8,352 research outputs found

    Quantifying temporal and spatial variations in sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus transport in stream inflows to a large eutrophic lake

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    High-frequency sampling of two major stream inflows to a large eutrophic lake (Lake Rotorua, New Zealand) was conducted to measure inputs of total suspended sediment (TSS), and fractions of nitrogen and phosphorus (P). A total of 17 rain events were sampled, including three during which both streams were simultaneously monitored to quantify how concentration–discharge (Q) relationships varied between catchments during similar hydrological conditions. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations declined slightly during events, reflecting dilution of groundwater inputs by rainfall, whereas dissolved inorganic P (PO₄–P) concentrations were variable and unrelated to Q, suggesting dynamic sorptive behaviour. Event loads of total nitrogen (TN) were predominantly DIN, which is available for immediate uptake by primary producers, whereas total phosphorus (TP) loads predominantly comprised particulate P (less labile). Positive correlations between Q and concentrations of TP (and to a lesser extent TN) reflected increased particulate nutrient concentrations at high flows. Consequently, load estimates based on hourly Q during storm events and concentrations of routine monthly samples (mostly base flow) under-estimated TN and TP loads by an average of 19% and 40% respectively. Hysteresis with Q was commonly observed and inclusion of hydrological variables that reflect Q history in regression models improved predictions of TN and TP concentrations. Lorenz curves describing the proportions of cumulative load versus cumulative time quantified temporal inequality in loading. In the two study streams, 50% of estimated two-year loads of TN, TP and TSS were transported in 202–207, 76–126 and 1–8 days respectively. This study quantifies how hydrological and landscape factors can interact to influence pollutant flux at the catchment scale and highlights the importance of including storm transfers in lake loading estimates

    Warming winters and New Hampshire’s lost ski areas: An integrated case study

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    New Hampshire’s mountains and winter climate support a ski industry that contributes substantially to the state economy. Through more than 70 years of history, this industry has adapted and changed with its host society. The climate itself has changed during this period too, in ways that influenced the ski industry’s development. During the 20th century, New Hampshire’s mean winter temperature warmed about 2.1° C (3.8° F). Much of that change occurred since 1970. The mult‐decadal variations in New Hampshire winters follow global temperature trends. Snowfall exhibits a downward trend, strongest in southern New Hampshire, and also correlates with the North Atlantic Oscillation. Many small ski areas opened during the early years while winters were cold and snowy. As winters warmed, areas in southern or lowelevation locations faced a critical disadvantage. Under pressure from both climate and competition, the number of small ski areas leveled off and then fell steeply after 1970. The number of larger, chairliftoperating ski areas began falling too after 1980. Aprolonged warming period increased the importance of geographic advantages, and also of capital investment in snowmaking, grooming and economic diversification. The consolidation trend continues today. Most of the surviving ski areas are located in the northern mountains. Elsewhere around the state, one can find the remains of “lost” ski areas in places that now rarely have snow suitable for downhill skiing. This case study demonstrates a general approach for conducting integrated empirical research on the human dimensions of climate change

    Arctic–CHAMP: A program to study Arctic hydrology and its role in global change

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    The Arctic constitutes a unique and important environment that is central to the dynamics and evolution of the Earth system. The Arctic water cycle, which controls countless physical, chemical, and biotic processes, is also unique and important. These processes, in turn, regulate the climate, habitat, and natural resources that are of great importance to both native and industrial societies. Comprehensive understanding of water cycling across the Arctic and its linkage to global biogeophysical dynamics is a scientific as well as strategic policy imperative

    Arctic–CHAMP: A program to study Arctic hydrology and its role in global change

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    The Arctic constitutes a unique and important environment that is central to the dynamics and evolution of the Earth system. The Arctic water cycle, which controls countless physical, chemical, and biotic processes, is also unique and important. These processes, in turn, regulate the climate, habitat, and natural resources that are of great importance to both native and industrial societies. Comprehensive understanding of water cycling across the Arctic and its linkage to global biogeophysical dynamics is a scientific as well as strategic policy imperative

    Cutting to Order in the Rough Mill: A Sampling Approach

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    A cutting order is a list of dimension parts along with demanded quantities. The cutting-order problem is to minimize the total cost of filling a cutting order from a given lumber supply. Similar cutting-order problems arise in many industrial situations outside of forest products. This paper adapts an earlier, linear programming approach that was developed for uniform, defect-free stock materials. The adaptation presented here allows the method to handle nonuniform stock material (e.g., lumber) that contains defects that are not known in advance of cutting. The main differences are the use of a random sample to construct the linear program and the use of prices rather than cutting patterns to specify a solution. The primary result of this research is that the expected cost of filling an order under the proposed method is approximately equal to the minimum possible expected cost for sufficiently large order and sample sizes. A secondary result is a lower bound on the minimum possible expected cost. Computer simulations suggest that the proposed method is capable of attaining nearly minimal expected costs in moderately large orders

    Central European foreign exchange markets: a cross-spectral analysis of the 2007 financial crisis

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    This paper investigates co-movements between currency markets of Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Euro in the year following the drying up of money markets in August 2007. The paper shows that assessing the degree of foreign currency co-movement by correlation can lead to concluding, erroneously, that financial contagion has not occurred. Using cross-spectral methods, the paper shows that defining contagion as changes in the structure of co-movements of asset prices encompasses more of the complex nature of exchange rate dynamics. What is shown is that, following August 2007, there is increased in the intensity of co-movements, but non-linearly. Focusing on the activities of a mix of banks and currency managers, it is suggested that changes in the structure of currency interaction present an unfavourable view of the contagion experienced by at least three of these currencies

    Determination of the Baryon Density from Large Scale Galaxy Redshift Surveys

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    We estimate the degree to which the baryon density, Ωb\Omega_{b}, can be determined from the galaxy power spectrum measured from large scale galaxy redshift surveys, and in particular, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. A high baryon density will cause wiggles to appear in the power spectrum, which should be observable at the current epoch. We assume linear theory on scales ≄20h−1Mpc\geq 20h^{-1}Mpc and do not include the effects of redshift distortions, evolution, or biasing. With an optimum estimate of P(k)P(k) to k∌2π/(20h−1Mpc)k\sim 2\pi/(20 h^{-1} Mpc), the 1σ1 \sigma uncertainties in Ωb\Omega_{b} are roughly 0.07 and 0.016 in flat and open (Ω0=0.3\Omega_{0}=0.3) cosmological models, respectively. This result suggests that it should be possible to test for consistency with big bang nucleosynthesis estimates of Ωb\Omega_{b} if we live in an open universe.Comment: 23 Pages, 10 Postscript figure
