6 research outputs found

    Non-metric dimensional scaling (NMDS) based ordinations for differences among sites and treatments.

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    <p>Analyses generated from Bray Curtis dissimilarity plus a dummy variable (+d) on Hellinger-transformed relative abundances for all-data at 0% bootstrap (closest match) at the genus (A) and family (B) levels and the re-sampled data at the genus (C) and family (D) levels. 2D stress values were 0.17 (A), 0.18 (B), 0.18 (C), and 0.19 (D).</p

    Similarity percentage analysis (SIMPER).

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    <p>Relative abundances (%) of OTUs at the genus level that contribute to the discrimination between fungal communities in suppressive and non-suppressive soils (solid bar = suppression, hatched bar = non-suppression) in the (A) sowing and (B) in-crop (7 week) samples. Numbers in the right column indicate percent contribution to discrimination by SIMPER analysis (sum = 26.8% (A) and 31.2% (B)). * indicate significant differences between suppressive and non-suppressive fields (t-test, p<0.05). Bold taxa indicate that they are shared between the sowing and in-crop samples.</p

    Pathogen abundance and disease incidence.

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    <p>Note: values within each column followed by the same letter are not statistically significant at P<0.05.</p><p>Amount of pathogen <i>R. solani</i> AG 8 inoculum in the surface soil at sowing and the level of disease incidence measured in 7 week old seedlings from suppressive and non-suppressive fields at Avon and Minnipa with standard errors.</p

    PERMANOVA analysis.

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    <p>Statistical comparisons of the t-RFLP, the 28S whole dataset, and the 28S re-sampled (4484 sequences per sample) datasets. CV = Component of variation.</p

    Soil type and suppression status statistical comparisons.

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    <p>Significance of differences (main effects only) at different taxonomic levels using ANOSIM two-way crossed analysis for the original dataset and re-sampled dataset.</p