79,674 research outputs found

    Properties of "35" Spin-(5/2) Baryon Resonances in a Model with Broken SU(3)

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    We investigate the properties of a set of J =(5/2)^+ resonances appearing in a 35-dimensional representation of SU(3), as proposed by Abers, Balázs, and Hara. A simple dynamical calculation gives an estimate for the mass differences within the supermultiplet. The matrix elements for the SU(3) allowed decays into meson plus resonance are given in terms of one parameter and the SU(3)-violating matrix elements for decay into meson plus baryon are given by two parameters

    In-flight flow visualization characteristics of the NASA F-18 high alpha research vehicle at high angles of attack

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    Surface and off-surface flow visualization techniques were used to visualize the 3-D separated flows on the NASA F-18 high alpha research vehicle at high angles of attack. Results near the alpha = 25 to 26 deg and alpha = 45 to 49 deg are presented. Both the forebody and leading edge extension (LEX) vortex cores and breakdown locations were visualized using smoke. Forebody and LEX vortex separation lines on the surface were defined using an emitted fluid technique. A laminar separation bubble was also detected on the nose cone using the emitted fluid technique and was similar to that observed in the wind tunnel test, but not as extensive. Regions of attached, separated, and vortical flow were noted on the wing and the leading edge flap using tufts and flow cones, and compared well with limited wind tunnel results

    Mapping of surface activity on the W UMa-type system VW Cephei

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    After multifilter photometry of the W UMa-type contact binary VW Cep (P = 6.67 hr; G5V + K0V) in 1986/87 revealed large asymmetries in the light curves believed to be caused by large, cool starspot regions on the surface of the larger stars, in Apr. 1987 it was observed with IUE to study the chromospheres and transition regions of the components. During one complete orbital cycle, three SWP and four LWP low dispersion spectra were obtained, including and then excluding the suspected active region. Phase dependent TR line emission strengths were found, most notably C IV, which is 50 percent stronger when the spot region is most visible. The results could be important because VW Cep represents an extreme case for studying stellar dynamo theory and observations can play a crucial role in the unterstanding of magnetic fields and activity cycles in rapidly rotating solar-like stars

    Taxation and the Stock Market Valuation of Capital Gains and Dividends: Theory and Empirical Results (Rev)

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    Dividends seem to be more heavily taxed than capital gains. Why then do corporations pay dividends rather than repurchasing shares or retaining earnings? Either corporations are not acting in the interests of shareholders, or else shareholders desire dividends sufficiently for nontax reasons to offset the tax effect. In this paper, we measure the relative valuation of dividends and capital gains in the stock market, using a variant of the capital asset pricing model. We find that dividends are not valued differently systematically from capital gains. This finding is consistent with share price maximization by firms but inconsistent with the fact that most shareholders pay a heavier tax on dividends. We also show that the relative value of dividends provides an indirect measure of a marginal Tobin's q. The measured value of dividends relative to capital gains tends to be higher during prosperous periods, as is consistent with this interpretation. We hope that this time series on a marginal Tobin's q will prove to be useful in forecasting the rate of investment.

    The role of Melancholia in prostate cancer patients' depression

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    BACKGROUND: Although it is well established that prostate cancer (PCa) patients are more likely to experience clinical depression than their age-matched non-prostate cancer peers, and that such depression can have negative effects upon survival, little is known about the underlying nature of the depressive symptomatology that these men experience. In particular, the incidence of melancholic symptoms of depression, which are signs of increased risk of suicide and resistance to treatment, has not previously been reported in PCa patients. The present study aimed to measure the incidence and nature of Melancholia in PCa depression. METHOD: A sample of 507 PCa patients in Queensland, Australia, completed anonymous and confidential questionnaires about their background, treatment status, and depression. Data were analysed to select depressive symptoms that were part of the definition of Melancholia vs those which were not. Regression was used to determine the links between Melancholia and overall depressive status, and factor analysis revealed the underlying components of Melancholia, which were mapped over time since diagnosis for 3 years. RESULTS: Psychometric data were satisfactory. Melancholia significantly predicted depressive status for the most depressed subset of patients, but not for the total sample. Melancholia was factored into its components of Anhedonia and Agitation, and the first of these was more powerful in predicting Melancholia. Variability over the 3 years following diagnosis was noted for each of these two components of Melancholia. CONCLUSIONS: The strong presence of Melancholia in the depressive symptomatology of this sample of PCa patients suggests that some forms of treatment for depression may be more likely to succeed than others. The dominance of Anhedonia and Agitation over other symptoms of Melancholia also holds implications for treatment options when assisting these men to cope with their depression
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