26 research outputs found

    Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the honey samples using the absolute value variables per sample.

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    <p>Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the honey samples using the absolute value variables per sample.</p

    A) Photomicrographs and scanning electron micrographs of some of the significant and characteristic pollen assemblage recovered from the natural honey samples of coastal district of Bhadrak and Kendraparha, India.

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    <p>a. <i>Schleichera oleosa</i> (<i>S.o</i>) and <i>Cleome viscosa</i> (<i>C.v</i>) found in sample Vdrk-2; b. <i>Casuarina equisetifolia</i> (<i>C.e</i>) and <i>Bruguiera gymnorrhiza</i> (<i>B.g</i>) found in sample Krnr-1; c. <i>Sonneratia apetala</i> (<i>S.a</i>), <i>Aegiceras corniculatum</i> (<i>A.c</i>) and <i>Amaranthus viridis</i> (<i>A.v</i>) found in sample Ksba-3; d. <i>Brassica nigra</i> (<i>B.n</i>) and <i>Scleichera oleosa</i> (<i>S.o</i>) in sample Vbpr-3; e. <i>Syzygium cumini</i> (<i>S.c</i>) and <i>Barringtonia acutangula</i> (<i>B.a</i>) in sample Krka-2; f. <i>Aegiceras corniculatum</i> (<i>A.c</i>) and <i>Sonneratia apetala</i> (<i>S.a</i>) in sample Vcbl-2; g. <i>Acanthus ilicifolius</i> (<i>A.i</i>) in sample Vdma-3; h. <i>Mimosa pudica</i> (<i>M.p</i>) and <i>Zizyphus jujuba</i> (<i>Z.j</i>) in sample Vtdi-1; i. <i>Terminalia arjuna</i> (<i>T.a</i>) and <i>Lagerstroemia parviflora</i> (<i>L.p</i>) in sample Knra-3; <i>B</i>. a. <i>Aegiceras corniculatum</i> (<i>A.c</i>), <i>Ceiba protandra</i> (<i>C.p</i>) and <i>Sonneratia apetala</i> (<i>S.a</i>) in sample Krka-3; b. <i>Aegiceras corniculatum</i> (<i>A.c</i>) in sample Kbka-1; c. <i>Bruguiera gymnorrhiza</i> (<i>B.g</i>) and <i>Aegialitis rotundifolia</i> (<i>A.r</i>) in sample Kbka-3; d. <i>Pongamia pinnata</i> (<i>P.p</i>) and <i>Grewia tiliaefolia</i> (G.<i>t</i>) in sample Knht-1; e. <i>Bruguiera gymnorrhiza</i> (<i>B.g</i>) and <i>Amaranthus viridis</i> (<i>A.v</i>) in sample Ksba-2; f. <i>Cocos nucifera</i> (<i>C.n</i>) and <i>Madhuca indica</i> (<i>M.i</i>) in sample Kbkl-1; g. <i>Phoenix sylvestris</i> (<i>P.s</i>) and <i>Mimosa pudica</i> (<i>M.p</i>) in sample Vdrk-1; h. <i>Tecoma stans</i> (<i>T.s</i>) and <i>Syzygium cumini</i> (<i>S.c</i>.) in sample Vnta-2; i. <i>Prosopis juliflora</i> (<i>P.j</i>) and <i>Borassus flabellifer</i> (<i>B.f</i>) in sample Kmpa-2. Italicized initials within parenthesis after each palynotaxon above is given (as suggested by the referee) to indicate species level identification of the taxon in the respective figures of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0094572#pone-0094572-g003" target="_blank"><i>Fig.3</i></a>.<i>A</i> and <i>B</i> Bar  = 10 µm unless otherwise mentioned (original magnification: 400× and 1000×; d and g of Plate 1 and g of Plate 2 are scanning electron micrographs).</p

    Location Map of study areas in the coastal districts of Orissa, India.

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    <p>Latitudes and longitudes of each study area and honey sample numbers have been mentioned.</p

    Melissopalynological data of natural honey samples from two east-coastal districts of India.

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    <p>Melissopalynological data of natural honey samples from two east-coastal districts of India.</p

    Nectar calendar of Bhadrak and Kendraparha districts, Orissa, India.

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    <p>Nectar calendar of Bhadrak and Kendraparha districts, Orissa, India.</p

    Structural variation of flowers in <i>Potameia</i>.

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    <p>A, apical view of a dimerous flower of <i>P</i>. <i>chartacea</i>, bar = 500 μm; B, lateral view of a dissected flower of <i>P</i>. <i>chartacea</i> displaying the glands and two-locular anthers, bar = 200 μm; C, apical view of a flower of <i>P</i>. <i>micrantha</i> displaying the one-locular anthers, bar = 200 μm; D, a dissected dimerous flower of <i>P</i>. <i>micrantha</i> lacking stamens and glands of the 3<sup>rd</sup> whorl, bar = 200 μm; E, apical view of <i>P</i>. <i>microphylla</i> displaying the included stamens and the exposed pistil, bar = 500 μm; F, lateral view of a flower of <i>P</i>. <i>microphylla</i> displaying the minute stamens and glands of the 3<sup>rd</sup> whorl, bar = 500 μm; G, apical view of a flower of <i>P</i>. sp., bar = 500 μm; H, lateral view of a dissected flower of <i>P</i>. <i>sp</i>. displaying the stamens and glands of the 3<sup>rd</sup> whorl, bar = 500 μm.</p

    Development of flowers of <i>Syndiclis marlipoensis</i>.

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    <p>A, a cyme consisting of three flower buds, the triangular SAMs develop into trimerous flowers while the elliptic SAMs develop into dimerous flowers; B, two of the three primordia of the first tepal whorl, arrow marking the position of a developing tepal (P1); C, three established primordia of the second tepal whorl (P2) showing different development rates of the primordia; D, three established primordia of the first androecial whorl (S1), arrow indicating the position of a tepal (P2) which is expected to occur, leading to a flower possessing five tepals, the two established tepal primordia showing different prominence; E, a dimerous flower bud, the established primordia of the second androecial whorl (S2); F, a dimerous flower bud, stamens of the third androecial whorl not initiated while the first and second whorl of stamens well established, arrow pointing to a minute hump in the position of the third whorl of stamens; G, a dimerous flower bud, the third whorl of stamens initiated; H, a dimerous flower bud, the fourth whorl of stamens initiated; I, a flower bud with irregular merosity, two androecial primordia (S2) initiated in the position of a stamen which is expected to occur; J, a dimerous flower bud, arrow indicating the ovular protuberance; K, a dimerous flower bud, arrow pointing to the ovule not covered by the carpel; L, a trimerous flower, the carpel flanks approximating one another, the ovule enclosed. Scale bars: B: bar = 50 μm; A, C–J: bar = 100 μm; K and L: bar = 200 μm.<i>Abbreviations</i>. C, carpel; G, gland; P1, the outer whorl of tepals; P2, the inner whorl of tepals; S1, the first/outermost whorl of stamens; S2, the second whorl of stamens; S3, the third androecial whorl including either fertile stamens or staminodes; S4, the fourth androecial whorl including staminodes.</p

    Structural variation of flowers in <i>Syndiclis fooningensis</i> (A–C) and <i>S</i>. <i>anlungensis</i> (D).

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    <p>A, a dimerous flower, bar = 500 um; B, a dimerous flower with one series of floral organs aborted, bar = 500 um; C, lateral view of a dimerous flower with removal of one tepal and its inner stamen displaying enlarged glands and staminodes, bar = 500 um; D, a trimerous flower, bar = 1 mm.</p