55 research outputs found

    Relationships between two measures of cutmark shape and cut-mark size.

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    <p>(A) Regression of logged measure 6 against log size for all the cut-marks measured. Blue dots refer to aquatic modifications. Red dots refer to terrestrial modifications. (B) Regression of logged measure 7 against log size for all the cut-marks measured. Blue dots refer to aquatic modifications. Red dots represent terrestrial modifications.</p

    Demonstration of how mean cross-sectional size was measured on terrestrial and aquatic bone surface modifications using three-dimensional models rendered in usoft analysis software.

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    <p>Demonstration of how mean cross-sectional size was measured on terrestrial and aquatic bone surface modifications using three-dimensional models rendered in usoft analysis software.</p

    Convex hulls of cut-mark cross-sectional breadth and depth (µm) for surface modifications on aquatic (red star) and terrestrial (blue dot) bone surfaces.

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    <p>Convex hulls of cut-mark cross-sectional breadth and depth (µm) for surface modifications on aquatic (red star) and terrestrial (blue dot) bone surfaces.</p

    Demonstration of how measurements 5–7 were calculated.

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    <p>Demonstration of how measurements 5–7 were calculated.</p

    PCA using variables of measure 1a and measures 2–7.

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    <p>Red dots represent each terrestrial modification and blue dots represent each aquatic modification. 3D models represent within group specimens with the highest loadings on each principal component. A and C represent aquatic and D and B represent terrestrial modifications.</p

    Comparison of Vickers hardness values for mammalian and non-mammalian bone.

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    <p>See text for tests of significance.</p

    Individual participant success scores diagnosing modifications.

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    <p>Individual participant success scores diagnosing modifications.</p

    Cut-mark cross-sectional measurements 1–4 taken using three-dimensional models rendered in usoft analysis software.

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    <p>Cut-mark cross-sectional measurements 1–4 taken using three-dimensional models rendered in usoft analysis software.</p
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