11 research outputs found

    Distributed Submodular Maximization with Parallel Execution

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    The submodular maximization problem is widely applicable in many engineering problems where objectives exhibit diminishing returns. While this problem is known to be NP-hard for certain subclasses of objective functions, there is a greedy algorithm which guarantees approximation at least 1/2 of the optimal solution. This greedy algorithm can be implemented with a set of agents, each making a decision sequentially based on the choices of all prior agents. In this paper, we consider a generalization of the greedy algorithm in which agents can make decisions in parallel, rather than strictly in sequence. In particular, we are interested in partitioning the agents, where a set of agents in the partition all make a decision simultaneously based on the choices of prior agents, so that the algorithm terminates in limited iterations. We provide bounds on the performance of this parallelized version of the greedy algorithm and show that dividing the agents evenly among the sets in the partition yields an optimal structure. It is shown that such optimal structures holds even under very relaxed information constraints. We additionally show that this optimal structure is still near-optimal, even when additional information (i.e., total curvature) is known about the objective function

    The Impact of Message Passing in Agent-Based Submodular Maximization

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    Submodular maximization problems are a relevant model set for many real-world applications. Since these problems are generally NP-Hard, many methods have been developed to approximate the optimal solution in polynomial time. One such approach uses an agent-based greedy algorithm, where the goal is for each agent to choose an action from its action set such that the union of all actions chosen is as high-valued as possible. Recent work has shown how the performance of the greedy algorithm degrades as the amount of information shared among the agents decreases, whereas this work addresses the scenario where agents are capable of sharing more information than allowed in the greedy algorithm. Specifically, we show how performance guarantees increase as agents are capable of passing messages, which can augment the allowable decision set for each agent. Under these circumstances, we show a near-optimal method for message passing, and how much such an algorithm could increase performance for any given problem instance

    The Impact of Information in Distributed Submodular Maximization

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    The maximization of submodular functions is an NP-Hard problem for certain subclasses of functions, for which a simple greedy algorithm has been shown to guarantee a solution whose quality is within 1/2 of the optimal. When this algorithm is implemented in a distributed way, agents sequentially make decisions based on the decisions of all previous agents. This work explores how limited access to the decisions of previous agents affects the quality of the solution of the greedy algorithm. Specifically, we provide tight upper and lower bounds on how well the algorithm performs, as a function of the information available to each agent. Intuitively, the results show that performance roughly degrades proportionally to the size of the largest group of agents which make decisions independently. Additionally, we consider the case where a system designer is given a set of agents and a global limit on the amount of information that can be accessed. Our results show that the best designs partition the agents into equally-sized sets and allow agents to access the decisions of all previous agents within the same set

    Impact of Information in Greedy Submodular Maximization

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    International audience<p>The maximization of submodular functions is a well-studied topic due to its application in many common engineering problems. Because this problem has been shown to be NP-Hard for certain subclasses of functions, much work has been done to develop efficient algorithms to approximate an optimal solution. Among these is a simple greedy algorithm, which has been shown to guarantee a solution within 1/2 theoptimal. However, when this algorithm is implemented in a distributed way, it requires all agents to share information with one another - a costly constraint for some applications. This work explores how the degradation of information sharing among the agents affects the performance of the distributed greedy algorithm. For any underlying communication graph structure, we show results for how well the distributed greedy algorithm can perform. In addition, for applications where the number of agents and number of communication links is fixed, we identify near-optimal graph structures with the highest performance guarantees. This result can inform system designers as to the most impactful places to insert communication links.</p