51 research outputs found
SLR inference: An inference system for fixed-mode logic programs, based on SLR parsing
AbstractDefinite-clause grammars (DCGs) generalize context-free grammars in such a way that Prolog can be used as a parser in the presence of context-sensitive information. Prolog's proof procedure, however, is based on backtracking, which may be a source of inefficiency. Parsers for context-free grammars that use backtracking, for instance, were soon replaced by more efficient methods, such as LR parsers. This suggests incorporating the principles underlying LR parsing into a parser for grammars with context-sensitive information. We present a technique that applies a transformation to the program/grammar by adding leaves to the proof/parse trees and placing the contextual information in such leaves. An inference system is then easily obtained from an LR parser, since only the parts dealing with terminals (which appear at the leaves) must be modified. Although our method is restricted to programs with fixed modes, it may be preferable to DCGs under Prolog for some programs
An overview of existing modeling tools making use of model checking in the analysis of biochemical networks
Model checking is a well-established technique for automaticallyverifying complex systems. Recently, model checkers have appearedin computer tools for the analysis of biochemical (and generegulatory) networks. We survey several such tools to assess thepotential of model checking in computational biology. Next, our overviewfocuses on direct applications of existing model checkers, as well ason algorithms for biochemical network analysis influenced by modelchecking, such as those using binary decision diagrams or Booleansatisfiability solvers. We conclude with advantages and drawbacks ofmodel checking for the analysis of biochemical networks
Comparing the Update Expressivity of Communication Patterns and Action Models
Any kind of dynamics in dynamic epistemic logic can be represented as an
action model. Right? Wrong! In this contribution we prove that the update
expressivity of communication patterns is incomparable to that of action
models. Action models, as update mechanisms, were proposed by Baltag, Moss, and
Solecki in 1998 and have remained the nearly universally accepted update
mechanism in dynamic epistemic logics since then. Alternatives, such as arrow
updates that were proposed by Kooi and Renne in 2011, have update equivalent
action models. More recently, the picture is shifting. Communication patterns
are update mechanisms originally proposed in some form or other by Agotnes and
Wang in 2017 (as resolving distributed knowledge), by Baltag and Smets in 2020
(as reading events), and by Velazquez, Castaneda, and Rosenblueth in 2021 (as
communication patterns). All these logics have the same expressivity as the
base logic of distributed knowledge. However, their update expressivity, the
relation between pointed epistemic models induced by such an update, was
conjectured to be different from that of action model logic. Indeed, we show
that action model logic and communication pattern logic are incomparable in
update expressivity. We also show that, given a history-based semantics and
when restricted to (static) interpreted systems, action model logic is
(strictly) more update expressive than communication pattern logic. Our results
are relevant for distributed computing wherein oblivious models involve
arbitrary iteration of communication patterns.Comment: In Proceedings TARK 2023, arXiv:2307.0400
Communication Pattern Logic: Epistemic and Topological Views
We propose communication pattern logic. A communication pattern describes how
processes or agents inform each other, independently of the information
content. The full-information protocol in distributed computing is the special
case wherein all agents inform each other. We study this protocol in
distributed computing models where communication might fail: an agent is
certain about the messages it receives, but it may be uncertain about the
messages other agents have received. In a dynamic epistemic logic with
distributed knowledge and with modalities for communication patterns, the
latter are interpreted by updating Kripke models. We propose an axiomatization
of communication pattern logic, and we show that collective bisimilarity
(comparing models on their distributed knowledge) is preserved when updating
models with communication patterns. We can also interpret communication
patterns by updating simplicial complexes, a well-known topological framework
for distributed computing. We show that the different semantics correspond, and
propose collective bisimulation between simplicial complexes
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