term (more than 60 days) lockdowns on public mobility and the effectiveness of various social restriction measures within these periods. The aim is to understand the complexities of pandemic management by examining various measures over different lockdown durations, thereby contributing to more effective COVID-19 containment methods. Using restriction policy, community mobility, and COVID-19 data, a machine-learning-based simulation model was proposed, incorporating analysis of correlation, infection doubling time, and effective lockdown date. The model result highlights the significant impact of public event cancellations in preventing COVID-19 infection during short- and long-term lockdowns and the importance of international travel controls in long-term lockdowns. The effectiveness of social restriction was found to decrease significantly with the transition from short to long lockdowns, characterised by increased visits to public places and increased use of public transport, which may be associated with an increase in the effective reproduction number (Rt) and infected cases

    Continuously Monitoring Alternative Shortest Paths on Road Networks

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    Trustworthy-based efficient data broadcast model for P2P interaction in resource-constrained wireless environments

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    AbstractIn a decentralised system like P2P where each individual peers are considerably autonomous, the notion of mutual trust between peers is critical. In addition, when the environment is subject to inherent resource constraints, any efficiency efforts are essentially needed. In light of these two issues, we propose a novel trustworthy-based efficient broadcast scheme in a resource-constrained P2P environment. The trustworthiness is associated with the peerʼs reputation. A peer holds a personalised view of reputation towards other peers in four categories namely SpEed, Correctness, qUality, and Risk-freE (SeCuRE). The value of each category constitutes a fraction of the reliability of individual peer. Another factor that contributes to the reliability of a peer is the peerʼs credibility concerning trustworthiness in providing recommendation about other peers. Our trust management scheme is applied in conjunction with our trust model in order to detect malicious and collaborative-based malicious peers. Knowledge of trustworthiness among peers is used in our proposed broadcast model named trustworthy-based estafet multi-point relays (TEMPR). This model is designed to minimise the communication overhead between peers while considering the trustworthiness of the peers such that only trustworthy peer may relay messages to other peers. With our approach, each peer is able to disseminate messages in the most efficient and reliable manner

    Monitoring Moving Queries inside a Safe Region

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    With mobile moving range queries, there is a need to recalculate the relevant surrounding objects of interest whenever the query moves. Therefore, monitoring the moving query is very costly. The safe region is one method that has been proposed to minimise the communication and computation cost of continuously monitoring a moving range query. Inside the safe region the set of objects of interest to the query do not change; thus there is no need to update the query while it is inside its safe region. However, when the query leaves its safe region the mobile device has to reevaluate the query, necessitating communication with the server. Knowing when and where the mobile device will leave a safe region is widely known as a difficult problem. To solve this problem, we propose a novel method to monitor the position of the query over time using a linear function based on the direction of the query obtained by periodic monitoring of its position. Periodic monitoring ensures that the query is aware of its location all the time. This method reduces the costs associated with communications in client-server architecture. Computational results show that our method is successful in handling moving query patterns
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