3 research outputs found

    Functional Autoregression for Sparsely Sampled Data

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    <p>We develop a hierarchical Gaussian process model for forecasting and inference of functional time series data. Unlike existing methods, our approach is especially suited for sparsely or irregularly sampled curves and for curves sampled with nonnegligible measurement error. The latent process is dynamically modeled as a functional autoregression (FAR) with Gaussian process innovations. We propose a fully nonparametric dynamic functional factor model for the dynamic innovation process, with broader applicability and improved computational efficiency over standard Gaussian process models. We prove finite-sample forecasting and interpolation optimality properties of the proposed model, which remain valid with the Gaussian assumption relaxed. An efficient Gibbs sampling algorithm is developed for estimation, inference, and forecasting, with extensions for FAR(<i>p</i>) models with model averaging over the lag <i>p</i>. Extensive simulations demonstrate substantial improvements in forecasting performance and recovery of the autoregressive surface over competing methods, especially under sparse designs. We apply the proposed methods to forecast nominal and real yield curves using daily U.S. data. Real yields are observed more sparsely than nominal yields, yet the proposed methods are highly competitive in both settings. Supplementary materials, including R code and the yield curve data, are available online.</p

    Testing Simultaneous Diagonalizability

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    This paper proposes novel methods to test for simultaneous diagonalization of possibly asymmetric matrices. Motivated by various applications, a two-sample test as well as a generalization for multiple matrices are proposed. A partial version of the test is also studied to check whether a partial set of eigenvectors is shared across samples. Additionally, a novel algorithm for the considered testing methods is introduced. Simulation studies demonstrate favorable performance for all designs. Finally, the theoretical results are utilized to decouple multiple vector autoregression models into univariate time series, and to test for the same stationary distribution in recurrent Markov chains. These applications are demonstrated using macroeconomic indices of 8 countries and streamflow data, respectively.</p

    Band Depth Clustering for Nonstationary Time Series and Wind Speed Behavior

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    <p>We explore the behavior of wind speed over time, using a subset of the Eastern Wind Dataset published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. This dataset gives modeled wind speeds over three years at hundreds of potential wind farm sites. Wind speed analysis is necessary to the integration of wind energy into the power grid; short-term variability in wind speed affects decisions about usage of other power sources, so that the shape of the wind speed time series becomes as important as the overall level. To assess differences in intra-day time series, we propose a functional distance measure, the band distance, which extends the band depth of López-Pintado and Romo. This measure emphasizes the shape of time series or functional observations relative to other members of a dataset and allows clustering of observations without reliance on pointwise Euclidean distance. We show a method for adjusting for seasonal effects in wind speed, and use these standardizations as input for the band distance. We demonstrate the utility of the new method in simulation studies and an application to the MOST power grid algorithm, where the band distance improves reliability over standard methods at a comparable cost.</p