8 research outputs found

    Acute toxicity and anti-dyslipidemic activity of Arogyavardhini compound in fructose-induced dyslipidemia in albino rats

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    384-390Metabolic syndrome is a co-occurrence of obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia caused by improper diet and lifestyle. Arogyavardhini compound (AVC) contains an equal quantity of Arogyavardhini rasa and Lasuna powder. In clinical practice, Arogyavardhini Rasa is well known for its antidyslipidemic and weight lowering effect. Therefore, the present experimental study was designed to evaluate the safety of AVC on acute administration and anti-dyslipidemic activity in albino rats. An acute oral toxicity study for AVC was carried out by following OECD 425 guidelines. The anti-dyslipidemic activity was carried out against fructose-induced dyslipidemia in albino rats. No mortality and toxicity were observed and gross behaviours of all the albino rats were found normal during the experimental period of 14 days in the acute toxicity study. Fructose significantly increased blood sugar, triglycerides, SGPT, and alkaline phosphatase levels in albino rats in comparison to the control group. AVC treated group produced a decrease in serum triglyceride, transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase, which suggest that the drug has potential as anti-dyslipidemic and may be protective for degenerative changes produced by fructose in the liver, kidney, and heart of albino rats. From the present study it is concluded that AVC is safe up to an oral dose of 2000 mg/kg in albino rats and has exhibited a protective role in fructose-induced dyslipidemia in albino rats, hence may be useful in metabolic syndrome

    Acute toxicity and anti-dyslipidemic activity of Arogyavardhini compound in fructose-induced dyslipidemia in albino rats

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    Metabolic syndrome is a co-occurrence of obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia caused by improper diet and lifestyle. Arogyavardhini compound (AVC) contains an equal quantity of Arogyavardhini rasa and Lasuna powder. In clinical practice, Arogyavardhini Rasa is well known for its antidyslipidemic and weight lowering effect. Therefore, the present experimental study was designed to evaluate the safety of AVC on acute administration and anti-dyslipidemic activity in albino rats. An acute oral toxicity study for AVC was carried out by following OECD 425 guidelines. The anti-dyslipidemic activity was carried out against fructose-induced dyslipidemia in albino rats. No mortality and toxicity were observed and gross behaviours of all the albino rats were found normal during the experimental period of 14 days in the acute toxicity study. Fructose significantly increased blood sugar, triglycerides, SGPT, and alkaline phosphatase levels in albino rats in comparison to the control group. AVC treated group produced a decrease in serum triglyceride, transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase, which suggest that the drug has potential as anti-dyslipidemic and may be protective for degenerative changes produced by fructose in the liver, kidney, and heart of albino rats. From the present study it is concluded that AVC is safe up to an oral dose of 2000 mg/kg in albino rats and has exhibited a protective role in fructose-induced dyslipidemia in albino rats, hence may be useful in metabolic syndrome


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    Context: Arogyavardhini Compound is an emerging formulated herbo-mineral formulation for treatment of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is group of risk factors like, increased waist circumference, insulin resistance, increased triglycerides, decreased high density lipoproteins and hypertension for coronary artery diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Arogyavardhini compound consist equal quantity of Arogyavardhini Rasa and single bulb garlic powder. Arigyavardhini Rasa having proven anti dyslipidemiac and weight reducing effect and Garlic having antidiabetic, antidyslipidemic, antihypertensive effect, the combination called Arogyavardhini Compound has been formulated for management of metabolic syndrome. Aim: Authentication of raw drug of Arogyavardhini Compound and phytochemical evaluation of finished product. Materials and methods: Arogyavardhini Compound was evaluated on the basis of powder microscopy and analytical parameters like pH, Ash value, acid insoluble ash, water soluble extract, methanol extract and high performance thin layer chromatography. Results: Powder microscopy revealed the presence of Annular vessels of Musta, Starch grains of Vacha, Stone cells of Pippali, Stone cells of Chitraka, Oleoresins of Shunthi, etc. Physicochemical parameters such as total Ash value (15.91%), water soluble extract (13.5%), methanol soluble extract (17.2%) were assessed in preliminary physicochemical scanning. HPTLC revealed maximum 09 spots in short wave UV 254 nm. and 07 spots were obtained in long wave UV 366 nm. Conclusion: Pharmacognostical study revealed genuinity of raw drugs. Physico-chemical and HPTLC studies inferred that the formulation meets the minimum quality standards as reported in the API at a preliminary level. The inference from this study may be used as reference standard in the further quality control researches.KEY WORDS: Arogyavardhini Compound, HPTLC,Pharmacognosy, Physicochemical analysis

    A comparative study of Rasona Rasnadi Ghanavati and Simhanada Guggulu on Amavata with special reference to Rheumatoid arthritis

