9 research outputs found

    Differentiable Modeling and Optimization of Battery Electrolyte Mixtures Using Geometric Deep Learning

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    Electrolytes play a critical role in designing next-generation battery systems, by allowing efficient ion transfer, preventing charge transfer, and stabilizing electrode-electrolyte interfaces. In this work, we develop a differentiable geometric deep learning (GDL) model for chemical mixtures, DiffMix, which is applied in guiding robotic experimentation and optimization towards fast-charging battery electrolytes. In particular, we extend mixture thermodynamic and transport laws by creating GDL-learnable physical coefficients. We evaluate our model with mixture thermodynamics and ion transport properties, where we show improved prediction accuracy and model robustness of DiffMix than its purely data-driven variants. Furthermore, with a robotic experimentation setup, Clio, we improve ionic conductivity of electrolytes by over 18.8% within 10 experimental steps, via differentiable optimization built on DiffMix gradients. By combining GDL, mixture physics laws, and robotic experimentation, DiffMix expands the predictive modeling methods for chemical mixtures and enables efficient optimization in large chemical spaces

    FACTIFY3M: A Benchmark for Multimodal Fact Verification with Explainability through 5W Question-Answering

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    Combating disinformation is one of the burning societal crises -- about 67% of the American population believes that disinformation produces a lot of uncertainty, and 10% of them knowingly propagate disinformation. Evidence shows that disinformation can manipulate democratic processes and public opinion, causing disruption in the share market, panic and anxiety in society, and even death during crises. Therefore, disinformation should be identified promptly and, if possible, mitigated. With approximately 3.2 billion images and 720,000 hours of video shared online daily on social media platforms, scalable detection of multimodal disinformation requires efficient fact verification. Despite progress in automatic text-based fact verification (e.g., FEVER, LIAR), the research community lacks substantial effort in multimodal fact verification. To address this gap, we introduce FACTIFY 3M, a dataset of 3 million samples that pushes the boundaries of the domain of fact verification via a multimodal fake news dataset, in addition to offering explainability through the concept of 5W question-answering. Salient features of the dataset include: (i) textual claims, (ii) ChatGPT-generated paraphrased claims, (iii) associated images, (iv) stable diffusion-generated additional images (i.e., visual paraphrases), (v) pixel-level image heatmap to foster image-text explainability of the claim, (vi) 5W QA pairs, and (vii) adversarial fake news stories.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.0432

    An Autonomous Electrochemical Test stand for Machine Learning Informed Electrolyte Optimization

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    A fully automated, computer-controlled test stand capable of rapidly creating and electrochemically characterizing any arbitrary liquid electrolyte solution is described. Hundreds of different electrolytes were studied, and the results were used to verify the precision and accuracy of the system. To test the functionality of the approach, several 2-dimensional co-solvated electrolyte solutions containing blends of aqueous sulfates and nitrates were rapidly created and examined automatically. The test stand took less than a day to conduct these searches, while conventional manual methods would have taken much longer. The demonstrated standard error of the test-stand was 0.5 mS/cm on conductivity and 0.02 V for voltage stability window measurements, and several of the combinations studied revealing surprisingly high voltage stability and conductivity values. The demonstrated success of the test-stand in a 2-dimensional search spaces shows the promise of conducting high speed co-optimization studies of liquid electrolytes in particular when used in concert with a machine learning-based real time/in-loop data assessment computational package. </div

    Autonomous Discovery of Battery Electrolytes with Robotic Experimentation and Machine-Learning

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    Innovations in batteries take years to formulate, requiring extensive experimentation during the design and optimization phases. We approach the design of a battery electrolyte as a black-box optimization problem. We report here the discovery of a novel battery electrolyte by a robotic electrolyte experiment guided by machine-learning software. Motivated by the recent trend toward super-concentrated aqueous electrolytes for high-performance batteries, we utilize Dragonfly - a Bayesian machine-learning software package - to search mixtures of commonly used lithium and sodium salts for super-concentrated aqueous electrolytes with wide electrochemical stability windows. Dragonfly autonomously managed the robotic test-stand, recommending electrolyte designs to test and receiving experimental feed- back in real time. Within 40 hours of continuous experimentation, Dragonfly discovered a novel, high-performing aqueous sodium electrolyte that a human-guided design process may have missed. This result demonstrates the possibility of integrating robotics with machine-learning to rapidly and autonomously discover novel battery materials.</div

    Where Is the Electronic Oscillator Strength? Mapping Oscillator Strength across Molecular Absorption Spectra

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    The effectiveness of solar energy capture and conversion materials derives from their ability to absorb light and to transform the excitation energy into energy stored in free carriers or chemical bonds. The Thomas–Reiche–Kuhn (TRK) sum rule mandates that the integrated (electronic) oscillator strength of an absorber equals the total number of electrons in the structure. Typical molecular chromophores place only about 1% of their oscillator strength in the UV–vis window, so individual chromophores operate at about 1% of their theoretical limit. We explore the distribution of oscillator strength as a function of excitation energy to understand this circumstance. To this aim, we use familiar independent-electron model Hamiltonians as well as first-principles electronic structure methods. While model Hamiltonians capture the qualitative electronic spectra associated with π electron chromophores, these Hamiltonians mistakenly focus the oscillator strength in the fewest low-energy transitions. Advanced electronic structure methods, in contrast, spread the oscillator strength over a very wide excitation energy range, including transitions to Rydberg and continuum states, consistent with experiment. Our analysis rationalizes the low oscillator strength in the UV–vis spectral region in molecules, a step toward the goal of oscillator strength manipulation and focusing

    AutoMat: Automated materials discovery for electrochemical systems

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    Abstract Large-scale electrification is vital to addressing the climate crisis, but several scientific and technological challenges remain to fully electrify both the chemical industry and transportation. In both of these areas, new electrochemical materials will be critical, but their development currently relies heavily on human-time-intensive experimental trial and error and computationally expensive first-principles, mesoscale, and continuum simulations. We present an automated workflow, AutoMat, which accelerates these computational steps by introducing both automated input generation and management of simulations across scales from first principles to continuum device modeling. Furthermore, we show how to seamlessly integrate multi-fidelity predictions, such as machine learning surrogates or automated robotic experiments “in-the-loop.” The automated framework is implemented with design space search techniques to dramatically accelerate the overall materials discovery pipeline by implicitly learning design features that optimize device performance across several metrics. We discuss the benefits of AutoMat using examples in electrocatalysis and energy storage and highlight lessons learned. Graphical abstrac