31 research outputs found
Effect of Nitrogen Application Timing on Corn Production Using Subsurface Drip Irrigation
The use of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) in row-crop agriculture is increasing because of potential increases in water and nutrient use efficiency. Research-based information is needed to manage N applications through SDI systems in field corn (Zea-mays L.) production. This study was conducted to assess the effect of different in-season SDI system N application timings on corn production and residual soil N03-N at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte, Neb, on a Cozad silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, mesic Fluventic Haplustoll). We evaluated the effect of three N application timing methods (varying percentages of the total N rate [48% of total N] applied at the VIO, VT, and R3 growth stages, in addition to uniform N applications [52% of total NJ over all treatments at preplant, planting, and V14 growth stage) at two N application rates (University of Nebraska-Lincoln [UNL] recommended rate and the UNL rate minus 20%) on corn grain and biomass yield and end-of-study distribution of residual soil N03-N. In 2006, there were no significant differences in corn grain yields between the two N application rates. In 2007, the grain yield under the UNL.recommended N rate was significantly higher (190 kg ha-1) than the UNL-minus-20%N rate. The average grain yield for this study was close to the predicted yields (based on average 5-year historic yields + a 5% yield increase), indicating that ,orn production under SDI is satisfactory. In 2006 and 2007, grain yield and biomass production for the N application timing treatments were not significantly different (P \u3e 0.05). The application of 13% of the total N at as late as R3 did not result in decreased yields. The lack of response to differentN application timing treatments indicates that there is flexibility in N application timing for corn production under SDI. The distribution of N03-N in the 0- to 0.9-m and 0.9- to 1.8-m soil profiles was not significantly different among all the treatments
Effect of Nitrogen Application Timing on Corn Production Using Subsurface Drip Irrigation
The use of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) in row-crop agriculture is increasing because of potential increases in water and nutrient use efficiency. Research-based information is needed to manage N applications through SDI systems in field corn (Zea-mays L.) production. This study was conducted to assess the effect of different in-season SDI system N application timings on corn production and residual soil N03-N at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte, Neb, on a Cozad silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, mesic Fluventic Haplustoll). We evaluated the effect of three N application timing methods (varying percentages of the total N rate [48% of total N] applied at the VIO, VT, and R3 growth stages, in addition to uniform N applications [52% of total NJ over all treatments at preplant, planting, and V14 growth stage) at two N application rates (University of Nebraska-Lincoln [UNL] recommended rate and the UNL rate minus 20%) on corn grain and biomass yield and end-of-study distribution of residual soil N03-N. In 2006, there were no significant differences in corn grain yields between the two N application rates. In 2007, the grain yield under the UNL.recommended N rate was significantly higher (190 kg ha-1) than the UNL-minus-20%N rate. The average grain yield for this study was close to the predicted yields (based on average 5-year historic yields + a 5% yield increase), indicating that ,orn production under SDI is satisfactory. In 2006 and 2007, grain yield and biomass production for the N application timing treatments were not significantly different (P \u3e 0.05). The application of 13% of the total N at as late as R3 did not result in decreased yields. The lack of response to differentN application timing treatments indicates that there is flexibility in N application timing for corn production under SDI. The distribution of N03-N in the 0- to 0.9-m and 0.9- to 1.8-m soil profiles was not significantly different among all the treatments
Cumulative deficit irrigation and nitrogen effects on soil water trends, evapotranspiration, and dry matter and grain yield of corn under high frequency sprinkler irrigation
Historically feed corn has been a minor crop in south central Idaho, but over the past three decades corn production in southern Idaho has increased fourfold in response to a similar increase in the local dairy industry. Corn seasonal water use and response to water deficits in the regionās climate is lacking. A three-year field study on corn (Zea mays L.) was conducted in 2017, 2018 and 2019 to evaluate the cumulative effects of continuous water and nitrogen deficits on soil water trends, evapotranspiration, and dry matter and grain yield. Four irrigation rates, fully irrigated (FIT) and three deficit irrigation rates (75% FIT, 50% FIT, and 25% FIT) combined with two nitrogen rates (0 and 246 kg N/ha) were investigated under lateral-move irrigation. Growing season soil water depletion in 2017 in the 25% FIT and 50% FIT irrigation treatments significantly reduced soil water availability at planting in subsequent years and resulted in reduced yields relative to 2017. Nitrogen treatments had no significant effect on soil water availability, seasonal soil water depletion, or crop evapotranspiration for a given irrigation treatment. Crop evapotranspiration was significantly different between irrigation treatments in each study year and decreased as irrigation amount decreased. Dry matter yield was significantly different between irrigation treatments in each study year, but there was no significant difference between the 75% FIT and FIT irrigation treatments for a given nitrogen treatment. Differences in dry matter yield decreased between nitrogen treatments as irrigation amount decreased. Grain yield was significantly reduced by deficit irrigation in each study year, but there was no significant difference between the 75% FIT and FIT irrigation treatments for a given nitrogen treatment in study year. Grain yield was significantly different between nitrogen treatments for only the FIT irrigation treatment. The lack of significant difference in grain yield between the 75% FIT and FIT irrigation treatments resulted in a curvilinear convex downward water production response regardless of nitrogen treatment. A reduction in applied water resulted in a reduction of grain yield regardless of nitrogen availability suggesting that a reduction in irrigation application to less productive areas of a field will cause a yield reduction. The lack of significant difference in crop evapotranspiration between nitrogen treatments for a given irrigation treatment indicates that crop evapotranspiration is independent of crop productivity when soil water contents are similar under high evaporative demand and frequent sprinkler irrigation
Mycorrhizal colonization and nutrient uptake of dry bean in manure and compost manure treated subsoil and untreated topsoil and subsoil
Eroded or leveled Portneuf silt loam soils (coarse-silty mixed mesic Durixerollic
Calciorthid) have been restored to topsoil productivity levels by manure
application, but not by other organic sources such as cheese whey. In dry
bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Viva), only soil organic matter and Zn
concentration of leaf tissue correlated with improved yields. Manure
application could potentially increase or decrease mycorrhizal colonization
depending on which factors dominate. Manured and unmanured soils from a
long-term field experiment were sampled and mycorrhizal spores were
quantified, but there was no significant manure treatment effect on spore
numbers. A greenhouse study was conducted to see if manure or composted
manure freshly applied to subsoils would facilitate mycorrhizal colonization in
dry bean roots compared to untreated topsoil or conventionally fertilized
subsoil. Low level colonization (< 5%) was observed 21 days after planting
and that increased to 58% by 56 days after planting. Roots grown on subsoil
treated with manure or composted manure showed higher percent colonization
than roots from untreated subsoil, but roots on topsoil had highest colonization.
