55 research outputs found

    Parameterized optimized effective potential for atoms

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    The optimized effective potential equations for atoms have been solved by parameterizing the potential. The expansion is tailored to fulfill the known asymptotic behavior of the effective potential at both short and long distances. Both single configuration and multi configuration trial wave functions are implemented. Applications to several atomic systems are presented improving previous works. The results here obtained are very close to those calculated in either the Hartree-Fock and the multi configurational Hartree-Fock framework.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Development of a battery of instruments for detailed measurement of health status in patients with COPD in routine care: the Nijmegen Clinical Screening Instrument

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    Contains fulltext : 80284.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)PURPOSE: To compose a battery of instruments that provides a detailed assessment of health status (HS) in COPD but that is applicable and clinically meaningful in routine care. METHODS: In a previous study, we developed the Nijmegen Integral Assessment Framework (NIAF) that organizes existing tests and instruments by the sub-domains of HS they measure. Based on clinical and statistical criteria (correlation coefficients and Cronbach alpha's) we selected for each sub-domain instruments from the NIAF. A COPD-study group was used to determine c-scores, and two control groups were used to determine the score ranges indicating normal functioning versus clinically relevant problems for each sub-domain. Existing questionnaire completion software (TestOrganiser) was adapted to enhance clinical applicability. RESULTS: The NCSI measures eleven sub-domains of physiological functioning, symptoms, functional impairment, and quality of life. The TestOrganiser automatically processes the data and produces the graphical PatientProfileChart, which helps to easily interpret results. This envisages the problem areas and discrepancies between the different sub-domains. CONCLUSION: The NCSI provides a valid and detailed picture of a patient's HS within 15-25 min. In combination with the PatientProfileChart, the NCSI can be used perfectly in routine care as screening instrument and as a guide in patient-tailored treatment

    Singly and doubly charged clusters of (S2) metals. Ab initio and model calculations on Mg+n and Mgn++n(n ≀ 5)

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    Accurate ab initio CI calculations on Mg+2 and Mg ++2 have been performed. The second appears to have a local minimum. Through a diabatization procedure, it was possible to define a simple model Hamiltonian spanned by products of atomic s2, s1 and s0 configurations. The model Hamiltonian includes instantaneous polarization energies (and three-body effects) and Coulombic repulsion of the holes in doubly charged clusters, and may be considered as treating one or two active holes in the polarizable s band. The model predicts linear Mg+3 and Mg++3 structures and nearly degenerate square and centred equilateral triangular structures for Mg+4 and Mg++4; Mg+5 and Mg++ 5 both present nearly degenerate minima of centred tetrahedron and centred square structures. The existence of such structures has been confirmed by UHF ab initio (gradient + force) calculations; it is shown however that single-determinantal approaches overestimate the bond lengths and unduly favour the centred structures; the Mg++5 minimum is 1.71 eV above the (Mg++ 3 + Mg+2) dissociation limit and 1.41 eV under the (3 Mg + 2 Mg+) dissociation limit. The vertical Ionisation Potentials (IP) have been calculated and it is shown that Mg+ 4, Mg+5 and Mg++5 may evaporate a neutral atom.Des calculs ab initio prĂ©cis incluant la corrĂ©lation Ă©lectronique ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s pour Mg+2 et Mg++2. Le deuxiĂšme systĂšme prĂ©sente un minimum local. A l'aide d'un procĂ©dĂ© de diabatisation, on a pu dĂ©finir un hamiltonien modĂšle simple portĂ© par les produits des configurations atomiques s2 , s1 et s0. L'hamiltonien modĂšle inclut les effets de polarisation instantanĂ©e (ainsi que les effets Ă  trois corps) et la rĂ©pulsion coulombienne des charges positives pour les agrĂ©gats doublement chargĂ©s. Il peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme une reprĂ©sentation de un ou deux trous actifs dans une bande s polarisable. Le modĂšle prĂ©dit que la structure la plus stable de Mg+3 et Mg++3 est linĂ©aire, que les structures carrĂ©es et triangulaires centrĂ©es sont pratiquement Ă©quivalentes pour Mg+4 et Mg++4. Pour Mg +5 et Mg++5 existent Ă©galement deux minima quasiment dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s : le tĂ©traĂšdre centrĂ© et le carrĂ© centrĂ©. L'existence de telles structures a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ©e par des calculs Hartree-Fock, par minimisation directe de l'Ă©nergie et calcul de la matrice des constantes de force pour la conformation optimale, mais on dĂ©montre que dans l'approche du modĂšle Ă  particules indĂ©pendantes les longueurs de liaisons sont trop longues et les structures centrĂ©es sont trop stables. L'Ă©nergie du minimum de Mg ++5 est situĂ©e Ă  1,71 eV au-dessus de la somme des Ă©nergies des systĂšmes Mg+3 et Mg+2. Les potentiels d'ionisation verticaux ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s et on dĂ©montre que Mg +4, Mg+5 et Mg++5 peuvent Ă©vaporer un atome neutre

