25 research outputs found

    La necesidad de conciliar la normativa de habitabilidad con la rehabilitación acústica de la vivienda mínima

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    There is no scientific literature on the interaction between the correction processes of acoustic pathologies and the habitability conditions in housing buildings. In this paper, the authors deduce the main interferences caused by the acoustic refurbishment of minimum dwellings in their habitability conditions from more than one hundred cases of legal claims in Catalonia. An analysis of the degree of interference is performed using as a case study the social housing of Aragon from the period 1939-1975 before and after a theoretical acoustic refurbishment. It is verified that the acoustic refurbishment solutions can have inopportune consequences in the habitability parameters of the dwellings. In addition, some of these dwellings before a hypothetical intervention are already deficient in this sense, raising the need for a revision of the habitability regulations for the minimum housing stock.No hay literatura científica sobre la interacción entre los procesos de subsanación de patologías acústicas en la edificación y las condiciones de habitabilidad de viviendas. En este artículo, los autores deducen, en primer lugar partiendo de casos de reclamaciones relacionadas con rehabilitación acústica de viviendas de Cataluña, las principales interferencias de la rehabilitación acústica de la vivienda mínima en las condiciones de habitabilidad. Posteriormente realizan un análisis del grado de interferencia usando como caso de estudio las viviendas sociales de Aragón del periodo 1939-1975 antes y después de una rehabilitación acústica teórica. Se constata que las soluciones de rehabilitaciones acústicas pueden tener consecuencias inoportunas en lo que respecta a los parámetros de habitabilidad de las viviendas. Asimismo, se observa que algunas de estas viviendas antes de una hipotética intervención ya son deficitarias en este sentido, por lo que se plantea la necesidad de una revisión de la normativa de habitabilidad para el parque de vivienda mínima

    Classic and spatial shift-share analysis of state-level employment change in Brazil

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    This paper combines classic and spatial shift-share decompositions of 1981 to 2006 employment change across the 27 states of Brazil. The classic shift-share method shows higher employment growth rates for underdeveloped regions that are due to an advantageous industry-mix and also due to additional job creation, commonly referred to as the competitive effect. Alternative decompositions proposed in the literature do not change this broad conclusion. Further examination employing exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) shows spatial correlation of both the industry-mix and the competitive effects. Considering that until the 1960s economic activities were more concentrated in southern regions of Brazil than they are nowadays, these results support beta convergence theories but also find evidence of agglomeration effects. Additionally, a very simple spatial decomposition is proposed that accounts for the spatially-weighted growth of surrounding states. Favourable growth in northern and centre-western states is basically associated with those states’ strengths in potential spatial spillover effect and in spatial competitive effect

    Respuestas de oyentes y expertos musicales a una encuesta para valorar la percepción musical en salas de conciertos, auditorios y teatros

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    Para valorar la percepción musical en salas de concierto se diseñó una encuesta de 58 preguntas en la que cada una se valoraba de 0 a 5 puntos. A esta encuesta han respondido 1057 personas entre público en general y expertos musicales, sin formación especializada en acústica, tras la audición de un concierto en alguno de los 14 auditorios, salas de conciertos y teatros ubicados en diferentes comunidades de nuestro país (8 en el sur y 6 en levante). El análisis de las respuestas obtenidas ha mostrado que la fluctuación de la valoración media de cada una de las preguntas de la encuesta en una sala es un patrón que se repite aproximadamente en todas las salas estudiadas, formando una banda de aproximadamente 1 punto de variación en cada respuesta que contiene a todas las salas. Los límites de esta banda indicarían los extremos de respuesta subjetiva asociada a las salas de conciertos.Ponencia presentada en el Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica. EAA Symposium. Gandía(España). 2006.In order to evaluate the quality of the musical perception in concert halls, a survey with 58 items was designed in which each question was valued from 0 to 5 points. This survey has been replied by 1057 people between general public and musical experts without any specialized formation in acoustics, after the audition of a concert in any of the 14 auditoriums, concert hall or theatres, located in different regions of our country (8 in the south and 6 in the east). The analysis has shown that the fluctuation of the mean valuation of each question of the survey in a determined room is a pattern that is repeated approximately in all of the studied spaces, forming a band of approximately 1 variation point in each answer and that contains to all rooms. The limits of this band would indicate the ends of the subjective response associated to concert halls

    Elaboration process of a subjective response test from listeners and Musical experts, as a tool of evaluation of the musical perception in Concerts halls, auditoria and theatres

