254 research outputs found


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    Uno de los retos a los que se enfrenta la industria de las comunicaciones móviles e inalámbricas es proporcionar servicios multimedia masivos a bajo coste, haciéndolos asequibles para los usuarios y rentables a los operadores. El servicio más representativo es el de TV móvil, el cual se espera que sea una aplicación clave en las futuras redes móviles. Actualmente las redes celulares no pueden soportar un consumo a gran escala de este tipo de servicios, y las nuevas redes de radiodifusión móvil son muy costosas de desplegar debido a la gran inversión en infraestructura de red necesaria para proporcionar niveles aceptables de cobertura. Esta tesis doctoral aborda el problema de la provisión eficiente de servicios multimedia masivos a dispositivos móviles y portables utilizando la infraestructura de radiodifusión y celular existente. La tesis contempla las tecnologías comerciales de última generación para la radiodifusión móvil (DVB-H) y para las redes celulares (redes 3G+ con HSDPA y MBMS), aunque se centra principalmente en DVB-H. El principal paradigma propuesto para proporcionar servicios multimedia masivos a bajo coste es evitar el despliegue de una red DVB-H con alta capacidad y cobertura desde el inicio. En su lugar se propone realizar un despliegue progresivo de la infraestructura DVB-H siguiendo la demanda de los usuarios. Bajo este contexto, la red celular es fundamental para evitar sobre-dimensionar la red DVB-H en capacidad y también en áreas con una baja densidad de usuarios hasta que el despliegue de un transmisor o un repetidor DVB-H sea necesario. Como principal solución tecnológica la tesis propone realizar una codificación multi-burst en DVB-H utilizando códigos Raptor. El objetivo es explotar la diversidad temporal del canal móvil para aumentar la robustez de la señal y, por tanto, el nivel de cobertura, a costa de incrementar la latencia de la red.Gómez Barquero, D. (2009). COST EFFICIENT PROVISIONING OF MASS MOBILE MULTIMEDIA SERVICES IN HYBRID CELLULAR AND BROADCASTING SYSTEMS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/6881Palanci

    Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) for ATSC 3.0

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    "(c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")In this paper, we summarize and expound upon the choices made for the bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) part of the next-generation terrestrial broadcast standard known as ATSC 3.0. The structure of the ATSC 3.0 BICM consists of a forward error correcting code, bit interleaver, and constellation mapper. In order to achieve high efficiency over a wide range of reception conditions and carrier-to-noise (C/N) ratio values, several notable new elements have been standardized. First, 24 original low-density parity check (LDPC) codes have been designed, with coding rates from 2/15 (0.13) up to 13/15 (0.87) for two code sizes: 16 200 bits and 64 800 bits. Two different LDPC structures have been adopted; one structure more suited to medium and high coding rates and another structure suited to very low coding rates. Second, in addition to quaternary phase shift keying, non-uniform constellations (NUCs) have been chosen for constellation sizes from 16QAM to 4096QAM to bridge the gap to the Shannon theoretical limit. Two different types of NUCs have been proposed: 1-D NUCs for 1024- and 4096-point constellations, and 2-D-NUCs for 16-, 64-, and 256-point constellations. 2-D-NUCs achieve a better performance than 1-D-NUCs but with a higher complexity since they cannot be separated into two independent I/Q components. NUCs have been optimized for each coding rate for the 64 800 bits LPDCs. The same constellations are used for 16 200 bits LDPCs, although they have been limited up to 256QAM. Finally, a bit interleaver, optimized for each NUC/coding rate combination, has been designed to maximize the performance. The result is a BICM that provides the largest operating range (more than 30 dB, with the most robust mode operating below -5 dB C/N) and the highest spectral efficiency compared to any digital terrestrial broadcast system today, outperforming the current state-of-the-art DVB-T2 standard BICM by as much as 1 dB in some cases. ATSC 3.0 will also provide a considerable increase in the maximum transmission capacity when using the high-order NUCs such as 1024QAM and 4096QAM, which will represent a major milestone for terrestrial broadcasting since the highest order constellation currently available is uniform 256QAM. This paper describes the coding, modulation, and bit interleaving modules of the BICM block of ATSC 3.0 and compares its performance with other DTT standards such as ATSC A/53 and DVB-T2.Michael, L.; Gómez Barquero, D. (2016). Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) for ATSC 3.0. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(1):181-188. doi:10.1109/TBC.2015.2505414S18118862