    He(I) and He(II) Photoelectron Spectra and Pseudopotential ab Initio Calculations of Some Tetracoordinated Tin(IV) Derivatives

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    T h e gas-phase UV photoelectron (PE) spectra of Sn(CH3),C14-, ( n = 0-4) and of Sn(CH3),(NCS)4-, ( m = 2,3) are discussed with the aid of the results of pseudopotential a b initio calculations (extended basis sets with inclusion of 5d polarization functions and relativistic corrections for tin). The excellent numerical agreement between experimental and computed (Koopmans) ionization energies has allowed a reassignment of some published PE da t a and t h e discussion of t h e new spectra. T h e actual involvement of tin 5s ,5p, and 5d atomic orbitals into the valence MOs is also discussed. Both the theoretical and experimental data suggest t h e presence of strong xs,-cl interactions with significant contribution from Sn 5d AOs. As far as the NCS derivatives are concerned, both PE and theoretical da t a are in agreement with a largely ionic bon

    Simple Two-Body Cation−Water Interaction Potentials Derived fromab Initio Calculations. Comparison to Results Obtained with an Empirical Approach

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    Ab initio calculations were performed on M(H2O)n systems, M being Li+, Na+, K+, Be2+, Mg2+, or Ca2+, with n = 1, 2, 4, or 6. For the most hydrated systems, parameters for the effective Lennard-Jones interaction between the cation and the water molecules were determined, so as to reproduce ab initio results. In order to compare our results to those obtained previously by J. Åqvist with a purely empirical approach, water−water interactions were assumed to be given by the TIP3P model. Different forms for the effective two-body interaction potential were tested. The best fits of ab initio data were obtained with a smooth r-7 repulsive and a classical r-4 attractive term, in addition to standard Coulombic interactions. Though better fits were obtained for alkaline cations than for alkaline-earth ones, only Be2+ obviously requires a more complicated form of the potential energy function.The corresponding parameters were tested with molecular dynamics simulations of cations in water solutions and with hydration free energy difference calculations, using the thermodynamic perturbation approach. Radial distribution functions consistent with experimental data were obtained for all cations. Free energy differences are obviously much more challenging. The most accurately reproduced value is the difference between the hydration free energies of Na+ and K+. This result is likely to be significant since effective interaction energies between Na+ or K+ and water molecules as obtained in Åqvist's and in the present work are found to be very similar, despite the fact that the corresponding sets of parameters were determined with completely different approaches

    Uv Pe Spectra and Pseudopotential Abinitio Calculations On Trans-Pt(Pet3)2Cl2, Trans-Pt(Pet3)2Br2, Trans-Pt(Pet3)2I2 Complexes

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    The He I/He I1 excited photoelectron spectra of trans-Pt(PEt3)2X2 complexes (X = Cl, Br, I) are fully assigned with the aid of pseudopotential extended basis set ab initio calculations (including relativistic corrections for the Pt atom) on the whole series studied. Electronic reorganization energies upon ionization were estimated by means of a first-order perturbative treatment, which was revealed to be sufficiently accurate to allow a consistent interpretation of the experimental data. Moreover, the ab initio results provided new and interesting results that help to clarify the bonding scheme and its variation along the halide substituent series
