11,212 research outputs found

    Low-Voltage Bandgap Reference Design Utilizing Schottky Diodes

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    As semiconductor device geometries continue to shrink, the corresponding voltage applied across the processed devices must also be reduced. Therefore reference voltages used in integrated circuits will need to be reduced as well. A typical bandgap reference (BGR) voltage generator uses PN junction diodes or PNP BJT’s to bias the reference. The forward bias voltage of these devices is typically 0.7 volts, and has a limiting effect on how low a reference voltage can be generated, as well as how low a system voltage can be applied. Schottky, or metal-semiconductor (MS), diodes have a lower forward bias voltage, typically of about 0.3 volts. The implementation of Schottky metal-semiconductor diodes in place of PN diodes in the design of the BGR, should allow for lower reference voltage generation. This project consists of the design and simulation of a BGR utilizing MS diodes, followed by fabrication and validation of the design

    A Not So Distant Mirror: Federalism and the Role of Natural Law in the United States, the Republic of Ireland, and the European Community

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    In this Article, Mr. Butler and Professor Gregory discuss the themes of federalism and natural law by examining United States, Republic of Ireland, and European Community cases regarding reproductive freedom, sexual preference, and divorce. The authors find a parallel between Ireland\u27s difficulty in reconciling its Catholic values with the more secular human rights views of the European Community and the religious and social tension caused by federalism in the United States. While courts in both Ireland and the United States have used natural law to justify the level of substantive due process they accord privacy rights, the authors note that Irish courts predicate natural law upon Catholic teachings while United States courts take a more neutral approach based on constitutional interpretation. Despite this difference, the authors believe that the renaissance of natural law jurisprudence in the United States mirrors the established natural law dominant in Ireland

    Testing the Integrity of Liquid Containing Hermetically Sealed Containers by the Use of Radioactive Markers

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    A method for detecting leaky ampules filled with a liquid such as a parenteral solution. The ampules to be tested are immersed in a solution containing a short-lived radionuclide, and a pressure differential is imposed between the solution containing the radionuclide and the parenteral solution or other liquid contained in the ampules. The ampules are then removed from solution, decontaminated to remove any solution adhering to the outer surface and pores thereof, dried, and finally examined for electromagnetic radiation, preferably gamma radiation, emanating from the interior of the ampules which would indicate a leaky condition thereof

    Surface control system for the 15 meter hoop-column antenna

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    The 15-meter hoop-column antenna fabricated by the Harris Corporation under contract to the NASA Langley Research Center is described. The antenna is a deployable and restowable structure consisting of a central telescoping column, a 15-meter-diameter folding hoop, and a mesh reflector surface. The hoop is supported and positioned by 48 quartz cords attached to the column above the hoop, and by 24 graphite cords from the base of the antenna column. The RF reflective surface is a gold plated molybdenum wire mesh supported on a graphite cord truss structure which is attached between the hoop and the column. The surface contour is controlled by 96 graphite cords from the antenna base to the rear of the truss assembly. The antenna is actually a quadaperture reflector with each quadrant of the surface mesh shaped to produce an offset parabolic reflector. Results of near-field and structural tests are given. Controls structures and electromagnetics interaction, surface control system requirements, mesh control adjustment, surface control system actuator assembly, surface control system electronics, the system interface unit, and control stations are discussed

    Hairy Tongue

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    Hairy tongue (lingua villosa) is a commonly observed condition of defective desquamation of the filiform papillae that results from a variety of precipitating factors. [1] The condition is most frequently referred to as black hairy tongue (lingua villosa nigra); however, hairy tongue may also appear brown, white, green, pink, or any of a variety of hues depending on the specific etiology and secondary factors (eg, use of colored mouthwashes, breath mints, candies). [2, 3] See the images below
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