    Low-Complexity Demapping Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Non-Uniform Constellations

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    "(c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")Non-uniform constellations (NUCs) have been recently introduced in digital broadcasting systems to close the remaining gap to the unconstrained Shannon theoretical limit. Compared to uniform quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellations, NUCs provide a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain (i.e., a reduction in the required SNR), especially for high-order constellations. One-dimensional NUCs (1D-NUC) have a squared shape with non-uniform distance between the constellation symbols. Since the I and Q components remain as two independent signals, a 1D-demapper as for uniform QAM constellations is feasible. Two-dimensional NUCs (2D-NUC) provide a better performance than 1D-NUCs, since they are designed by relaxing the square shape constraint, with arbitrary shape along the complex plane. However, the main drawback of 2D-NUCs is the higher complexity at the receiver, since a 2D-demapper is needed. In this paper, we propose a demapping algorithm that reduces from 69% to 93% the number of required distances when using 2D-NUCs. The algorithm discards or replicates those constellation symbols that provide scarce information, with a performance degradation lower to 0.1 dB compared to the optimal maximum likelihood demapper.Fuentes Muela, M.; Vargas, D.; Gómez Barquero, D. (2016). Low-Complexity Demapping Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Non-Uniform Constellations. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(2):375-383. doi:10.1109/TBC.2015.2492477S37538362

    Transmit Diversity Code Filter Sets (TDCFSs), an MISO Antenna Frequency Predistortion Scheme for ATSC 3.0

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    "(c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")Transmit diversity code filter sets (TDCFSs) are a method of predistorting the common waveforms from multiple transmitters in the same frequency channel, as in a single frequency network, in order to minimize the possibility of cross-interference among the transmitted signals over the entire reception area. This processing is achieved using all-pass linear filters, allowing the resulting combination of predistortion and multipath to be properly compensated as part of the equalization process in the receiver. The filter design utilizes an iterative computational approach, which minimizes cross-correlation peak side lobe under the constraints of number of transmitters and delay spread, allowing customization for specific network configurations. This paper provides an overview of the TDCFS multiple-input single output antenna scheme adopted in ATSC 3.0, together with experimental analysis of capacity and specific worst-case conditions that illustrate the benefits of using the TDCFS approach.Lopresto, S.; Citta, R.; Vargas, D.; Gómez Barquero, D. (2016). Transmit Diversity Code Filter Sets (TDCFSs), an MISO Antenna Frequency Predistortion Scheme for ATSC 3.0. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(1):271-280. doi:10.1109/TBC.2015.2505400S27128062

    MIMO for DVB-NGH, the next generation mobile TV broadcasting

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    DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld) is the next generation technology for mobile TV broadcasting, which has been developed by the DVB project with the most advanced transmission technologies. DVB-NGH is the first broadcasting standard to incorporate multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) as the key technology to overcome the Shannon limit of single antenna communications. MIMO techniques can be used to improve the robustness of the transmitted signal by exploiting the spatial diversity of the MIMO channel, but also to achieve increased data rates through spatial multiplexing. This article describes the benefits of MIMO that motivated its incorporation in DVB-NGH, reviews the MIMO schemes adopted, and discusses some aspects related to the deployment of MIMO networks in DVB-NGH. The article also provides a feature comparison with the multi-antenna techniques for 3GGP's LTE/LTE-Advanced for cellular networks. Finally, physical layer simulation results calibrated within the DVB-NGH standardization process are provided to illustrate the gain of MIMO for the next generation of mobile TV broadcasting.Vargas Paredero, DE.; Gozálvez Serrano, D.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Cardona Marcet, N. (2013). MIMO for DVB-NGH, the next generation mobile TV broadcasting. IEEE Communications Magazine. 51(7):130-137. doi:10.1109/MCOM.2013.6553689S13013751

    Combined time, frequency and space diversity in DVB-NGH

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    “© 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”In this paper, we investigate the combined use of time, frequency, and space diversity in DVB-NGH, the next generation mobile broadcasting standard. Compared to current standards like DVB-H or DVB-SH, the largest improvement in next generation systems is expected to be achieved by means of better diversity in the time, frequency, and space domains. In this sense, DVB-NGH is the first broadcasting system to exploit the use of diversity in the three domains by incorporating at the physical layer long time interleaving (TI), time-frequency slicing (TFS), and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). This paper investigates the gains of using time, frequency, and space diversity in DVB-NGH, as well as the mutual influence between the different types of diversity. To this purpose, we employ an information-theoretic approach based on the outage capacity of the channel in addition to physical layer simulations.Gozálvez Serrano, D.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Vargas Paredero, DE.; Cardona Marcet, N. (2013). Combined time, frequency and space diversity in DVB-NGH. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 59(4):674-684. doi:10.1109/TBC.2013.2281665S67468459

