8 research outputs found

    Plot of Δ<i>K</i> from K = 2 to 7 (a) and the population structure of 75 <i>P. fendleri</i> accessions at <i>K</i> = 4 (b).

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    <p>Plot of Δ<i>K</i> from K = 2 to 7 (a) and the population structure of 75 <i>P. fendleri</i> accessions at <i>K</i> = 4 (b).</p

    Passport information of additional <i>Physaria</i> and <i>Paysonia</i> accessions genotyped using DArTseq.

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    *<p>exact geographic coordinates of <i>P. pallida</i> are not supplied since they are in the federal and state list of endangered species.</p

    Cluster analysis of <i>Physaria</i> and <i>Paysonia</i> accessions based on 27,748 DArTseq markers.

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    <p>The labels denote the germplasm collection numbers and origin. Suffixes indicate respective species (PAC: <i>P. acutifolia</i>, PAR: <i>P. argyraea</i>, PAU: <i>P. auriculata</i>, PDE: <i>P. densipila</i>, PDF: <i>P. densiflora</i>, PDO: <i>P. douglasii</i>, PFE: <i>P. fendleri</i>, PGO: <i>P. gordonii</i>, PGF: <i>P. grandiflora</i>, PGR: <i>P. gracilis</i>, PIF: <i>P. inflata</i>, PIN: <i>P. intermedia</i>, PKA: <i>P. kaibabensis</i>, PKN: <i>P.</i> ‘kathryn’, PYL: <i>P. lasiocarpa</i>, PLI: <i>P. lindheimeri</i>, PLT: <i>P. lyrata</i>, PLU: <i>P. ludoviciana</i>, PMC: <i>P. mcvaughiana</i>, PMX: <i>P. mexicana</i>, PPF: <i>P. perforata</i>, PPL: <i>P. pallida</i>, PRC: <i>P. recurvata</i>, PRT: <i>P. rectipes</i>, PST: <i>P. stonensis</i>, PTH: <i>P. thamnophila</i> and PVA: <i>P. valida</i>).</p

    Comparison of population pairwise Fst values using microarray DArT and DArTseq.

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    *<p>Values in bold are significant at α = 0.05. Values below diagonal are from microarray DArT and those above diagonal are from DArTseq.</p

    Distribution of marker PIC values by DArT platform.

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    <p>Distribution of marker PIC values by DArT platform.</p

    Cluster analysis of <i>Physaria</i> and <i>Paysonia</i> accessions based on 2,833 DArT markers.

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    <p>The labels denote the germplasm collection numbers and origin. Suffixes indicate respective species (PAR: <i>P. argyraea</i>, PAU: <i>P. auriculata</i>, PFE: <i>P. fendleri</i>, PGO: <i>P. gordonii</i>, PGF: <i>P. grandiflora</i>, PGR: <i>P. gracilis</i>, PKN: <i>P.</i> ‘kathryn’, PLI: <i>P. lindheimeri</i>, PPL: <i>P. pallida</i>, PRC: <i>P. recurvata</i>, PRT: <i>P. rectipes</i>, and PTH: <i>P. thamnophila</i>).</p

    Passport information of accessions used in <i>Physaria</i> DArT and DArTseq platform development.

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    *<p>exact geographic coordinates of <i>P. pallida</i> are not supplied since they are in the federal and state list of endangered species.</p

    Geographic locations of the <i>P. fendleri</i> accessions and their respective cluster assignments (indicated by different icons) based on Bayesian model-based clustering methods.

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    <p>Geographic locations of the <i>P. fendleri</i> accessions and their respective cluster assignments (indicated by different icons) based on Bayesian model-based clustering methods.</p