109 research outputs found

    Metamimetic Games: Modeling Metadynamics in Social Cognition

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    Imitation is fundamental in the understanding of social systems' dynamics. But the diversity of imitation rules employed by modelers proves that the modeling of mimetic processes cannot avoid the traditional problem of endogenization of all the choices, including the one of the mimetic rules. Starting from the remark that metacognition and human reflexive capacities are the ground for a new class of mimetic rules, we propose a formal framework, metamimetic games, that enables to endogenize the distribution of imitation rules while being human specific. The corresponding concepts of equilibrium — counterfactually stable state — and attractor are introduced. Finally, we give an interpretation of social differenciation in terms of cultural co-evolution among a set of possible motivations, which departs from the traditional view of optimization indexed to immutable criteria that exist prior to the activity of agents.Social Cognition, Imitation, Cultural Co-Evolution, Differentiation, Reflexivity, Metacognition, Stochastic Game Theory, Endogenous Distributions, Metamimetic Games, Counterfactual Equilibrium

    Metamimetic Games : Modeling Metadynamics in Social Cognition

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    Imitation is fundamental in the understanding of social system dynamics. But the diversity of imitation rules employed by modelers proves that the modeling of mimetic processes cannot avoid the traditional problem of endogenization of all the choices, including the one of the mimetic rules. Starting from the remark that human reflexive capacities are the ground for a new class of mimetic rules, I propose a formal framework, metamimetic games, that enable to endogenize the distribution of imitation rules while being human specific. The corresponding concepts of equilibrium - counterfactually stable state - and attractor are introduced. Finally, I give an interpretation of social differentiation in terms of cultural co-evolution among a set of possible motivations, which departs from the traditional view of optimization indexed to criteria that exist prior to the activity of agents.Social cognition, imitation, cultural co-evolution, differentiation, reflexivity, metacognition, stochastic game theory, endogenous distributions, metamimetic games, counterfactual equilibrium.

    Endogenous distributions in multi-agents models: the example of endogenization of ends and time constants

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    Multi-agents modelers recurrently face the problem of the choice of their parameters' values while most of them are exogenous. In this paper we address the issue of endogenization of these parameters when it makes sense in a social learning perspective within the formalism of metamimetic games. We first show how its is possible to endogeneize the agents' ends distribution with a spatial prisoner's dilemma as case study. Then we apply the method to endogenization of time constants in the model, each agent having its own subjective perception of time. In this perspective, the values of endogenous parameters are the outcome of a dynamical process characterized by agent's cognitive capacities and environmental constraints.parameters endogenization, endogenous distributions, spatial games, time constants, evolution of cooperation, metamimetic games

    Endogenous distributions in multi-agents models: the example of endogenization of ends and time constants

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    Multi-agents modelers recurrently face the problem of the choice of their parameters' values while most of them are exogenous. In this paper we address the issue of endogenization of these parameters when it makes sense in a social learning perspective within the formalism of metamimetic games. We first show how its is possible to endogeneize the agents' ends distribution with a spatial prisoner's dilemma as case study. Then we apply the method to endogenization of time constants in the model, each agent having its own subjective perception of time. In this perspective, the values of endogenous parameters are the outcome of a dynamical process characterized by agent's cognitive capacities and environmental constraints

    L'approche systèmes complexes de la cognition sociale : une façon de penser l'auto-transformation du social ?

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    Certains scientiques, sociologues ou économistes en particulier, sesont récemment emparés du terme de cognition sociale utilisé en psychologie en lui donnant un second sens, à savoir, une cognition distribuée sur l'ensemble des individus composant une société. L'enjeu est alors de savoir " en quoi les aptitudes sociales humaines rendent compte du développement d'une cognition collective complexe ". Nous défendons ici l'idée que la cognition sociale est un raffinement du concept de cognition distribuée plutôt qu'un équivalent. C'est un phénomène propre aux sociétéshumaines qui permet de penser leur propriété d'auto-transformation. Nous montrons comment l'imitation permet de penser ce phénomène, comme le suggérait en son temps Gabriel Tarde

    WHAT'S WRONG WITH SCIENCE ? : Modeling the collective discovery processes with the Nobel Game

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    There is an increasing pressure on scholars to publish to further or sustain a career in academia. Governments and funding agencies are greedy of indicators based on scientific production to measure science output. But what exactly do we know about the relation between publication levels and advances in science ? How do social dynamics and norms interfere with the quality of the scientific production ? Are there different regimes of scientific dynamics ? The present study proposes some concepts to think about scientific dynamics, through the modeling of the relation between science policies and scholars' exploration-exploitation dilemmas. Passing, we analyze in detail the effects of the " publish or perish " policy, that turns out to have no significant effects in the developments of emerging scientific fields, while having detrimental impacts on the quality of the production of mature fields

    Metamimetic Games : Modeling Metadynamics in Social Cognition

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    Imitation is fundamental in the understanding of social system dynamics. But the diversity of imitation rules employed by modelers proves that the modeling of mimetic processes cannot avoid the traditional problem of endogenization of all the choices, including the one of the mimetic rules. Starting from the remark that human reflexive capacities are the ground for a new class of mimetic rules, I propose a formal framework, metamimetic games, that enable to endogenize the distribution of imitation rules while being human specific. The corresponding concepts of equilibrium - counterfactually stable state - and attractor are introduced. Finally, I give an interpretation of social differentiation in terms of cultural co-evolution among a set of possible motivations, which departs from the traditional view of optimization indexed to criteria that exist prior to the activity of agents.Comment: http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/9/2/5.htmlISSN-1460-742

    Tracking emergent keywords with pedophilic context in peer-to-peer file name

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    We propose a method to track emergent pedophilic keywords in P2P filename

    La part mimétique des dynamiques de cognition sociale : clé pour penser l’auto-tranformation du social

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    Certains scientifiques, sociologues ou économistes en particulier, se sont récemment emparés du terme de cognition sociale utilisé en psychologie en lui donnant un second sens, à savoir, une cognition distribuée sur l’ensemble des individus composant une société. L’enjeu est alors de savoir « en quoi les aptitudes sociales humaines rendent compte du développement d’une cognition collective complexe ». Nous défendons ici l’idée que la cognition sociale est un raffinement du concept de cognition distribuée plutôt qu’un équivalent. C’est un phénomène propre aux sociétés humaines qui permet de penser leur propriété d’auto-transformation. Nous montrons comment l’imitation permet de penser ce phénomène, comme le suggérait en son temps Gabriel Tarde.Some scientists, sociologists and economists in particular, recently gave a second sense to the terms "social cognition" used by psychologists, namely a cognition distributed over the whole set of the individuals composing a society. The stake is then to know "in what extent the human social aptitudes account for the development of a complex collective cognition". We defend here the idea that social cognition is a refinement of the concept of distributed cognition rather than an equivalent. It is a phenomenon specific to the human societies which allows to think their property of self-transformation. In this paper, we show how the study of imitation processes can help us to think this phenomenon, as suggested it in its time Gabriel Tarde
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