20 research outputs found
Sequence of PtcCO<sub>2</sub> measurements, inhalation maneuvers and spirometry.
<p>PRE = transcutaneous blood carbon dioxide partial pressures (PtcCO<sub>2</sub>) prior to methacholine bronchial challenge test (MCT), 1MIN = PtcCO<sub>2</sub> one minute after termination of MCT, 5MIN = PtcCO<sub>2</sub> five minutes after termination of MCT.</p
Comparison of median values of change of transcutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressures (PtcCO<sub>2</sub>) according to asthma definition during testing and during recovery after methacholine provocation testing.
<p>Data is expressed as median (interquartile range). PtcCO<sub>2</sub> = transcutaneous blood carbon dioxide partial pressures. PRE = PtcCO<sub>2</sub> prior to methacholine bronchial challenge, 1MIN = PtcCO<sub>2</sub> one minute after termination of methacholine bronchial challenge, 5MIN = PtcCO<sub>2</sub> five minutes after termination of methacholine bronchial challenge. <i>MCHPD20</i> = Fall in FEV1 ≥20% during bronchial challenge testing with methacholine.</p>a<p> = Not significant with p>0.1,</p>b<p> = Not significant with p<0.1,</p>*<p> = Significant with p≤0.05.</p
Differences in METs during work-time across occupational categories of the ISCO-88.
<p>CI, confidence interval; ISCO-88, International Standard Classification of Occupations 1988; METs, metabolic equivalents. Intergroup comparisons (low-intensity vs. moderate-intensity vs. high-intensity group) revealed highly significant differences (p<0.001).</p
Forward stepwise multiple linear regressions with workload [METs] as dependent variable.
<p>Forward stepwise multiple linear regressions with workload [METs] as dependent variable.</p
Ratio of workload to maximum work capacity according to occupational group and gender.
<p>Ratio of workload to maximum work capacity according to occupational group and gender.</p
Comparison of objective SWMA activity data with subjective IPAQ activity data.
<p>HPA_Recreation_IPAQ / HPA_Work_IPAQ, physical activity duration at high intensity (8 METs) based on the International Physical Activity Questionnaire; HPA_Recreation_SWMA / HPA_Work_SWMA, physical activity duration at high intensity (6–9 METs) measured by the SenseWear Mini armband; MPA_Recreation_IPAQ / MPA_Work_IPAQ, physical activity duration at moderate intensity (3–6 METs) based on the International Physical Activity Questionnaire; MPA_Recreation_SWMA / MPA_Work_SWMA, physical activity duration at moderate intensity (3–6 METs) measured by the SenseWear Mini armband. * Intergroup comparisons (low-intensity vs. moderate-intensity vs. high-intensity group) revealed highly significant differences (p<0.001).</p
List of SenseWear physical activity variables and their definition.
<p>List of SenseWear physical activity variables and their definition.</p
Distribution of patients with and without an OI across AHI categories based on manually revised ApneaLink<sup>TM</sup> score.
<p>OI, occupational injury; w/o, without; AHI, apnea-hypopnea index; CI, confidence interval.</p
Backward stepwise multiple linear regression analysis with VO<sub>2max</sub> as dependent variable.
<p>Backward stepwise multiple linear regression analysis with VO<sub>2max</sub> as dependent variable.</p
Characteristics of study subjects.
<p>Characteristics of study subjects.</p