27 research outputs found

    A: Principal Coordinates Analysis of Sevengill sharks.

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    <p>Axis 1 and 2 explaining 56% of the variation. Note WA and SF-2 clearly separated but WA and SF-1 intermixing which is likely due to some shared common ancestry. B: Population assignment of sevengill shark using cluster analysis. Note WA separating from the two SF groups.</p

    Allelic patterns and diversity among measured sevengill populations.

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    <p>NA = Average number of alleles and He = expected heterozygosity.</p

    Percentage relatedness (1 = 100%) within and between sevengill shark populations.

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    <p>FS: Full sibling, HS: Half sibling, and U: Unrelated. The values from COLONY were significantly different from COANCESTRY and MLRELATE at the p = 0.05 level for related individuals within and between populations. The values of within vs between relatedness found in all three programs were significant at the p = 0.0001 level (paired t tests).</p><p>Percentage relatedness (1 = 100%) within and between sevengill shark populations.</p

    General structure of right clasper gland and cartilages of <i>Amblyraja frerichsi</i> in lateral.

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    <p>(A) view partially expanded; clasper cartilages in dorsal (B) and ventral (C) views. (at1) accessory terminal 1, (at2) accessory terminal 2, (ax) axial, (cf) cleft, (dm) dorsal marginal, (dt1) dorsal terminal 1, (dt2) dorsal terminal 2, (dt3) dorsal terminal 3, (dt4) dorsal terminal 4, (hp) hypopyle, (pe) pent, (ps) pseudosiphon, (rh) rhipidion, (sh) shield, (sl) slit, (sp) spike, (sr) spur. (st) sentinel, (vm) ventral marginal, (vt) ventral terminal. Scale bar 50 mm.</p

    Dorsal view of clasper cartilages of <i>Amblyraja frerichsi</i>.

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    <p>Abbreviations of clasper cartilages are indicated at <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0039963#pone-0039963-g006" target="_blank">Figure 6</a>. Scale bar 20 mm.</p

    Dermal denticles of <i>Amblyraja frerichsi</i>.

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    <p>Dorsal view of the head (<b>A</b>) showing the snout and orbito-spiracular, nuchal and scapular thorns. Detailed view of malar (<b>B</b>), midline (<b>C</b>), and tail (<b>D</b>) thorns. (pre) preorbital, (pos) postorbital, (spi) spiracular, (nuc) nuchal, (sca) scapular, (sup) suprascapular. Scale bar 50 mm (<b>A</b>) or 10 mm (<b>B−D</b>).</p

    <i>Amblyraja frerichsi</i> catches location, sex and depth by year of historical and recent collections.

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    <p><i>Amblyraja frerichsi</i> catches location, sex and depth by year of historical and recent collections.</p