    Time Diversity in Mobile DVB-T2 Systems

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    DVB-T2 implements a very flexible time interleaving that allows multiple tradeoffs in terms of time diversity, latency and power saving. In this paper, we study in detail these tradeoffs in the context of mobile reception. Together with time diversity, we also investigate the impact of reduced time de-interleaving memory and Alamouti-based MISO in the mobile reception of DVB-T2 services. In addition, we propose the utilization of upper layer FEC protection in order to overcome the limitations of the DVB-T2 physical layer for the provision of long time interleaving, and enable fast zapping. The performance is evaluated by means of simulations in mobile channels that include the presence of fast fading and shadowing in the received signal. © 2010 IEEE.Manuscript received October 13, 2010; revised April 22, 2011; accepted May 11, 2011. Date of publication July 25, 2011; date of current version August 24, 2011. This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the Celtic project Enabling Next-Generation Networks for Broadcast Services ENGINES (TSI-020400-2010-108). The work of D. Gozalvez was supported by the FPU Grant AP2008-03293 of the Spanish Ministry of Education.Gozálvez Serrano, D.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Vargas, D.; Cardona Marcet, N. (2011). Time Diversity in Mobile DVB-T2 Systems. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 57(3):617-628. doi:10.1109/TBC.2011.2161189S61762857

    MIMO Sphere Decoding With Successive Interference Cancellation for Two-Dimensional Non-Uniform Constellations

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    [EN] Non-uniform constellations (NUCs) have been introduced to improve the performance of quadrature amplitude modulation constellations. 1D-NUCs keep the squared shape, while 2D-NUCs break that constraint to provide robustness. An impending problem with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is the optimum demapping complexity, which grows exponentially with the number of antennas and the constellation order. Some well-known sub-optimum MIMO demappers, such as soft fixed-complexity sphere decoders (SFSD), can reduce that complexity. However, SFSD demappers do not work with the 2D-NUCs, since they perform a quantization step in separated I/Q components. In this letter, we provide an efficient solution for the 2D-NUCs based on Voronoi regions. Both complexity implications and SNR performance are also analyzed.This work was partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (TEC2014-56483-R), co-funded by the European FEDER fund.Barjau, C.; Fuentes, M.; Shitomi, T.; Gomez-Barquero, D. (2017). MIMO Sphere Decoding With Successive Interference Cancellation for Two-Dimensional Non-Uniform Constellations. IEEE Communications Letters. 21(5):1015-1018. doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2017.2653775S1015101821

    Layer-Aware Forward Error Correction for Mobile Broadcast of Layered Media

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    The bitstream structure of layered media formats such as scalable video coding (SVC) or multiview video coding (MVC) opens up new opportunities for their distribution in Mobile TV services. Features like graceful degradation or the support of the 3-D experience in a backwards-compatible way are enabled. The reason is that parts of the media stream are more important than others with each part itself providing a useful media representation. Typically, the decoding of some parts of the bitstream is only possible, if the corresponding more important parts are correctly received. Hence, unequal error protection (UEP) can be applied protecting important parts of the bitstream more strongly than others. Mobile broadcast systems typically apply forward error correction (FEC) on upper layers to cope with transmission errors, which the physical layer FEC cannot correct. Today's FEC solutions are optimized to transmit single layer video. The exploitation of the dependencies in layered media codecs for UEP using FEC is the subject of this paper. The presented scheme, which is called layer-aware FEC (LA-FEC), incorporates the dependencies of the layered video codec into the FEC code construction. A combinatorial analysis is derived to show the potential theoretical gain in terms of FEC decoding probability and video quality. Furthermore, the implementation of LA-FEC as an extension of the Raptor FEC and the related signaling are described. The performance of layer-aware Raptor code with SVC is shown by experimental results in a DVB-H environment showing significant improvements achieved by LA-FEC. © 2011 IEEE.Hellge, C.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Schierl, T.; Wiegand, T. (2011). Layer-Aware Forward Error Correction for Mobile Broadcast of Layered Media. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 13(3):551-562. doi:10.1109/TMM.2011.2129499S55156213