500 research outputs found

    Australia and the United Nations: a letter from New York

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    Paper presented by HE Mr John Dauth, LVO, Australian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations outlining his role, and the significance of the UN as a forum for Australia to pursue and present its interests and policies. The paper discusses issues such as Australia’s involvement in various global conflicts, as well as the importance of administrative reform within the UN which would allow it to continue to operate as a viable institution

    Piecewise linearity in the GWGW approximation for accurate quasiparticle energy predictions

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    We identify the deviation from the straight line error (DSLE) -- i.e., the spurious non-linearity of the total energy as a function of fractional particle number -- as the main source for the discrepancy between experimental vertical ionization energies and theoretical quasiparticle energies, as obtained from the GWGW and GWGW+SOSEX approximations to many-body perturbation theory (MBPT). For self-consistent calculations, we show that GWGW suffers from a small DSLE. Conversely, for perturbative G0W0G_0W_0 and G0W0G_0W_0+SOSEX calculations the DSLE depends on the starting point. We exploit this starting-point dependence to reduce (or completely eliminate) the DSLE. We find that the agreement with experiment increases as the DSLE reduces. DSLE-minimized schemes, thus, emerge as promising avenues for future developments in MBPT

    Agglomeration and regional employment growth

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    "Seit dem Aufkommen der Neuen Ökonomischen Geographie hat auch das Interesse an den Fragen der Agglomeration wieder zugenommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert die bestehenden Erkenntnisse über die Auswirkungen von Agglomerationsvorteilen auf das Beschäftigungswachstum, indem sie zwei unterschiedliche Zweige der empirischen Literatur vereint. Zunächst werden ein Lokalisationsmaß und ein Clusterindex berechnet, um die Verbreitung von geographischer Konzentration zu messen. Der Kern des Papiers ist eine ökonometrische Analyse. In einem dynamischen Panelmodell werden diese Indizes explizit genutzt, um das zusätzliche dynamische Beschäftigungswachstum in lokalisierten Wirtschaftszweigen zu messen. Für die Schätzungen wird ein Paneldatensatz mit allen sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten in Westdeutschland in 326 Landkreisen und kreisfreien Städten über den Zeitraum 1989 bis 2006 verwendet. Anhand dieser Daten wird analysiert, welche regionalen Gegebenheiten das Beschäftigungswachstum in 191 Wirtschaftszweigen des verarbeitenden Gewerbes und des Dienstleistungssektors begünstigen. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass agglomerierte Branchen/Regions-Zellen ein besonders starkes dynamisches Wachstum aufweisen." (Autorenreferat)"The advent of the New Economic Geography has spawned a renewed interest in questions of agglomeration. The present work expands the research on the impact of agglomeration economies on employment growth by connecting two strands of the empirical literature. A localization index and a cluster index are calculated in order to measure the prevalence of agglomeration. Using these indices, industries and locations that exhibit geographical concentration are identified. The main part of the paper is an econometric analysis. In a dynamic panel data model, the two indices are explicitly used to measure additional dynamic employment growth in agglomerated plants. The study uses panel data that covers all western German employment subject to social security from 1989 to 2006 in 326 districts. I analyze which regional characteristics favor the growth of employment in 191 industries of the manufacturing and service sectors. There is evidence that industrial agglomerations exhibit stronger dynamic growth than other industry/region cells." (author's abstract

    Macroeconometric evaluation of active labour market policies in Austria

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    The analysis of active labour market policies (ALMP) at the macroeconomic level measures net effects on labour market outcomes. These net effects consist of direct treatment effects on participants as well as indirect effects on non-participants and on the economy as a whole, e.g. deadweight, substitution and displacement effects. This paper contributes to the empirical studies of macroeconometric evaluation of ALMP by considering the regional effects on both the matching process and the job-seeker rate. This joint view permits us to draw conclusions on how ALMP achieves the goals set by policy makers. To this end, we use an exclusive data set on Austrian job-seekers in the years 2001 to 2007 and employ contemporaneous GMM and quasi-ML estimators to take into account both the simultaneity of ALMP and spatial interrelations between employment office districts. The empirical results indicate that a large number of participants in job schemes in the non-profit sector, wage subsidies, and apprenticeships cause particularly favourable effects on the regional matching function and the job-seeker rate.

