57 research outputs found

    Improved X-ray detection and particle identification with avalanche photodiodes

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    Avalanche photodiodes are commonly used as detectors for low energy x-rays. In this work we report on a fitting technique used to account for different detector responses resulting from photo absorption in the various APD layers. The use of this technique results in an improvement of the energy resolution at 8.2 keV by up to a factor of 2, and corrects the timing information by up to 25 ns to account for space dependent electron drift time. In addition, this waveform analysis is used for particle identification, e.g. to distinguish between x-rays and MeV electrons in our experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure


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    GLOR07MV Gloria Expedition Leg 07 - Cruise Data. In Data from Scripps Research Expeditions 1953-2005

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    DRFT10RR Drift Cruise Expedition Leg 10 - Cruise Data. In Data from Scripps Research Expeditions 1953-2005

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    DRFT06RR Drift Cruise Expedition Leg 06 - Cruise Data. In Data from Scripps Research Expeditions 1953-2005

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    Tectonic Evolution of the Easter Microplate

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    The plate tectonic history of the Easter microplate has been reconstructed by “closing” the microplate in a series of steps using the Pacific-Nazca magnetic anomalies north and south of the microplate and the NUVEL 1 global plate motion model. After each step, the Easter microplate was rotated rigidly to match the Nazca and Pacific anomalies. Gaps and overlaps formed by this kinematic treatment indicate compressional and tensional deformation, respectively, and show that rigid plate motions are insufficient to explain the complete tectonic evolution. Analysis of the magnetic anomaly data was guided by contoured SeaMARC II, Sea Beam, and 3.5-kHz bathymetry data and a lineament map derived from SeaMARC II side scan and Sea Beam bathymetry data. The patterns of lineaments and bathymetric structures suggest that rotational deformation of the Nazca plate is the general mechanism that accommodates the space problems arising from transfer of the Nazca plate to the microplate and rapid rotation of the microplate against the Nazca plate. Similar but smaller amounts of deformation are predicted along the southern boundary of the microplate. Prior to the origin of the microplate, the East Pacific Rise (EPR) was offset in at least two places according to the older magnetic anomalies, yet there is no evidence of linear fracture zones within the sparse data set except for occasional small consistent changes in regional depth across these age offsets. The magnetic, bathymetry, and satellite altimetry data indicate that the microplate initially formed at (or perhaps southeast of) Easter Island near a left-lateral offset of the EPR sometime between anomaly 3 and 3\u27. The East Rift started propagating north from the present location of Easter Island at ∌4.5 Ma, which is ∌1.5 m.y. earlier than previously proposed. However, the magnetic data that support this interpretation are sparse and complicated by recent volcanic flows and associated rough bathymetry west of Easter Island. The geometry of the microplate changes very rapidly during its evolution. At the initial stages of development, the microplate resembles a large propagating rift system, suggesting that deformation may have been occurring throughout most of its interior up to about 2.47 Ma. At this time, the length to width of overlap ratio of the two rifts reaches a value of 3, the northward propagation slows down, the curved opening of the Southwest Rift becomes well established, and rigid rotation of the previously deformed transferred lithosphere probably starts to predominate. At this time, the offset distance between the two overlapped rifts starts to increase. Some time after 2.47 Ma and before 1 Ma, the East Rift starts propagating northwestward, probably in response to the microplate rotation, and continues up until present. Also during this time period, the East Rift breaks into a series of northward propagating rifts, each propagating into the microplate interior, thereby transferring lithosphere from the microplate to the Nazca plate and reducing the total growth rate of the microplate

    Recent Pacific-Easter-Nazca Plate Motions

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    Instantaneous relative plate motions have been calculated for the Pacific, Easter and Nazca plates by inverting spreading rates since the Brunhes/Matuyama reversal boundary (obtained from modeling 39 magnetic anomaly profiles across the divergent boundaries of all three plates), along with 10 transform azimuths (obtained from recent SeaMARC II, GLORIA and Sea Beam data) and 20 published seismic slip vectors. The rates along the Nazca-Pacific and Nazca-Easter spreading axes increase to the south. The rates along the Pacific-Easter spreading axis decrease to the south. Along ∌2400 km of the southern Nazca-Pacific plate boundary where spreading rates range from 145 to 160 km there are no Nazca-Pacific transform faults where spreading axes are offset. Instead, the offsets are accommodated by microplates, propagating rifts, or overlapping spreading centers. The origin of the Easter microplate cannot be attributed solely to fast spreading rates along the preexisting Nazca-Pacific boundary because the fastest seafloor spreading is to the south of the microplate. The Nazca-Pacific Euler vector (0–0.73 Ma) from this study has a slower angular velocity and lies outside the confidence ellipse of the Minster and Jordan RM2 Euler vector (0–3.0 Ma). It also lies outside of the confidence ellipse of the DeMets et al. NUVEL-1 Euler vector (0–3.0 Ma) but has approximately the same angular velocity. Our preferred Euler vector describing the absolute motion of the Easter microplate is near the center of the microplate with an angular velocity of about 15°m.y., making it a fast ‘spinning\u27 plate. Oblique convergence is predicted along the proposed Nazca-Easter and Pacific-Easter transform segments of the proposed northern and southern triple junctions, respectively. The similarity between the best fitting Euler vector for all three plate pairs and the Euler vectors derived by the three-plate closure condition suggests the microplate interior is behaving mostly rigidly. Reduced chi-squared values and F-ratio tests support this finding. However, comparison of the predicted motion vectors with the observed structures interpreted to be microplate boundaries indicates that deformation must be occurring over a broad area along the northern microplate boundary. This deformation is suspected to be a direct consequence of the large-scale rift propagation and rapid microplate rotation