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    In order to tackle the study related to the requirements for musical audition in concert halls, some measurements and analyses of objective acoustic parameters have been made. However, the subjective evaluation of the sensation that the values of these acoustic parameters have on the listeners, can only be shown by means of a questionnaire that listeners have to answer. Such questionnaire has been formulated in an understandable way and the questions are directly or indirectly related to the abovementioned parameters. The aim of the present article is to present the elaboration process of a test of subjective response addressed to the general public and to some musical experts who have no special skills on acoustics. This study has been made in 13 auditoria, concert rooms and theatres distributed in different Autonomous Regions of Spain.Para abordar el estudio de las exigencias para la audición musical en salas de conciertos se realiza la medida y análisis de parámetros acústicos objetivos. Sin embargo, la valoración subjetiva de la sensación que unos u otros valores de esos parámetros acústicos producen en la audiencia, sólo puede ponerse de manifiesto a través de las respuestas de los oyentes a una encuesta cuyas preguntas, formuladas de manera comprensible, estén relacionadas, directa o indirectamente, con dichos parámetros acústicos. El objeto de este artículo es presentar el proceso de elaboración de un test de respuesta subjetiva dirigido al público en general y a expertos musicales pero sin formación especializada en acústica. Este estudio se ha realizado en 13 auditorios, salas de conciertos y teatros repartidos en diferentes Comunidades Autónomas de nuestro país. Ponencia presentada al Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica. EAA Symposium. Gandía (España). 200

    Evolution of clinical features in possible DLB depending on FP-CIT SPECT result

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    Objective: To test the hypothesis that core and suggestive features in possible dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) would vary in their ability to predict an abnormal dopamine transporter scan and therefore a follow-up diagnosis of probable DLB. A further objective was to assess the evolution of core and suggestive features in patients with possible DLB over time depending on the 123I-FP-CIT SPECT scan result. Methods: A total of 187 patients with possible DLB (dementia plus one core or one suggestive feature) were randomized to have dopamine transporter imaging or to follow-up without scan. DLB features were compared at baseline and at 6-month follow-up according to imaging results and follow-up diagnosis. Results: For the whole cohort, the baseline frequency of parkinsonism was 30%, fluctuations 29%, visual hallucinations 24%, and REM sleep behavior disorder 17%. Clinician-rated presence of parkinsonism at baseline was significantly (p = 0.001) more frequent and Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) score at baseline was significantly higher (p = 0.02) in patients with abnormal imaging. There was a significant increase in UPDRS score in the abnormal scan group over time (p < 0.01). There was relatively little evolution of the rest of the DLB features regardless of the imaging result. Conclusions: In patients with possible DLB, apart from UPDRS score, there was no difference in the evolution of DLB clinical features over 6 months between cases with normal and abnormal imaging. Only parkinsonism and dopamine transporter imaging helped to differentiate DLB from non-DLB dementia


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    L'Architecture Acoustique, indique la qualité scientifique, technique et artistique dans la conception et construction de tout ce qui constitue un message ou intention que demande le support acoustique. L'Architecture Acoustique entendu comme un art, peut être appliquée dans trois domaines : a) La Poétique Acoustique, qui étudie les fondements, les éléments, et syntaxes grammaticales du language sonor. b) Le Design Acoustique, qui veut conjuger la Poétique avec le Paysagisme, l'Urbanisme, l'Architecture et la Musique, pour des applications, théoriques ou pratiques, concrètes. c) La Réhabilitation Acoustique, laquelle seulement veut donner solutions concrètes aux problèmes générés par un design acoustiquement malade, nouvel usage, ou variation de ratio de confort.Acoustical Architecture means the scientific technic and artistic quality of the idea project and build whole requires a message or an intention with acoustic support. Acoustical Architecture, is an art and can be applied-it into : a) The Acoustical Poetry, which study the foundations, elements and grammatical syntax of a sound language. b) The Acoustical Design, which mixt the Acoustical Poetry with Landscape, Town-planning, Architecture and Music, for a theorical or practical application. The Architectural Acoustics is a part of this topic. c) The Acoustical Rehabilitation, which only can give concret solutions to the problems of new uses, bad designs in acoustics, or confort standard variations


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    Within the framework of Acoustic Poetics and Acoustic Design, the project of the Acoustic Park "VALIRACUST" for the river Valira in Andorra provides an artistic and cultural place of recreation in the river area from Escaldes-Engordany and Andorra la Vella to Santa Coloma. In order to carry out this project, we intend to use differential sound sources ; textures of the river bed (Smooth surfaces, stones, gravel, etc.), surface textures (waterfalls of different heights, springs, water sculptures, resonances, etc.), textures of facilities (recreation areas, pavements, outdoor furniture, sound games and other elements with the participation of water and sound).Dans le cadre de la Poétique Acoustique et la Conception Acoustique, le projet du Parc Acoustique "VALIRACUST" pour la rivière Valira d'Andorra, est présenté comme l'espace ludique-artistique et cultural qui, configurant un grand parc acoustique-aquifer, on peut disposer à travers la rivière des d'Escaldes Engordany et Andorra la Vella jusqu'à Santa Coloma. Pour la réalisation de ce projet, nous avons l'intention d'utiliser des sources de sons différentiels ; textures du fond de la rivière (surfaces lisses, pierres, graviers,..), avec des textures de surface (chutes d'eau de différentes hauteurs, fontaines, sculptures avec l'eau, résonances,..), textures d'équipement (zones de récréation, étude des pavés, mobilier urbain, jeux sonors, et d'autres éléments avec la participation de l'eau et du son)