14 research outputs found

    Richard Löwenherz im Museum : Menschen und Objekte in Bewegung

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    Irgendwo in unserem sogenannten Allgemeinwissen über das Mittelalter ist auch die Vorstellung verankert, dass das Leben früher ruhiger, gemütlicher und nicht so hektisch war wie heute. Früher, als die Welt noch ‚normal’ war, hatten die meisten Menschen einen festen Lebensmittelpunkt, waren fest verwurzelt in einer Gemeinschaft und verließen ihre Heimat nur dann, wenn es sich gar nicht vermeiden lies. Nur wenige – nämlich die besonders Überprivilegierten und die besonders Unterprivilegierten -, also die, die es sich leisten konnten oder die, die dazu gezwungen wurden, waren unterwegs. Alle anderen blieben ein Leben lang zuhause, an dem Ort, an dem sie ihren festen Lebensmittelpunkt hatten. Soweit unser intuitives Vorwissen darüber, wie es früher, also auch schon im Mittelalter, gewesen sein muss. Dieses mehr ‚gefühlte’ als wissenschaftlich erwiesene Vorwissen haben wir im Rahmen eines Hauptseminars zur Geschichte des Mittelalters im Herbst 2017 gründlich hinterfragt. Ausgangspunkt war die Ausstellung „Richard Löwenherz“, die im September am Historischen Museum der Pfalz in Speyer eröffnet wurde. Ein Seminar zum Thema führte uns auf die Spuren der im Museum gezeigten Objekte, von dort auf die Spuren der Menschen im Umfeld des berühmten Königs von England

    Early Regulatory Skills and Social Communication Development in Infants with Down Syndrome

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    Children with Down syndrome (DS) demonstrate substantial variability in communication and language outcomes. One potential source of variability in this skill area may be early regulatory function. Characterizing the early link between regulatory function and early social communication may benefit infants with DS at risk of difficulties with social communication and language skill acquisition. Forty-three infants with DS were assessed at two time points, six months apart. At Time 1, the average chronological age was 9.0 months (SD = 3.9) and caregivers completed the Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised (IBQ-R) to assess regulatory function. Six months later, caregivers rated infant communication at the second visit using the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Infant Toddler Checklist (CSBS-ITC). Infant developmental level was assessed at both visits using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition and caregivers reported on developmental history and biomedical comorbidities. Infant regulatory function at Time 1 predicted social communication outcomes at Time 2, six months later. Findings from this study suggest that elevated risk for pronounced communication challenges may be detectable as early as infancy in DS

    Profiles of Caregiver-Reported Executive Function in Children with Down Syndrome

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    Children with Down syndrome (DS) are at risk for challenges with aspects of executive function (EF). The current study explores whether heterogeneity in EF profiles can be detected within a sample of children with DS. Participants were 69 children with DS, ages 3–10 years (M = 6.23, SD = 1.91). T-scores from a caregiver-report measure of executive function were modeled using latent profile analysis, and auxiliary analyses examined the association between demographic and biomedical factors and probability of profile membership. The two-profile solution was the best fit for the sample, with a profile that involved elevated scores in working memory only (“Working Memory Only” profile; 43% of sample) and a “Multi-Domain” profile that involved elevated scores in planning, inhibition, and working memory (57%). The presence of congenital heart defects was associated with a higher probability of assignment to the Multi-Domain profile. Findings from this study contribute to the characterization of heterogeneous outcomes associated with DS

    Patterns and predictors of adaptive skills in 2- to 7-year-old children with Down syndrome.

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    BackgroundThere is substantial variability in adaptive skills among individuals with Down syndrome. Few studies, however, have focused on the early developmental period or on the potential sources of variability in adaptive skills. This study characterizes adaptive skills in young children with Down syndrome and investigates child characteristics associated with adaptive skills.MethodsParticipants were 44 children with Down syndrome ranging in age from 2.50 to 7.99 years (M = 4.66 years, SD = 1.46). The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-3 (VABS-3) Comprehensive Interview Form was used to assess adaptive behavior in the three core domains: socialization, daily living, and communication skills. Caregivers also reported on motor skills and autism spectrum disorder symptoms. Child cognitive abilities were assessed.ResultsAnalyses comparing mean standard score performance across the three VABS-3 core domains demonstrated significant differences between all pairs of domains, resulting in a group-level pattern of socialization > daily living > communication skills. At the individual level, 10 different patterns of relative strength and weakness were identified, with only 18% of participants evidencing significant differences between adaptive skill domain standard scores corresponding to the group-level pattern of significant differences. Child characteristics (cognitive abilities, motor skills, and autism spectrum disorder symptoms) were significantly associated with VABS-3 adaptive domain standard scores.ConclusionThese findings underscore the importance of individualizing intervention programs focused on improving the adaptive skills of young children with Down syndrome based on consideration of the child's relative adaptive strengths and weaknesses

