928 research outputs found

    Topology of Bands in Solids : From Insulators to Dirac Matter

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    Bloch theory describes the electronic states in crystals whose energies are distributed as bands over the Brillouin zone. The electronic states corresponding to a (few) isolated energy band(s) thus constitute a vector bundle. The topological properties of these vector bundles provide new characteristics of the corresponding electronic phases. We review some of these properties in the case of (topological) insulators and semi-metals.Comment: Talk at Seminaire Poincare (Bourbaphy), Paris, June 2014, www.bourbaphy.f

    Universal metallic and insulating properties of one dimensional Anderson Localization : a numerical Landauer study

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    We present results on the Anderson localization in a quasi one-dimensional metallic wire in the presence of magnetic impurities. We focus within the same numerical analysis on both the universal localized and metallic regimes, and we study the evolution of these universal properties as the strength of the magnetic disorder is varied. For this purpose, we use a numerical Landauer approach, and derive the scattering matrix of the wire from electron's Green's function obtained from a recursive algorithm

    An Introduction to Topological Insulators

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    Electronic bands in crystals are described by an ensemble of Bloch wave functions indexed by momenta defined in the first Brillouin Zone, and their associated energies. In an insulator, an energy gap around the chemical potential separates valence bands from conduction bands. The ensemble of valence bands is then a well defined object, which can possess non-trivial or twisted topological properties. In the case of a twisted topology, the insulator is called a topological insulator. We introduce this notion of topological order in insulators as an obstruction to define the Bloch wave functions over the whole Brillouin Zone using a single phase convention. Several simple historical models displaying a topological order in dimension two are considered. Various expressions of the corresponding topological index are finally discussed.Comment: 46 pages, 29 figures. This papers aims to be a pedagogical review on topological insulators. It was written for the topical issue of "Comptes Rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences - Physique" devoted to topological insulators and Dirac matte

    Conductance correlations in a mesoscopic spin glass wire : a numerical Landauer study

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    In this letter we study the coherent electronic transport through a metallic nanowire with magnetic impurities. The spins of these impurities are considered as frozen to mimic a low temperature spin glass phase. The transport properties of the wire are derived from a numerical Landauer technique which provides the conductance of the wire as a function of the disorder configuration. We show that the correlation of conductance between two spin configurations provides a measure of the correlation between these spin configurations. This correlation corresponds to the mean field overlap in the absence of any spatial order between the spin configurations. Moreover, we find that these conductance correlations are sensitive to the spatial order between the two spin configurations, i.e whether the spin ?ips between them occur in a compact region or not

    Glass phase of two-dimensional triangular elastic lattices with disorder

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    We study two dimensional triangular elastic lattices in a background of point disorder, excluding dislocations (tethered network). Using both (replica symmetric) static and (equilibrium) dynamic renormalization group for the corresponding N=2N=2 component model, we find a transition to a glass phase for T<TgT < T_g, described by a plane of perturbative fixed points. The growth of displacements is found to be asymptotically isotropic with uT2∌uL2∌A1ln⁥2ru_T^2 \sim u_L^2 \sim A_1 \ln^2 r, with universal subdominant anisotropy uT2−uL2∌A2ln⁥ru_T^2 - u_L^2 \sim A_2 \ln r. where A1A_1 and A2A_2 depend continuously on temperature and the Poisson ratio σ\sigma. We also obtain the continuously varying dynamical exponent zz. For the Cardy-Ostlund N=1N=1 model, a particular case of the above model, we point out a discrepancy in the value of A1A_1 with other published results in the litterature. We find that our result reconciles the order of magnitude of the RG predictions with the most recent numerical simulations.Comment: 25 pages, RevTeX, uses epsf,multicol and amssym

    Parallel Transport and Band Theory in Crystals

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    We show that different conventions for Bloch Hamiltonians on non-Bravais lattices correspond to different natural definitions of parallel transport of Bloch eigenstates. Generically the Berry curvatures associated with these parallel transports differ, while physical quantities are naturally related to a canonical choice of the parallel transport.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure ; minor updat

    Topological Weyl Semi-metal from a Lattice Model

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    We define and study a three dimensional lattice model which displays a Weyl semi-metallic phase. This model consists of coupled layers of quantum (anomalous) Hall insulators. The Weyl semi-metallic phase appears between a resulting quantum Hall insulating phase and a normal insulating phase. Weyl fermions in this Weyl semi-metal, similar to Dirac fermions in graphene, have their lattice pseudo-spin locked to their momenta. We investigate surface states and Fermi arcs, and their evolution for different phases, by exactly diagonalizing the lattice model as well as by analyzing their topological origins.Comment: Accepted version for publication in EPL. 6 pages, 4 figure

    On the disorder-driven quantum transition in three-dimensional relativistic metals

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    The Weyl semimetals are topologically protected from a gap opening against weak disorder in three dimensions. However, a strong disorder drives this relativistic semimetal through a quantum transition towards a diffusive metallic phase characterized by a finite density of states at the band crossing. This transition is usually described by a perturbative renormalization group in d=2+Δd=2+\varepsilon of a U(N)U(N) Gross-Neveu model in the limit N→0N \to 0. Unfortunately, this model is not multiplicatively renormalizable in 2+Δ2+\varepsilon dimensions: An infinite number of relevant operators are required to describe the critical behavior. Hence its use in a quantitative description of the transition beyond one-loop is at least questionable. We propose an alternative route, building on the correspondence between the Gross-Neveu and Gross-Neveu-Yukawa models developed in the context of high energy physics. It results in a model of Weyl fermions with a random non-Gaussian imaginary potential which allows one to study the critical properties of the transition within a d=4−Δd=4-\varepsilon expansion. We also discuss the characterization of the transition by the multifractal spectrum of wave functions.Comment: 5+8 pages, 1+5 figure