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    The present study was aimed to assess the clinical effectiveness of Rasona Rasnadi Ghanavati and Simhanada Guggulu along with Rasona Rasnadi Lepa in Amavata, and to compare the effect of these two therapies in the treatment. Total 101 patients of Amavata were registered for the present study and were randomly divided into two groups. In group A- Rasona Rasnadi Ghanavati 2 Vati thrice/day was given for 3 months, while in group B- Simhanada Guggulu 2 Vati thrice a day for 3 months was adminstered. Along with this, Rasona Rasnadi Lepa was applied locally over affected joints twice daily in both groups. The effects of therapy in both groups were assessed by a specially prepared proforma. The results of the study showed that both the groups showed significant relief in symptoms; however, compared to Simhanada Guggulu, Rasona Rasnadi Ghanavati showed better result in the management of Amavata. Simhanada Guggulu or Rasona Rasnadi Ghanavati along with Rasona Rasnadi Lepa can be used as an effective ayurvedic intervention in the treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

    A comparative study of Shvasahara Leha and Vasa Haritaki Avaleha in the management of Tamaka Shvasa (Bronchial Asthma)

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    Tamaka Shvasa is a type of Shvasa Roga associated with difficulty in breathing as a result of which the patient prefers to sit in bed to get relief from his discomfort. Movement of air through Pranavaha Srotas is hampered in this disease resulting in the cry of organ heading toward complete failure for want of air. Tamaka Shvasa is well known for its episodic and chronic course which comes under the life-threatening disease. It is analogous to bronchial asthma due to similarity in symptoms, pathogenesis, onset, causes, and precipitating factors. In this study, 40 patients of Tamaka Shvasa were registered and randomly divided into two groups, out of which 31 patients completed the treatment. In Group A, Shvasahara Leha (5 g twice a day) was given for 2 months, while in Group B Vasa Haritaki Avaleha (5 g twice a day) was given for 2 months and follow-up was done for one month in both groups. The effects of therapy in both groups were assessed by a specially prepared proforma. Diagnosis was done by adult asthma diagnosis questionnaire and differential diagnosis with COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) was done by differential diagnosis questionnaire as both these conditions are overlapping. The results of the study indicate that the Vasa Haritaki Avaleha provided better relief than Shvasahara Leha in Tamaka Shvasa

    A comparative clinical study of Shatapatrayadi churna tablet and Patoladi yoga in the management of Amlapitta

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    Amlapitta is a very common disease caused by Vidagdha Pitta with features such as Amlodgara, Hrid Kantha Daha, and Avipaka. This is a burning problem of the society. Irregular and improper food habits, and busy stressful lifestyle is one of the main culprit. Amlapitta is the GI disorder described in Ayurvedic texts that closely resembles with Gastritis in modern science. In chronic stage, it may lead to ulcerative conditions. In this study, total 41 patients were registered and were randomly divided into two groups. In group A, Shatapatrayadi churna tablet and in group B Patoladi Yoga tablet were given for 1 month. The Nidana, signs, and symptoms were observed carefully to get idea about the Samprapti of the disease. The effect of Patoladi Yoga on Roga Bala is 65.79%, 62.11% on Agni Bala, and 63.35% on Deha and Chetasa bala. The overall relief was 63.75%. The effect of Shatapatrayadi tablet on Roga Bala was 71.94%, 73.15% on Agni Bala, and 77.68% on Deha and Chetas Bala. The overall relief was 74.25%

    A comparative clinical study of Nyagrodhadi Ghanavati and Virechana Karma in the management of Madhumeha

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    Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic metabolic disorder prevalent all over the world. Virechana is the Shodhana procedure that is specific for the elimination of vitiated Pitta and Kapha doshas. Thus, in the present study, the Virechana process has been selected prior to the administration of Shamana drug. Nyagrodhadi churna is mentioned in Chakradatta, which is modified into Ghana form for easy administration and dose maintenance. The present study was conducted in two groups: Group A, Nyogrodhadi Ghana vati (Shamana therapy) and Group B, Virechana and Nyogrodhadi Ghana vati (combined therapy). A total of 42 patients were registered for the present study, in which 34 patients completed the and eight patients were dropouts. After evaluating the total effect of the therapies, it was observed that the Virechana and Nyagrodhadi Ghanavati (combined therapy) provided better relief in the patients of Madhumeha in comparison with Nyagrodhadi Ghanavati (Shamana therapy) alone

    A Clinical study of Matra Vasti and an ayurvedic indigenous compound drug in the management of Sandhigatavata (Osteoarthritis)

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    Sandhigatavata is described under vatavyadhi in all ayurvedic classical texts. Osteoarthritis is the most common articular disorder which begins asymptomatically in the second and third decades and is extremely common by age 70. Here Matra Vasti (therapeutic enema) was given with Bala taila as Vasti is the best treatment for vatavyadhies. It has vatashamaka and rasayana properties. Indigenous compound drug containing Guggulu, Shallaki, Yastimadhu, Pippali, Guduchi, Nirgundi, Kupilu and Godanti was given in one group along with Matra Vasti. In this study, 33 patients of Sandhigatavata completed the treatment. Patients were randomly divided into two groups. Sixteen patients in Group-A (sarvanga Abhyanga-swedana + matravasti) and 17 patients in Group-B (sarvanga Abhyanga–swedana+ matravasti + indigenous compound drug). The results of the study indicate that the patients of both the groups obtained highly significant relief in almost all the signs and symptoms of Sandhigatavata