    Everyday executive functions in Down syndrome from early childhood to young adulthood: evidence for both unique and shared characteristics compared to youth with sex chromosome trisomy (XXX and XXY)

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    Executive functions (EF) are thought to be impaired in Down syndrome (DS) and sex chromosome trisomy (Klinefelter and Trisomy X syndromes; +1X). However, the syndromic specificity and developmental trajectories associated with EF difficulties in these groups are poorly understood. The current investigation (a) compared everyday EF difficulties in youth with DS, +1X, and typical development (TD); and (b) examined relations between age and EF difficulties in these two groups and a TD control group cross-sectionally. Study 1 investigated the syndromic specificity of EF profiles on the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) in DS (n=30), +1X (n=30), and a TD group (n=30), ages 5-18 years. Study 2 examined age effects on EF in the same cross-sectional sample of participants included in Study 1. Study 3 sought to replicate Study 2’s findings for DS by examining age-EF relations in a large independent sample of youth with DS (n=85) and TD (n=43), ages 4-24 years. Study 1 found evidence for both unique and shared EF impairments for the DS and +1X groups. Most notably, youth with +1X had relatively uniform EF impairments on the BRIEF scales, while the DS group showed an uneven BRIEF profile with relative strengths and weaknesses. Studies 2 and 3 provided support for fairly similar age-EF relations in the DS and TD groups. In contrast, for the +1X group, findings were mixed; 6 BRIEF scales showed similar age-EF relations to the TD group and 2 showed greater EF difficulties at older ages for +1X. These findings will be discussed within the context of efforts to identify syndrome specific cognitive-behavioral profiles for youth with different genetic syndromes in order to inform basic science investigations into the etiology of EF difficulties in these groups and to develop treatment approaches that are tailored to the needs of these groups

    Defining Expressive Language Benchmarks for Children with Down Syndrome

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    Establishing expressive language benchmarks (ELBs) for children with Down syndrome (DS), as developed by Tager-Flusberg et al. for children with autism, is critically needed to inform the development of novel treatments, identify individualized treatment targets, and promote accurate monitoring of progress. In the present study, we assessed ELB assignments in three language domains (phonology, vocabulary, and grammar) for 53 young children with DS (CA range: 2.50–7.99 years) using standardized assessments. The participants were classified into one of four ELB levels (preverbal, first words, word combinations, and sentences) in each language domain. Associations with additional measures of language, chronological age, nonverbal cognition, and verbal short-term memory were considered. Analyses of individual ELB profiles indicated substantial variability across the three language domains, with six different patterns of variation across domains emerging. At the same time, the ELB categories were significantly associated with independent language measures and broader developmental domains. Moreover, ELB changes were observed in a small sample of children with DS reassessed 18–24 months after the initial visit. Results from the present study suggest the procedures outlined by Tager-Flusberg et al. for defining ELBs are a potentially useful tool for describing the language abilities of children with DS

    Defining Expressive Language Benchmarks for Children with Down Syndrome.

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    Establishing expressive language benchmarks (ELBs) for children with Down syndrome (DS), as developed by Tager-Flusberg et al. for children with autism, is critically needed to inform the development of novel treatments, identify individualized treatment targets, and promote accurate monitoring of progress. In the present study, we assessed ELB assignments in three language domains (phonology, vocabulary, and grammar) for 53 young children with DS (CA range: 2.50-7.99 years) using standardized assessments. The participants were classified into one of four ELB levels (preverbal, first words, word combinations, and sentences) in each language domain. Associations with additional measures of language, chronological age, nonverbal cognition, and verbal short-term memory were considered. Analyses of individual ELB profiles indicated substantial variability across the three language domains, with six different patterns of variation across domains emerging. At the same time, the ELB categories were significantly associated with independent language measures and broader developmental domains. Moreover, ELB changes were observed in a small sample of children with DS reassessed 18-24 months after the initial visit. Results from the present study suggest the procedures outlined by Tager-Flusberg et al. for defining ELBs are a potentially useful tool for describing the language abilities of children with DS