4 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Delayed response to cold stress is characterized by successive metabolic shifts culminating in apple fruit peel necrosis

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    Principal Components Analysis (PCA) bi-plots of metabolite (top) and gene expression level data (bottom) from ‘Granny Smith’ apple peel from fruit stored in air at 1 °C for up to 183 days (6 months). Apples were treated immediately following harvest with 2000 μL L−1 DPA or 1 mL L−1 1-MCP. Gene expression and metabolite datasets were analyzed separately. Shapes represent scores for each observation where symbol size increases with storage duration and symbol color represents scald severity. Gray points represent loadings for individual metabolites or transcripts. (DOCX 2373 kb

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Delayed response to cold stress is characterized by successive metabolic shifts culminating in apple fruit peel necrosis

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    Gene cluster assignment for correlation networks. To summarize gene expression data, genes expression patterns from all time points (0–183 d) and treatments (control, diphenylamine, and 1-methylcyclopropene) were clustered using k-means clustering. Average gene expression values from each cluster were correlated along with relative metabolite levels to generate 2 month and 6 month networks. The number of Variables Important in the Projection (VIP) for the “scald severity” response variable from the PLS-DA model is included for each gene cluster. (DOCX 18 kb