31,944 research outputs found

    Fluctuation relations for equilibrium states with broken discrete or continuous symmetries

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    Isometric fluctuation relations are deduced for the fluctuations of the order parameter in equilibrium systems of condensed-matter physics with broken discrete or continuous symmetries. These relations are similar to their analogues obtained for non-equilibrium systems where the broken symmetry is time reversal. At equilibrium, these relations show that the ratio of the probabilities of opposite fluctuations goes exponentially with the symmetry-breaking external field and the magnitude of the fluctuations. These relations are applied to the Curie-Weiss, Heisenberg, and XYXY~models of magnetism where the continuous rotational symmetry is broken, as well as to the qq-state Potts model and the pp-state clock model where discrete symmetries are broken. Broken symmetries are also considered in the anisotropic Curie-Weiss model. For infinite systems, the results are calculated using large-deviation theory. The relations are also applied to mean-field models of nematic liquid crystals where the order parameter is tensorial. Moreover, their extension to quantum systems is also deduced.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure

    Nonlinear transport effects in mass separation by effusion

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    Generalizations of Onsager reciprocity relations are established for the nonlinear response coefficients of ballistic transport in the effusion of gaseous mixtures. These generalizations, which have been established on the basis of the fluctuation theorem for the currents, are here considered for mass separation by effusion. In this kinetic process, the mean values of the currents depend nonlinearly on the affinities or thermodynamic forces controlling the nonequilibrium constraints. These nonlinear transport effects are shown to play an important role in the process of mass separation. In particular, the entropy efficiency turns out to be significantly larger than it would be the case if the currents were supposed to depend linearly on the affinities

    Phase transition for continuum Widom-Rowlinson model with random radii

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    In this paper we study the phase transition of continuum Widom-Rowlinson measures in Rd\mathbb{R}^d with qq types of particles and random radii. Each particle xix_i of type ii is marked by a random radius rir_i distributed by a probability measure QiQ_i on R+\mathbb{R}^+. The particles of same type do not interact each other whereas particles xix_i and xjx_j with different type i≠ji \neq j interact via an exclusion hardcore interaction forcing ri+rjr_i+r_j to be smaller than ∣xi−xj∣|x_i-x_j|. In the integrable case (i.e. ∫rdQi(dr)<+∞\int r^d Q_i(dr)<+\infty, 1≤i≤q1\le i\le q), we show that the Widom-Rowlinson measures exhibit a standard phase transition providing uniqueness, when the activity is small, and co-existence of qq ordered phases, when the activity is large. In the non-integrable case (i.e. ∫rdQi(dr)=+∞\int r^d Q_i(dr)=+\infty, 1≤i≤q1\le i \le q), we show another type of phase transition. We prove, when the activity is small, the existence of at least q+1q+1 extremal phases and we conjecture that, when the activity is large, only the qq ordered phases subsist. We prove a weak version of this conjecture by showing that the symmetric Widom-Rowlinson measure with free boundary condition is a mixing of the qq ordered phases if and only if the activity is large.Comment: 25 pages, 0 figur

    Diffusion and Correlations in Lattice Gas Automata

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    We present an analysis of diffusion in terms of the spontaneous density fluctuations in a non-thermal two-species fluid modeled by a lattice gas automaton. The power spectrum of the density correlation function is computed with statistical mechanical methods, analytically in the hydrodynamic limit, and numerically from a Boltzmann expression for shorter time and space scales. In particular we define an observable -- the weighted difference of the species densities -- whose fluctuation correlations yield the diffusive mode independently of the other modes so that the corresponding power spectrum provides a measure of diffusion dynamics solely. Automaton simulations are performed to obtain measurements of the spectral density over the complete range of wavelengths (from the microscopic scale to the macroscopic scale of the automaton universe). Comparison of the theoretical results with the numerical experiments data yields the following results: (i) the spectral functions of the lattice gas fluctuations are in accordance with those of a classical `non-thermal' fluid; (ii) the Landau-Placzek theory, obtained as the hydrodynamic limit of the Boltzmann theory, describes the spectra correctly in the long wavelength limit; (iii) at shorter wavelengths and at moderate densities the complete Boltzmann theory provides good agreement with the simulation data. These results offer convincing validation of lattice gas automata as a microscopic approach to diffusion phenomena in fluid systems.Comment: 9 pages (revtex source), 12 Postscript figure
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