14 research outputs found

    Non-linear Responses of a Coastal Aquatic Ecosystem to Large Decreases in Nutrient and Organic Loadings

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    Between 1991 and 2000, Boston Harbor, a bay-estuary in the northeast USA, experienced a decrease in loadings of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and particulate organic carbon (PC) of between ~80% and ~90%. The average concentrations of TN and TP in the harbor water column were decreased in linear proportion to the loadings. The changes to the chlorophyll-a (chl-a), PC, and bottom water DO concentrations were curvilinear relative to the loadings, with larger changes at low than high loadings. For TN and TP, the starts of the decreases in concentrations coincided with the starts of the decreases in loadings. For the three variables that showed curvilinear responses, the starts of the changes lagged by 2 to 3 years the starts of the decreases in TN loadings. Total suspended solid concentrations and water clarity in the harbor were unchanged. The study shows that for systems such as Boston Harbor, decreases in nutrient loadings will have quite different effects depending on the base loadings to the system. © 2010 Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation

    Emerging harmful algal blooms caused by distinct seasonal assemblages of a toxic diatom

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    Diatoms in the Pseudo-nitzschia genus produce the neurotoxin domoic acid. Domoic acid bioaccumulates in shellfish, causing illness in humans and marine animals upon ingestion. In 2017, high domoic acid levels in shellfish meat closed shellfish harvest in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island for the first and only time in history, although abundant Pseudo-nitzschia have been observed for over 60 years. To investigate whether an environmental factor altered endemic Pseudo-nitzschia physiology or new domoic acid-producing strain(s) were introduced to Narragansett Bay, we conducted weekly sampling from 2017 to 2019 and compared closure samples. Plankton-associated domoic acid was quantified by LC-MS/MS and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. were identified using a taxonomically improved high-throughput rDNA sequencing approach. Comparison with environmental data revealed a detailed understanding of domoic acid dynamics and seasonal multi-species assemblages. Plankton-associated domoic acid was low throughout 2017–2019, but recurred in fall and early summer maxima. Fall domoic acid maxima contained known toxic species as well as a novel Pseudo-nitzschia genotype. Summer domoic acid maxima included fewer species but also known toxin producers. Most 2017 closure samples contained the particularly concerning toxic species, P. australis, which also appeared infrequently during 2017–2019. Recurring Pseudo-nitzschia assemblages were driven by seasonal temperature changes, and plankton-associated domoic acid correlated with low dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Thus, the Narragansett Bay closures were likely caused by both resident assemblages that become toxic depending on nutrient status as well as the episodic introductions of toxic species from oceanographic and climatic shifts