    Industrial Structure and Regional Employment Dynamics

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    Is there a relationship between a region's industrial structure and employment growth? The author pursues this question in three self-contained studies. These studies each examine a different aspect of this topic and form the three main chapters of this book. Chapter 2 ("Agglomeration and regional employment dynamics") documents the significance of positive agglomeration externalities for regional labor markets. Employment growth is more sustainable in industrial agglomerations than in other local industries. In Chapter 3 ("The mysteries of trade"), the sources of agglomeration externalities are explained through linkages between different, but related, industries. The main conclusion is that labor market pooling plays a key role. In Chapter 4 ("The rise of the East and the Far East"), Dauth examines how regional labor markets with differing industrial structures react to increasing exposure to international trade. He shows that Germany as a whole has experienced substantial gains in employment due to the economic rise of China and Eastern Europe.Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der regionalen Branchenstruktur und der Beschäftigungsentwicklung? Der Autor ist dieser Frage in drei eigenständigen Studien auf den Grund gegangen. Sie beleuchten jeweils unterschiedliche thematische Teilaspekte und werden in den drei zentralen Kapiteln dieses Bandes behandelt: Kapitel 2 ("Agglomeration and regional employment dynamics") belegt die Existenz von Agglomerationsvorteilen für den regionalen Arbeitsmarkt: In agglomerierten lokalen Branchen ist das Beschäftigungswachstum nachhaltiger als in nicht-agglomerierten. In Kapitel 3 ("The mysteries of trade") wird analysiert, inwiefern die Wechselwirkungen zwischen unterschiedlichen, aber verwandten Branchen die Existenz von Agglomerationsvorteilen erklären. Gemeinsame Arbeitsmärkte, so das zentrale Ergebnis, spielen dabei eine Schlüsselrolle. In Kapitel 4 ("The rise of the East and the Far East") untersucht Dauth, wie sich der internationale Handel auf Regionen mit unterschiedlicher Branchenstruktur auswirkt. Er weist nach, dass Deutschland durch den wirtschaftlichen Aufstieg Chinas und Osteuropas unterm Strich massive Beschäftigungsgewinne verzeichnen konnte

    The Institutional Context of an "Empirical Law": The Wage Curve under Different Regimes of Collective Bargaining

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    The wage curve identified by Blanchflower and Oswald (1994) postulates that the wage level is a decreasing function of the regional unemployment rate. In testing this hypothesis, most empirical studies have not taken into account that differences in the institutional framework may have an impact on the existence (or the slope) of a wage curve. Using a large-scale linked employer-employee data set for western Germany, this paper provides a first test of the relevance of different bargaining regimes and of works councils for the existence of a wage curve. In pooled regressions for the period 1998 to 2006 as well as in worker-level or plant-level fixed-effects estimations we obtain evidence for a wage curve for plants with a collective bargaining agreement at firm level. The point estimates for this group of plants are close to the -0.1 elasticity of wages with respect to unemployment postulated by Blanchflower and Oswald. In this regime, we also find that works councils dampen the adjustment of wages to the regional unemployment situation. In the other regimes of plants that either do not make use of collective contracts or apply sectoral agreements, we do not find a wage curve.wages, wage curve, collective bargaining, Germany

