11 research outputs found

    LV systolic function.

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    <p>FAC% measured both in parasternal short-axis views and a long-axis view. The FAC% decreased significantly as early as 7 days after myocardial infarction (** indicates statistically significance versus day 0, with p<0.001).</p

    Structural analysis.

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    <p><b>HR</b>: heart rate. <b>Dbvi</b>: LV diameter (basal). <b>Dmvi</b>: LV diameter (medium). <b>Davi</b>: LV diameter (apical). <b>Aread</b>: end-diastolic area. <b>Areas</b>: end-systolic area. (* indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.01) (** indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.001).</p

    Histological analysis.

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    <p>Transverse sections of a heart 90 days after permanent ligation of the LAD. The sections were approximately taken starting at the level the papillary muscles (leftmost) to the apex (rightmost). The anterolateral myocardium is replaced by a thin fibrous scar tissue. The scale bar represents 1 mm.</p

    Visualization of the infarction.

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    <p>Sample EKV images at baseline and 7, 30 and 90 days post-infarction. Upper row: Parasternal short-axis views. Lower row: Parasternal long-axis views. The infarcted area is appreciated 7 days post-infarction and is located in the apical region. The evolution of the infarction results in progressive left ventricular remodeling. The videos from which the frames were selected are given as Supplementary material.</p

    Systolic function (cont'd).

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    <p><b>LVID d</b>: LV internal diameter (diastole). <b>LVID s</b>: LV internal diameter (systole). <b>CO</b>: cardiac output. <b>Sā€² post</b>: peak velocity of the posterior wall. <b>Sā€² septal</b>: peak velocity of septal basal level. (* indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.01) (** indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.001).</p

    Diastolic function (cont'd).

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    <p><b>IVCT</b>: LV isovolumetric contraction time. <b>IVRT</b>: LV isovolumetric relaxation time. (* indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.01) (** indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.001).</p

    LV global cardiac function.

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    <p>Global cardiac dysfunction measured with the Tei Index at base line, 7, 14, 30, 60 and 90 days post-infarction. Changes are significant starting 7 days post-infarction until the end of the experiment (* indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.01).</p

    Systolic function.

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    <p><b>EF% tei</b>: ejection fraction using Teichholz. <b>EF% simp</b>: ejection fraction using Simpson's rule. <b>FS% tei</b>: fractional shortening using Teichholz. <b>VcFc</b>: normalized mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening. <b>FAC% short</b>: fractional area change measured on a short axis view. <b>FAC% long</b>: fractional area change measured on a long axis view. (* indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.01) (** indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.001).</p

    Diastolic function.

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    <p><b>E</b>: early filling wave. <b>A</b>: late atrial contraction wave. <b>E/A</b>: ratio between E and A. <b>ET ms</b>: ejection time from opening to closing of the aortic valve. <b>MVDT</b>: deceleration time. (* indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.01) (** indicates statistical significance versus day 0, with p<0.001).</p

    LV diastolic function.

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    <p>Evaluation of diastolic function measured as the E/A ratio calculated using the pulse Doppler wave mode at baseline and 7, 14, 30, 60 and 90 days post-infarction.</p