This increase in colonization was statistically significant for the last two
sampling dates. Topsoil promoted the greatest percent colonization in early
bean growth and this was reflected in greater Zn uptake during early growth
stages. By day 56, plants grown in manured subsoil absorbed Zn equal to
topsoil and at higher levels than the subsoil control. However, this increase in
Zn uptake was not seen in plants grown in compost manured subsoil. A
decrease in root and shoot weight was observed in the composted manure
treatment and this seemed to decrease mycorrhizal efficiency. Uptake of other
nutrients was either not related or was negatively related to mycorrhizal
infection. The higher percent colonization of roots by mycorrhizal fungi
stimulated by manure could explain the field observations of higher bean yield
and Zn contents in dry bean in manured than in untreated subsoils
Preparing and staining mycorrhizal structures in dry bean, sweet corn, and wheat using a block digester
The use of safe staining techniques in the evaluation of mycorrhizal
colonization is critical to the continued understanding of this important
symbiosis. Several procedures being utilized currently involve regulated and/
or toxic chemicals. The integration of unregulated and nontoxic chemicals
into these procedures is important to alleviate potential dangers currently
used chemicals pose. We eliminated all regulated reagents by combining
portions of several previously published staining and root preservation
procedures. A block digester for plant tissue digestion was used as a heating
unit and proved to be easier to use, quicker and more reliable than either a
water bath or a circulating air oven. Optimum clearing time in KOH varied
from 8 to 10 min and 30 to 40 min for wheat, sweet corn, and dry bean roots,
respectively. We also successfully used both drying and freezing of roots for
storage prior to staining. These modified procedures were quick and easy
and provided reliable temperature control and excellent staining while
protecting individuals and the environment from toxic chemicals
Effect of Composting on the Fate of Steroids in Beef Cattle Manure
In this study, the fate of steroid hormones in beef cattle manure composting is evaluated. The fate of 16 steroids and metabolites was evaluated in composted manure from beef cattle administered growth promotants and from beef cattle with no steroid hormone implants. The fate of estrogens (primary detected as estrone), androgens, progesterone, and the fusarium metabolite and implant a-zearalanol was monitored in manure compost piles. First-order decay rates were calculated for steroid half-lives in compost and ranged from 8 d for androsterone to 69 d for 4-androstenedione. Other steroid concentration data could not be fit to first-order decay models, which may indicate that microbial processes may result in steroid production or synthesis in composting systems. We demonstrate that composting is an effective strategy to remove steroid hormones from manure. Total steroid hormone removal in composted beef cattle manure ranged from 79 to 87%
Effect of rainfall timing and tillage on the transport of steroidhormones in runoff from manure amended row crop fields
Runoff generated from livestock manure amended row crop fields is one of the major pathways of hormone transport to the aquatic environment. The study determined the effects of manure handling, tillage methods, and rainfall timing on the occurrence and transport of steroid hormones in runoff from the row crop field. Stockpiled and composted manure from hormone treated and untreated animals were applied to test plots and subjected to two rainfall simulation events 30 days apart. During the two rainfall simulation events, detection of any steroid hormone or metabolites was identified in 8ā86% of runoff samples from any tillage and manure treatment. The most commonly detected hormones were 17 _estradiol, estrone, estriol, testosterone, and _zearalenol at concentrations ranging up to 100ā200 ng Lā1. Considering the maximum detected concentrations in runoff, no more than 10% of the applied hormone can be transported through the dissolved phase of runoff. Results from the study indicate that hormones can persist in soils receiving livestock manure over an extended period of time and the dissolved phase of hormone in runoff is not the preferred pathway of transport from the manure applied fields irrespective of tillage treatments and timing of rainfall