44 research outputs found

    Liquid Tissue: Proteomic Profiling of Formalin-Fixed Tissues

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    Identification and quantitation of candidate biomarker proteins in large numbers of individual tissues is required to validate specific proteins, or panels of proteins, for clinical use as diagnostic, prognostic, toxicological, or therapeutic markers. Mass spectrometry (MS) provides an exciting analytical methodology for this purpose. Liquid Tissue MS protein preparation allows researchers to utilize the vast, already existing, collections offormalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues for the procurement of peptides and the analysis across a variety of MS platforms

    Successful second language learning is tied to robust domain-general auditory processing and stable neural representation of sound

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    There is a great deal of individual variability in outcome in second language learning, the sources of which are still poorly understood. We hypothesized that individual differences in auditory processing may account for some variability in second language learning. We tested this hypothesis by examining psychoacoustic thresholds, auditory-motor temporal integration, and auditory neural encoding in adult native Polish speakers living in the UK. We found that precise English vowel perception and accurate English grammatical judgment were linked to lower psychoacoustic thresholds, better auditory-motor integration, and more consistent frequency-following responses to sound. Psychoacoustic thresholds and neural sound encoding explained independent variance in vowel perception, suggesting that they are dissociable indexes of sound processing. These results suggest that individual differences in second language acquisition success stem at least in part from domain-general difficulties with auditory perception, and that auditory training could help facilitate language learning in some individuals with specific auditory impairments

    Construction of an ~700-kb transcript map around the Familial Mediterranean Fever locus on human chromosome 16p13.3

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    We used a combination of cDNA selection, exon amplification, and computational prediction from genomic sequence to isolate transcribed sequences from genomic DNA surrounding the familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) locus. Eighty-seven kb of genomic DNA around D16S3370, a marker showing a high degree of linkage disequilibrium with FMF, was sequenced to completion, and the sequence annotated. A transcript map reflecting the minimal number of genes encoded within the ∼700 kb of genomic DNA surrounding the FMF locus was assembled. This map consists of 27 genes with discreet messages detectable on Northerns, in addition to three olfactory-receptor genes, a cluster of 18 tRNA genes, and two putative transcriptional units that have typical intron–exon splice junctions yet do not detect messages on Northerns. Four of the transcripts are identical to genes described previously, seven have been independently identified by the French FMF Consortium, and the others are novel. Six related zinc-finger genes, a cluster of tRNAs, and three olfactory receptors account for the majority of transcribed sequences isolated from a 315-kb FMF central region (betweenD16S468/D16S3070 and cosmid 377A12). Interspersed among them are several genes that may be important in inflammation. This transcript map not only has permitted the identification of the FMF gene (MEFV), but also has provided us an opportunity to probe the structural and functional features of this region of chromosome 16.Michael Centola, Xiaoguang Chen, Raman Sood, Zuoming Deng, Ivona Aksentijevich, Trevor Blake, Darrell O. Ricke, Xiang Chen, Geryl Wood, Nurit Zaks, Neil Richards, David Krizman, Elizabeth Mansfield, Sinoula Apostolou, Jingmei Liu, Neta Shafran, Anil Vedula, Melanie Hamon, Andrea Cercek, Tanaz Kahan, Deborah Gumucio, David F. Callen, Robert I. Richards, Robert K. Moyzis, Norman A. Doggett, Francis S. Collins, P. Paul Liu, Nathan Fischel-Ghodsian and Daniel L. Kastne

    Chromosomal control of the dominant suppression of ras-mediated transformation

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    The role of tumor suppressor function in the multistep process of carcinogenesis was studied in the human teratocarcinoma cell line PA-1. Early passage PA-1 cells (3˘c\u3cP100) are preneoplastic while late passage (3˘e\u3eP100) PA-1 cells are spontaneously transformed. Previous work demonstrated a causal role for the N-ras oncogene in the neoplastic transformation of this cell line and the gene was cloned. A clonal cell line established at passage 40 has been shown to suppress the neoplastic transformation potential of the PA-1 N-ras oncogene in gene transfer experiments. This phenotype has been termed SRT+ for suppression of ras transformation. A clonal cell line established at passage 63 is neoplastically transformed by the N-ras in similar gene transfer experiments and is regarded as srt-. Somatic cell hybrids were formed between the SRT+ cell and two different N-ras transformed srt- cells. The results indicate that five of the seven independent hybrid clones, and all 14 subclones, failed to form tumors in the nude mouse tumor assay. Chromosomal analysis of rare neoplastic segregants which arose from suppressed hybrid populations demonstrate that the general loss of chromosomes correlates with the reemergence of neoplastic transformation. Karyotype analyses demonstrate a statistically correlative loss of chromosomes 1, 4, 19, and to a lesser extent 11, 14, and 16. DNA hybridization analysis demonstrates a single copy of the intact N-ras oncogene in parental cells, suppressed hybrids, and neoplastically transformed hybrids. These results indicate that functional ras transformation suppression is a trans-dominant trait which may be controlled by sequences residing on particular chromosomes in the human genome. Furthermore, the suppression of ras transformation results from a unique step in the multistep process of carcinogenesis that is different from the induction of immortality. Thus, the neoplastic process of the PA-1 cell line involves at least three steps: (1) induction of immortality, (2) activation of the N-ras oncogene, and (3) loss of tumor suppressor function

    The Cancer Genome Anatomy Project: EST Sequencing and the Genetics of Cancer Progression

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    As the process of tumor progression proceeds from the normal cellular state to a preneoplastic condition and finally to the fully invasive form, the molecular characteristics of the cell change as well. These characteristics can be considered a molecular fingerprint of the cell at each stage of progression and, analogous to fingerprinting a criminal, can be used as markers of the progression process. Based on this premise, the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project was initiated with the broad goal of determining the comprehensive molecular characterization of normal, premalignant, and malignant tumor cells, thus making a reality the identification of all major cellular mechanisms leading to tumor initiation and progression ([Strausberg, R.L., Dahl, C.A., and Klausner, R.D. (1997). “New opportunities for uncovering the molecular basis of cancer.” Nat. Genet., 16: 415–516.], www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ncicgap/). The expectation of determining the genetic fingerprints of cancer progression will allow for 1) correlation of disease progression with therapeutic outcome; 2) improved evaluation of disease treatment; 3) stimulation of novel approaches to prevention, detection, and therapy; and 4) enhanced diagnostic tools for clinical applications. Whereas acquiring the comprehensive molecular analysis of cancer progression may take years, results from initial, short-term goals are currently being realized and are proving very fruitful