89 research outputs found

    Optimization of graded multilayer designs for astronomical x-ray telescopes

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    We developed a systematic method for optimizing the design of depth-graded multilayers for astronomical hard-x-ray and soft-γ-ray telescopes based on the instrument’s bandpass and the field of view. We apply these methods to the design of the conical-approximation Wolter I optics employed by the balloon-borne High Energy Focusing Telescope, using W/Si as the multilayer materials. In addition, we present optimized performance calculations of mirrors, using other material pairs that are capable of extending performance to photon energies above the W K-absorption edge (69.5 keV), including Pt/C, Ni/C, Cu/Si, and Mo/Si

    Progress toward a Soft X-ray Polarimeter

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    We are developing instrumentation for a telescope design capable of measuring linear X-ray polarization over a broad-band using conventional spectroscopic optics. Multilayer-coated mirrors are key to this approach, being used as Bragg reflectors at the Brewster angle. By laterally grading the multilayer mirrors and matching to the dispersion of a spectrometer, one may take advantage of high multilayer reflectivities and achieve modulation factors over 50% over the entire 0.2-0.8 keV band. We present progress on laboratory work to demonstrate the capabilities of an existing laterally graded multilayer coated mirror pair. We also present plans for a suborbital rocket experiment designed to detect a polarization level of 12-17% for an active galactic nucleus in the 0.1-1.0 keV band.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the SPIE, volume 8861, on Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronom

    NASA advanced aeronautics design solar powered remotely piloted vehicle

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    Environmental problems such as the depletion of the ozone layer and air pollution demand a change in traditional means of propulsion that is sensitive to the ecology. Solar powered propulsion is a favorable alternative that is both ecologically harmless as well as cost effective. Integration of solar energy into designs ranging from futuristic vehicles to heating is beneficial to society. The design and construction of a Multi-Purpose Remotely Piloted Vehicle (MPRPV) seeks to verify the feasibility of utilizing solar propulsion as a primary fuel source. This task has been a year long effort by a group of ten students, divided into five teams, each dealing with different aspects of the design. The aircraft was designed to take-off, climb to the design altitude, fly in a sustained figure-eight flight path, and cruise for approximately one hour. This mission requires flight at Reynolds numbers between 150,000 and 200,000 and demands special considerations in the aerodynamic design in order to achieve flight in this regime. Optimal performance requires a light weight configuration with both structural integrity and maximum power availability. The structure design and choice of solar cells for the propulsion was governed by the weight, efficiency, and cost considerations. The final design is a MPRPV weighting 35 N which cruises 7 m/s at the design altitude of 50 m. The configuration includes a wing composed of balsa and foam NACA 6409 airfoil sections and carbon fiber spars, a tail of similar construction, and a truss structure fuselage. The propulsion system consists of 98 10 percent efficient solar cells donated by Mobil Solar, a NiCad battery for energy storage, and a folding propeller regulated by a lightweight and efficient control system. The airfoils and propeller chosen for the design were research and tested during the design process

    Development of thermally formed glass optics for astronomical hard x-ray telescopes

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    The next major observational advance in hard X-ray/soft gamma-ray astrophysics will come with the implementation of telescopes capable of focusing 10-200 keV radiation. Focusing allows high signal-to-noise imaging and spectroscopic observations of many sources in this band for the first time. The recent development of depth-graded multilayer coatings has made the design of telescopes for this bandpass practical, however the ability to manufacture inexpensive substrates with appropriate surface quality and figure to achieve sub-arcminute performance has remained an elusive goal. In this paper, we report on new, thermally-formed glass micro-sheet optics capable of meeting the requirements of the next-generation of astronomical hard X-ray telescopes

    W/SiC x-ray multilayers optimized for use above 100 keV

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    We have developed a new depth-graded multilayer system comprising W and SiC layers, suitable for use as hard x-ray reflective coatings operating in the energy range 100-200 keV. Grazing-incidence x-ray reflectance at E = 8 keV was used to characterize the interface widths, as well as the temporal and thermal stability in both periodic and depth-graded W/SiC structures, whereas synchrotron radiation was used to measure the hard x-ray reflectance of a depth-graded multilayer designed specifically for use in the range E ~150-170 keV. We have modeled the hard x-ray reflectance using newly derived optical constants, which we determined from reflectance versus incidence angle measurements also made using synchrotron radiation, in the range E = 120-180 keV. We describe our experimental investigation in detail, compare the new W/SiC multilayers with both W/Si and W/B4C films that have been studied previously, and discuss the significance of these results with regard to the eventual development of a hard x-ray nuclear line telescope

    Evaluation and optimization of multilayer desigs for astronomical x-ray telescopes using a field-of-view- and energy-dependent figure of merit

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    The three most important quantities used to assess the performance of astronomical x-ray telescope optics are the on-axis collecting area, the field of view, and the half-power diameter. The first two quantities depend on the mirror packing arrangement and the multilayer coating design. In order to optimize the coating design, we have developed a figure-of-merit (FOM) that accounts for the coating response over a specified range of energies and off-axis angles. We present an example where we have used this FOM to optimize a specific coating design for the High Energy Focusing Telescope (HEFT) and to understand tradeoffs between performance and coating thickness

    Design of a soft gamma-ray focusing telescope for the study of nuclear lines

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    We have studied the design of astronomical multilayer telescopes optimized for performance from 5 to 200 keV. This region of the spectrum contains important nuclear lines that are observable in supernovae and their remnants. The study of these lines can help to differentiate currently competing theories of supernova explosion. Our telescope design will enable us to measure the spectral lines of isotopes such as Ni-56 in Type Ia supernovae and Ti-44 in core-collapse remnants, as well as to observe active galactic nuclei at gamma-ray energies. We considered the performances of multilayers of various material pairs, including W/Si, Pt/C and Ni93V7/Si, as employed in conical-approximation Wolter I optics. We experimented with dividing the energy band of interest into several sections, and optimizing different groups of mirror shells within a single telescope for each smaller energy band. Different material pairs are also used for different energy bands, in order to obtain a higher overall performance. We also consider the significance of the energy bandwidth on the effectiveness of Joensen's parametrization of the multilayer thickness profile, and on the mirror performance within the band

    Grazing incidence optics designs for future gamma-ray missions

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    Sensitive nuclear line spectroscopy for observations of prompt emission from supernovae, as well as mapping of remnants has been a primary goal of gamma-ray astrophysics since its inception. A number of key lines lie in the energy band from 10 - 600 keV. In this region of the spectrum, observations have to-date been limited by high background and poor angular resolution. In this paper, we present several designs capable of extending the sensitivity of grazing incidence optics into this energy range. In particular, we discuss a 15 m focal length design for NASA's High-Sensitivity Spectroscopic Imaging Mission concept, as well as a 50 m focal length design which can extend ESA's XEUS mission into this band. We demonstrate that an unprecedented line sensitivity of 10^(-7) cm^(-2) s^(-1) can be achieved for the most important lines in this energy band