    The mysteries of the trade: employment effects of urban interindustry spillovers

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    "Theorien der Regionalforschung sagen voraus, dass Betriebe von ihrer gegenseitigen räumlichen Nähe profitieren, wenn sie in einer Lieferbeziehung stehen, einen gemeinsamen Arbeitsmarkt haben, oder es zur Übertragung von Wissen kommt (die drei Marshall'schen Kräfte). Während die Existenz dieser externen Effekte als Ganzes durch die empirische Literatur gestützt wird, gibt es nur wenige Studien, welche zwischen den einzelnen Erklärungen unterscheiden. Diese Arbeit stellt einen neuen Ansatz vor, um die Bedeutung und die Größenordnung der einzelnen Marschall’schen Kräfte zu beurteilen. Anstatt externe Skalenerträge innerhalb einzelner Wirtschaftszweige zu messen, werden Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Branchen am gleichen Ort modelliert. In einer empirischen Untersuchung werden Wechselwirkungen in der Beschäftigungsentwicklung von 55 Wirtschaftszweigen in den Arbeitsmarktregionen der fünf größten Städte Westdeutschlands im Zeitraum von 1989 bis 2006 gemessen. Dazu werden Methoden der räumlichen Ökonometrie angepasst, wobei in diesem Kontext die Stärke der Wechselwirkungen durch die ökonomische anstelle der geographischen Nähe bestimmt wird. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass jede der drei Marschall'schen Kräfte dazu beitragen kann, Agglomerationsvorteile zu erklären." (Autorenreferat)"Theories in regional science predict that related establishments benefit from their mutual proximity due to forward-backward linkages, labor market pooling and knowledge spillovers (the Marshallian forces). While the existence of these externalities as a whole is well supported by the empirical literature, there are few studies that discriminate between separate explanations. This paper introduces a new approach to assess the importance and magnitude of each of the Marshallian forces separately. Instead of measuring external economies of scale that take place within single industries, it models spillovers that happen between co-located industries. To this end, methods of spatial econometrics are adopted to measure interindustry relationships in employment growth between 55 industries of the manufacturing and service sectors in the labor market regions of the five largest cities in western Germany in the years 1989 to 2006. In this context, the strength of these relations is determined by economic closeness rather than by geography. The results suggest that each of the three Marshallian forces help to explain agglomeration externalities." (author´s abstract

    A recommended intramural sports program for senior high school boys : based on results of a study of fifty-four senior high school programs and additional research

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    It was the purpose of this study (1) to investigate many senior high school programs and to incorporate good qualities of these programs into one recommend intramural sports program; (2) to compare these existing intramural sports programs with those recommended by authorities who have published books and periodicals on the subject, toward molding a complete intramural sports program for boys of all senior high schools, large or small; (3) to interest those schools who do not possess an intramural sports program in organizing a program in their institution; and (4) to give impetus and new ideas to those schools already possessing and intramural sports program

    The institutional context of an "empirical law": the wage curve under different regimes of collective bargaining

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    The wage curve identified by Blanchflower and Oswald (1994) postulates that the wage level is a decreasing function of the regional unemployment rate. In testing this hypothesis, most empirical studies have not taken into account that differences in the institutional framework may have an impact on the existence (or the slope) of a wage curve. Using a large-scale linked employer-employee data set for western Germany, this paper provides a first test of the relevance of different bargaining regimes and of works councils for the existence of a wage curve. In pooled regressions for the period 1998 to 2006 as well as in worker-level or plant-level fixed-effects estimations we obtain evidence for a wage curve for plants with a collective bargaining agreement at firm level. The point estimates for this group of plants are close to the -0.1 elasticity of wages with respect to unemployment postulated by Blanchflower and Oswald. In this regime, we also find that works councils dampen the adjustment of wages to the regional unemployment situation. In the other regimes of plants that either do not make use of collective contracts or apply sectoral agreements, we do not find a wage curve. -- Mit verbundenen Arbeitgeber-Arbeitnehmer-Daten für Westdeutschland wird in dieser Arbeit die Bedeutung von Tarifvertragsregimes und Betriebsräten für die Existenz einer Lohnkurve überprüft. Sowohl gepoolte Regressionen für 1998-2006 als auch Schätzungen mit fixen Effekten auf Ebene der Arbeitnehmer oder Betriebe deuten auf die Existenz einer Lohnkurve in der Gruppe der Betriebe mit Firmentarifvertrag hin (wobei hier überdies Betriebsräte die Lohnanpassung dämpfen). Die ermittelte Lohnelastizität bezüglich der regionalen Arbeitslosenquote liegt dabei in der Nähe des von Blanchflower und Oswald (1994) postulierten Wertes von -0,1. In anderen Regimes ohne Tarifvertrag oder mit Branchentarifvertrag finden wir dagegen keine Anzeichen für eine Lohnkurve.wages,wage curve,collective bargaining,Germany
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